Stable Master

Public Restricted

Established: 2022-03-05

  • Romantic
  • Fantasy
  • Male / Male
  • Gay
  • Sex
A home for male slaves
1 members
0 stories
3 photos
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Information for non-members

If you are a submissive gay male seeking the sanctuary provided by a strong yet caring Stable Master, as well as a place to bond with other like minded men, you have found a home.
Together let's create a place for limitless fun and uninhibited gay pleasure.

About Stable Master

Providing a safe and fun environment for gay slave wrestlers and fighters. Here you will find a Master that is not only a disciplinarian, but also one that is compassionate, caring and in it for the long term. A ranking system will be in place of course, based on loyalty, service to the Stable Master, competition with other stable mates, of course culminating in a hierarchy from Alpha Slave down to the lowly bottom feeder.
I strive to make this stable a brotherhood of like minded men that develop a deep, strong connection with one another.
We are not here to be judgmental, and everything that happens in our private chat sessions will no be shares mainstream here at ChatFighters.
Rival Masters, and Alphas are also welcome to challenge for leadership of the Federation and the top spot.

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10:13 Stable_Master: I have created the public room #Stable_Master.
11:03 Hellbentstud:
11:04 Stable_Master: Such a good boy
11:04 Hellbentstud: 😩

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