The Realm of The Crystals

Public Restricted

Established: 2022-10-13

  • Romantic
  • Fantasy
  • Long-term roleplay
  • Descriptive writing
A Place of Story and Role Playing
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2 photos
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About The Realm of The Crystals

There are Nine Crystals and inside each one is a dying land, ruled by dying races. Elves, dwarves, orcs, humans and demihumans all fight to survive for existence in harsh and savage environment from the arid deserts to the dangerous jungles and mountains of the crystal realms. Will you be able to survive the harsh realms of The Crystals.

Help build a world and characters and roleplay out stories with your character.

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08:51 Cutter_Son_of_Joyleaf_and_Bearclaw: I have created the public room #TRotC.


Altherion (deleted member)

2022-10-13 15:56

A smooth black stone rests upon a pedestal shaped like to dragons standing back to back with the horns of stone wrapped around the seeing stone. Altherion turns his gaze from the crystal to look upon you.

"I bid you welcome to my tower and The Realms of The Nine Crystals."

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