PERUN Wrestling Federation (PWF)

Public Restricted

Established: 2024-03-06

30 members
9 stories
0 photos
0 files
Information for non-members

If you're into simple storylines told in the ring, good characters, and you have a good-natured, competitive spirit, PERUN is the fantasy professional wrestling federation for you! We want to build a roster of competitors with characters you love to roleplay in matches that fans love to read.

There will be tournaments. There will be championships.

In order to apply to join PERUN, you need to have at least one published match that the admin team can review along with your application. We prioritize fighters who write compelling matches and know how to work with other competitors to create thrilling in-ring experiences for readers. Yes, this means we prioritize fighters who can actually write matches.

Regardless of your records with other federations, when you join PWF, your record is set to 0-0 as far as we are concerned. Feel free to bring in past rivalries, but know that, with us, if you want a PERUN championship, you're going to have to earn it.

Matches that you have in private with other competitors are considered "dark matches" and may not be published as PERUN bouts. Only sanctioned matches with other competitors will be published under the official PERUN label.

Here at PWF, we take records and match outcomes seriously. The winner decides the stakes for every match. No exceptions.

Furthermore, this is a pro-style federation. Matches can turn brutal, but if excessive violence is your thing, you need not apply.

Also, unless previously agreed upon, going offline for 1 hour or more in the middle of a match counts as a forfeit. Do not start matches you can't finish. It's rude. Fighters may agree to extended matches in the event one or both fighters have to step away, but this must be agreed upon by both fighters. No exceptions.

Oh, and being a "superman" will get you removed from PERUN faster than you can read this sentence again (which you should do).

All officially sanctioned PERUN matches will be published publicly for your enjoyment. Please do not join PERUN if you do not intend to compete. If you want to chat with your favorite wrestlers, please message them privately.

Ultimately, we want PERUN to be synonymous with "quality."

Now ring the bell...

About PERUN Wrestling Federation (PWF)

Perun: the highest god of the Slavic mythological pantheon, a god of war and thunder.

To be a member of PERUN Wrestling Federation (PWF) is to embody war and thunder when you step into the ring. Be fierce, be competitive, crush your opponents fairly (or unfairly), and exert your dominance over them when you are victorious.

Fight hard. Build your reputation. Earn your chance to compete in the WAR AND THUNDER TOURNAMENT for a chance to secure the UNDISPUTED PERUN UNIVERSAL CHAMPIONSHIP.

Welcome to PERUN. Your fight starts here...

Current Axe of Perun Champion:
The Superboy

Latest Stories
Online in chat

01:04 Brett_Fletcher: I'll need to see you completely naked again, just as a refresher from our match... *GRINS*
01:05 Madison_Jones: Well, if you desire that, you'll have to earn it in another match. Either here or in some other ring.
01:18 Brett_Fletcher: OR, I can just ask very nicely *nods*
01:18 Madison_Jones: I'm open to bribes.
22:49 Madison_Jones: This looks soo smooth...
22:49 Madison_Jones:;
22:51 Scooper: Wow, great!
22:51 Madison_Jones: Also Kyler, I made larger nicer version of the logo. 1024 x 1024. Feel free to use it for the Fed.
22:51 Madison_Jones:;
22:53 Scooper: oh yes - wow! Thank you much, Maddy
10:37 Madison_Jones: Kyler, Tournament match submitted. Madison vs Alex Titus - PERUN Tournament.
00:20 Bowen_Clark: Yo! Sup Kyler 🤜
23:27 Kyler_Sharp: Okay, so apparently messages are no longer flagging as notifications if I'm offline, and I have a huge backlog of messages I didn't even know I'd received
23:27 Brett_Fletcher: -
23:27 Kyler_Sharp: Don't block what I'm typing.
23:28 Kyler_Sharp: The best way to get in touch with me quickly is going to be to message through the site, and not via chat here unless I'm online.
11:14 Luke_Forrest: Hi
21:31 Kyler_Sharp: Hey folks. Here's the deal. The tournament needs to wrap up. I understand guys get busy, that's okay. But as of right now, I am opening 6 slots. If you would to participate in the tournament, please DM me.
10:45 Madison_Jones: Kyler, I'm stuck until Price v Pat happens.
04:10 Kyler_Sharp: What's up boys


Kyler Sharp

2024-03-28 04:39

The brackets have been randomized and the first matches set for the first ever WAR AND THUNDER TOURNAMENT!

Kyler Sharp

2024-03-24 22:23

Hey boys, currently in the process of getting the first WAR AND THUNDER TOURNAMENT finalized. Be sure to lmk on message or chat if you're interested in taking part!

Kyler Sharp

2024-03-12 04:22

Sup boys! Welcome to PERUN. When we've got a few more members, the WAR AND THUNDER TOURNAMENT will be announced. It's winner will be crowned the UNDISPUTED PERUN UNIVERSAL CHAMPION!

In the meantime, feel free to get some matches underway! Here are the guidelines for submitting an official PWF match:

1. Select your opponent(s).

2. Agree to the TYPE of match (singles, two on one, tag team) and any STIPULATIONS (no holds barred, pin to win, submission).

3. *OPTIONAL* Agree on a REFEREE (Joe, Evie, Darius - see Forum Post for more details!).

4. Fight!

5. Winner decides stakes.

6. Submit match for Federation approval.

2 Replies
8 wk
Kyler Sharp
2024-04-28 14:49
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15 wk
Kyler Sharp
2024-03-13 16:14
2 Replies
15 wk
Kyler Sharp
2024-03-12 04:23
2 Replies
15 wk
Kyler Sharp
2024-03-12 04:13
1 Replies
16 wk
Kyler Sharp
2024-03-06 23:56
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