Fictional teenagers association.

Public Restricted

Established: 2021-12-01

  • No holds barred
  • Back and forth
  • Squash match
  • Underage
A place for every single fictional teenage character to come and have nice and intense fights
8 members
1 stories
0 photos
0 files

05:02 Takeru_Taiga: I have created the public room #Teenagers_HQ.
22:50 teenchamp: yt
22:50 teenchamp: hey
22:52 teenchamp: who else is in here?
22:52 Takeru_Taiga: By the moment, only you
22:52 Takeru_Taiga: I'll try to gather more people anyways
22:53 teenchamp: yes to have anda,lso watch fights
22:54 teenchamp: love to take u down in fornt of the guys
22:55 Takeru_Taiga: Keep dreaming
22:56 teenchamp: You are not logged in. You are not logged in. You are not logged in. You are not logged in.
03:27 FightingFabian: Thanks for adding me
02:22 Scooper: HI young guys - THX for the add! Hope to take you on soon :-)
04:36 Tiger_Takeru: “Thanks for adding ,Another me”
04:36 Takeru_Taiga: Heh, you're welcome