Pagan Gods: Of Brotherhood and War

Public Restricted

Established: 2021-04-22

  • Fantasy
  • Descriptive writing
  • Blood
  • Broken bones
  • Death
A place for pagan Gods or for mortal pagans to come and do battle in the name of their Gods. Raise a blade, a spear, or your bloody fist in the name of Brotherhood and War.
66 members
76 stories
55 photos
0 files
Information for non-members

Contact "Dahvin the Defiant" or "Bjarg the Demigod" with any questions.

About Pagan Gods: Of Brotherhood and War

A place for pagan Gods or for mortal pagans to come and do battle in the name of their Gods. Raise a blade, a spear, a shield, a claw, or your bloody fist in the name of Brotherhood and War! Let the mead, mirth, and blood flow!!

Members are expected to be active, supportive, and lend their strength to their band of brothers. This is not a place to exercise toxic masculinity - this is a place to challenge your brothers in ways that promote growth, healing, and anything else that will improve your and your brothers' lives.

Motto: "Protect and Grow Stronger" "If not for Us, then the Forest"



Author: Bjarg the Demigod
52 Replies
52 Replies
5 wk
Bjarg the Demigod
2024-05-24 01:06
4 Replies
2 yr
Madison Jones
2022-02-18 06:29
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21:36 LoboWrestler24: Yt


Mike Broward

2021-12-15 00:06

Just a note to you
I love this place. Few places give me such peace.
Gathering cone seeds to make seedlings for spring.
I don't talk about planting trees. I plant them.

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