The Prince's Dungeon

Public Restricted

Established: 2021-05-16

  • No holds barred
  • Squash match
  • Descriptive writing
  • Male / Male
  • Torture
Stable of jobbers that serve Prince Ahmed Al-Fasad
4 members
1 stories
0 photos
1 files
Information for non-members

Only men may enter the ring with the prince. Prospective members must be willing to face his wrath when he wants. Jobber vs jobber matches with the men eager to please their master are encouraged.

About The Prince's Dungeon

Prince Ahmed Al-Fasad is a mighty fighter that enjoys brutalizing other men. He is now collecting jobbers to pit against each other for his own amusement and at times demolish them himself.

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19:57 Prince_Ahmed_Al-Fasad: I have created the public room #Dungeon_chat.

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