Breeding Battles

Public Open

Established: 2023-01-12

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A place for men to battle for breeding rights and tell their tales.
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The bet is on… Bob Vs Sam!

Bob The Rock
26yrs, 6'0, 180llbs


ChokeOut (Sam)
27yrs, 6'1, 190lbs

Bob_the_Rock: I met a cocky sort of guy in a bar last night and we started talking about wrestling and he seemed to think he could take me in a wrestling match. His name is Sam and I bet him £100 that I could take him, either by KO or submission. We are going to meet tonight at my house where I have a room with floor to floor mats and mats on the walls as well.

It’s only the two of us in the room, so we agreed that anything can happen, and that we will wrestle until there is a winner. This will be me of course. I’m 6 ft 0 in in height and 180 lbs and 26 year old, not too different from Sam who is 6 ft 1 in, 196 lbs and 27 years old. I’m wearing my usual wrestling gear, a speedo, barefoot, and tonight it’s red, my physique something like this:


ChokeOut: Started talking to a guy in the bar last night, and some how got to talking about wrestling and WWE/AEW when we were younger and how we used to wrestle as kids. Seemingly hitting it off in the bar and chatting for hours, the chat turned into a challenge when we both mentioned we're on MeetFighters - what are the chances? Bob said he had a matroom at home, so I accepted the challenge, with the added bonus of £100 for the winner!

ChokeOut: We head back to Bob's house and head to the matroom, and I strip off into just my white trunks and barefoot..... looking Bob's hot body up and down, his hot abs and pecs and I remove my hoodie to show off my equally as ripped body..... 6'1 190lbs, 27yr old.

Bob_the_Rock: And it's like wow....Sam is really ripped, and is a little taller and heavier than me. In talking to him, its clear he has a preference for chokes of all kinds, so will have to be very careful. I continue to look him over, thinking about a strategy to take that £100 bet off him. Finally I say "OK, ready to rock?" I ounce on my feet lightly as I move to the centre of the matted room.

ChokeOut: I move in towards you on the mats and look you up and down again, my cock already starting to twitch as your body as I check out those pecs, abs, arms, thighs..... this is going to be a tough fight I think but dam, that £100 would be nice! I move in towards you closer and extend my arm out to you in a pre-match courtesy....

Bob_the_Rock: I accept the handshake, and then continue to bounce lightly. I can feel my cock and balls bouncing inside the light material of my red speedo with each bounce. I then raise my hands to shoulder height, and bend slightly at the knees. I give you a smile and wiggle my fingers at you for you to come at me. "You're gonna go down bro, no doubt about that!" I playfully say with a big smirk on my face.

ChokeOut: I step back after the strong, firm handshake..... For the final time I look you up and down, not believing about im about to take down such a stud! I watch you raise your arms and invite me in, taunting me to start the match, I grin at you as I watch your arms raise up, exposing your lower half and seeing my first opportunity...... I look up to the ceiling as if something was there to draw your attention, before lunging at your waist, arms open ready to grab your thighs in a double leg takedown.

Bob_the_Rock: I'm expecting a lockup, and then you look up. And well fuck, I look up too! It's just a reflexive action on my part. Dumb, I know, but dumb things happen. Then you move with lightning speed, driving yourself into me and I go down hard, my back landing on the mats with a real splat. Your in the top position, and normally I would have wrapped my arm around your neck as we go down, but you just moved too fucking fast. I feel my cock begin to stiffen as you land on me. I need to do something fast, so I try to raise my legs and slam them down in the mats and bridge with my shoulders, hoping to buck your 190 lbs of muscle off me before you get settled.

ChokeOut: It's like riding bucking bronco at the fair as you buck underneath me to try and escape, but as you raise your legs and bridge up to buck me off you, I stood my legs out backwards, and vine them around yours and lock our ankles together. Pressing my hands on the floor as I push up backwards off your body, but keeping your legs vinned in mine as I look down at your face.


Bob_the_Rock: I buck up hard, but you ride me like a fucking cowboy and get yourself mounted, hooking my ankles and then spreading my legs apart. My cock is now stiffening as suddenly I'm staring up into your smirking face and into your powerful pecs. My hips ache a little, but nothing I can handle, as you spread my legs apart, using leverage as well as your powerful quads and calves. You've got me immobilized, trapped. I can't reach your arms as you are too far forward, so I bring my knuckles up into your lower floating ribs, trying to grind them in slowly and hard, where they might annoy you.

ChokeOut: You bring your hands up to my ribs and start gridning your fists into them, pushing and grinding as it starts to ache, then hurt! "Gahhh fucker!" I cry out as I release your legs and roll off to to the mat next to you, laid out on my back as I kip up to my feet, waiting for you to get back up again, recatching my breath.

Bob_the_Rock: You spring up to your feet with a bounce, and I get up too, but a little slower, breathing hard as the take down winded me some. Again, I get into an on guard position, and ready myself. A slight sheen of sweat now developing on my body from the action thus far. I take a quick moment to adjust my speedo. "Ready?"

ChokeOut: I watch you rearrange your trunks after slowly getting back up, allowing me more time to catch my breath back..... I grin at you and shove my hand down into my trunks and rub it all around, pressing my sweaty balls into my palm, before bringing my hands back out and raising them, coming at you for a collar elbow lock up....

Bob_the_Rock: I watch you closely, and then you lunge forward wanting to clock up in a collar and elbow lockup, my right hand taking hold of your elbow and my left coming around the back of your neck. I can feel your heavier body pushing into mine, and I know I'm going to be eventually pushed back into the wall. I stop pushing back on you, and now try to use your forward momentum against you, as I pull you towards me, I collapse backwards, placing my right foot on your dick and balls, and use your forward momentum and lift from my right leg to monkey flip you over me, and to also try to do a backwards roll over my right shoulder to come up on top of you.

ChokeOut: We lock up, my arm around hte back of your neck and hand around your elbow as we back and forth, then you give up..... you stop fighting back..... confusing me as I start to push you back towards the wall where I know I'll be able to attack harder, You start walking back too.... my eyes look into yours confused as suddenly you move back quicker and drop to the mat, your foot pressing into my balls as my eyes widen in shock as you the press up and flip me over you and I land on the mat with a THUD to my back...... before realising what entirely just happened, you roll back and sit on my chest......... I grunt and groan trying to comprehend the attack

Bob_the_Rock: I pity the poor neighbors in the apartment below, as I'm sure it must of sounded like the ceiling was going to crash down on them when Sam landed on the canvass. I try to move forward so that my groin is over your neck, my thighs framing your face, my dick tenting my speedo, and bouncing over your chin as I look down into your confused face. "It's called judo Sam!"

ChokeOut: You're sitting on my chest, your weight pressing down onto my ribs, my chest unable to expand to take in a breath, I know I need to do something..... your thighs framing my head, the warmth radiating off them, and sweat pressing against my head. The smell of your crotch hanging over my face, my nose dragging in your sweaty and pre cum scent as it fills my head and lungs...... "Fucck man!!" .....You're far enough up my body for me to attempt something..... I tense my core and buck my legs up, attempting to hook my heels around you, ether your head or hooking them under your arms, at this point I'll try anything to pull you off me.

Bob_the_Rock: I’m sitting very far forward, but leaning back a little too much, making me a good target. I’m going to bend forward soon, but want you to take in the view of my upper body for a few moments before I move to a more secure mount. I reach down to give your nose a little triumphant pinch when suddenly your legs swing up, and you are so limber for such a beefy guy. For a moment I brace for a buck, but instead your feet come at press into the sides of my neck just under my jaw bones, and suddenly I’m being dragged backwards off balance and taken by surprise by how limber you are. My arms do a whirly as I fall backwards trying to regain a lost balance.

ChokeOut: You pinch my nose with in your fingers as you start to think you've won this already by pinning me beneath your beeft body, and impressive thights, but impressing you with my flexibility, which I owe all down to post workout stretches and yoga...

I hook your head and pull you back to the mat, your arms whirling as you crash back onto the matt as I shuffle down and secure the headscissor I started...... ensuring your head is pulled all the way up into my thick thighs. "Though you had me huh bitch? How you like those thighs?"


Bob_the_Rock: My back lands on the canvass, and you roll yourself around quickly so that you take my head in a massive head scissors, your thighs pressing tightly into my neck and jaws. The pain courses through my jaws and neck and breathing now becomes difficult. Now I’m the one staring into a guys cock and balls, my nose and lips pressed tightly into them, sniffing precum and sweat. MY own cock is not stiff from this action, pressing into the speedo tightly. My eyes begin to bulge and my vision blurs a little, as you are also starting to choke off the flow of blood to my brain. Dribble comes out of my mouth and wets your inner thigh as I struggle, reaching my hand up to try pry an opening between your beefy legs.

ChokeOut: My inner thighs tensed and enaging around your neck as I pump my thighs. The quads filling with blood as I flex harder, filling the muscles, making them harder engulfing your head, the inner thighs tensed on your neck. I lean back and rotate my hips and roll you side to side...

Bob_the_Rock: I keep trying to use my hand to loosen your grip, but it seems to have the exact opposite effect, you just tighten the grip harder, tensing your quads and thigh muscles, and undoubtedly have also crossed your ankles together. But it gets even worse, as you rotate your hips, spinning me to the left and then back to the right, my eyes bulging and now teary. Each time you rotate it forces me to look into your crouch and up at your face in some positions. The impact of further tensing your inner thighs is to further shut down the flow of blood in my carotids. I'd scream, but othing comes out of my mouth except spittle that lubricates your briefs....

Bob_the_Rock: At one point in the roll, I’m horizontal on my belly, so I bring my knees up under belly, and at this point I can place my hands on the back of your thighs, so that I can begin to push with my left hand and, reach over your left thigh with my right hand, and try to take hold of your blood engorged cock with my right, giving it a squeeze and start to pump it, hoping to distract and get out before I pass out.

ChokeOut: As I was preparing to roll you onto your stomach, so that I could mount you and choke you out in my thighs with my cock hanging over your face, you stop the roll and plant your feet out to anchor yourself, pushing up, rolling my hips off the ground into a pin position as you push your hands on hte back of my thighs and pull your head out from between my thighs as the hold loosens with my worsening position. Your meaty paw grabbing mycock with a firm grip, as you wrapp your hand around me nd start to stroke my cock through my trunks.


Bob_the_Rock: I gasp as my head frees from between your thighs, my face bright red from the lack of air. I now have a firm hold of your cock from the outside of the soft fabric of your brief, which is when from your sweat, precum, and my saliva, making each time I pump your cock even more lubricated. I use my left hand and shoulders to keep pushing, rolling you into a more or less matchbook pin, and I reach inside your briefs to pull your cock out, as I keep pumping, trying to make you squirt in this position, we both know will likely shoot the cum over your face and pecs. I spread my legs out to gain stability. “Gotcha!” I hiss, breathing hard.


ChokeOut: You head slips out my thighs as I breath heavy, sweat now dripping on my forehead from the pressure of holding your neck for so long..... I can see your red face retutning to white as you're regaining your breath and blood flowing back around your brain.... You continue rolling me over into a pin as you reach into my trunks and start to stroke me, hard and methodical with those strong palms. Moaning and groaning underneath you as you're trying to get me to shoot. I engage my core, kick my legs up in the air towards the ceiling and attempt to straight my body out, so that I can push you back and roll out to the side, and break free.

Bob_the_Rock: You use your core and kick your legs up and over me, rolling out to the side, breaking free of the pin and my efforts to milk you. You roll out to the side on my left, leaving me dropping onto my palms, on all fours as you escape my control. I breath in hard, my body now awash with sweat.

ChokeOut: "Damn man!!" I each down and slide my trunks off down my thighs and let my cock pop out of my trunks. I reach down and hold it firm, giving it a squeeze, as I hold in my cum and stop my orgasm that you had fastly approaching. I roll over onto my feet and get back up, seeing you stood there on all fours as I rush to you, drop to my knees behind you and reach foward for your arms. Wrapping my arms under yours and locking behind your head in Full Nelson. My cock pressing up against your crack, only seperated by your trunks.


Bob_the_Rock: I’m breathing hard, and still on all fours, as you get up to your feet. My head being scissored for a long period of time has slowed me up, and then well…..suddenly you jump on my back, driving my chest and my cock tenting my speedo into the mat. Your arms go under my arm pits and hands come back to around the back of my head, your fingers locking in a full Nelson. My face is pressed tightly into the mat, and so is my cock and balls as you staddle me. I moan out from the pressure on my neck, and your cock partially penetrates me, only the fabric stopping your cock from going inside. My breathing is also constricted with you mounted on my back. Ugggg!

ChokeOut: The sweat off your back mixing with the sweat on my chest as I press into you, grinding my hips on your ass, teasing your hole with whats to come, by the looks of it sooner than later.... I grin as I have you held where I want you.... whispering in my your ear "Easier £100 I ever won boy, now..... ready to submit to me, or am I going to have to earn that money a little more?"

Bob_the_Rock: I grit my teeth, as the tip of your cock presses into the fabric of my speedo and into my hole. I try to wiggle my arms, but you have the Nelson locked on so tight that my arms are going numb. In spite of the pressure on my neck, we both know that it will take a long while to make me submit, and I can guess what your next move will be, but can I stop it is the big question. I grunt…..”fuck it, I don’t submit!!! GRRRR

ChokeOut: I smile as I feel your smaller frame wriggling beneath me, weakened from the earlier choke and the full nelson you're currently trapped in. I hear you calling out that you don't submit..... "OH I love when they play hard to get!!!" I release my right arm from the Full Nelson, and move it down, pushing your trunks off your ass, just under your cheeks, before raising it back up but not back to the full nelson, this time I lean in and slide it around your neck, releasing my left arm now, but immediately sliding in behind your head and locking up in the Rear Naked with my cock now aimed at your hole with no trunks to stop me. 

Bob_the_Rock: Very rapidly, you break the Nelson, leaving me in a half Nelson, and your hand quickly pulls down my speedo far enough for you to slide that big cock into me, your cock head punching into my prostate gland like a boxer punches a bag. UGGGG……and then your arm comes back up an slides under my throat, and finally the left is used to lock in the rear naked choke hold. Holy fuck!!! The feel of your cock head punching me in the prostrate is all it takes to make me blow my load, my body jerking with each pulse of cum that squirts out underneath me. My eyes bulge, and my vision starts to blur as my carotid arteries are pinched between your forearm and powerful bicep. My chin rests on the crook of your elbow, and spittle dribbles out of my mouth onto your arm. I don’t get a chance to submit, my body just goes limp, knocked out by this studs powerful wrestling move.

ChokeOut: I push into your hole, it's so nice and tight.... "Guess you dont normally lose!" as I push further into you, all 8.5" inch by inch..... with a violent thrust, I go all in, straight into your hole and start power fucking you until I feel you shoot your load under you onto your mats, as my arms tighten more and more as you then go limp..... your body stopping resisting as I slam into your hole.... the feeling of you going out cold in my arms overhwelms me as I push hard into you, pushing deeper than I've been yet as I shoot my load inside you..... ..7...8...9..... ropes of hot white cum flooding your canal and insides, so much so tht it starts to drip out your hole as I reealse the choke and pull out.....

Bob_the_Rock: I moan softly, disoriented after getting KO'd in the ass dripping...."what the fuck" I say meakly......

ChokeOut: Your dazed and confused state, I look down at you, rolling you over so you face upwards on your back as I slap you cheeks "Welcome back fella, you passed out on me there!! You missed all the fun" I stroke my cock in your face as I shove it into your mouth "Here.... taste how you lost to me, taste your failure and your submission"

Bob_the_Rock: I look up as you roll me onto my back, still wondering where I am and what time of day it is.....and then you slap me and bring me around. Before I can say anything else, your cock is shoved into my mouth and I'm only breathing through my nose, as the cock goes back and forth, nearly making me gag, as it goes in deep.....tasting cum and my tongue feeling the very tip of the head as it is pulled back and forth.......

ChokeOut: I pull out of your mouth after a couple hard thrusts down your throat, and stroke my cock hard, letting out a second load over your face.....

ChokeOut: I turn around and grab my stuff, getting dressed again as you lay there defeated, covered and filled ... "Keep your £100"

Bob_the_Rock: Beaten at wrestling, forced to be a cocksucker, cum on my face......the £100 seems inconsequential...

Published: 11 days ago, viewed 100 times.



Bob the Rock

2 days ago

Here is an AI analysis of the match and computation of odds for rematch:

Analysis of the Fighters
Bob Advantages: Good anticipation and agility at the start, utilizing traditional wrestling tactics like the monkey flip and attempting to use his opponent's momentum against him.
Strategies Used: Attempts to use his opponent’s movements to his advantage, leveraging judo-inspired moves and positioning to counter the heavier opponent.
Weaknesses: Struggles with the more physically imposing Sam, particularly when caught in holds like the head scissors or the full Nelson.
Sam Advantages: Physically stronger, excellent at applying submission holds, and adept at using his size to dominate the match, particularly in positions that restrict Bob’s movements.
Strategies Used: Focuses on overpowering Bob with superior weight and strength, employing high-impact moves and effective chokes to incapacitate his opponent.
Weaknesses: Could potentially underestimate his opponent’s ability to counter and use his momentum against him, as seen when Bob attempted more technical moves.
Recap of Key Fight Moments
Sam’s ability to adapt quickly and use his physicality to keep Bob on the defensive was crucial.
Bob managed a few effective counters but ultimately struggled against the more aggressive and physically dominant tactics of Sam.
The match ended with Sam establishing a dominant position and securing a submission victory.
Odds for a Rematch
Factors to Consider:

Adaptation and Preparation: Bob needs to adapt his strategy to better handle Sam’s physicality. This might include training for strength and focusing on escape techniques from submission holds.
Tactics: Sam might need to be wary of underestimating Bob’s capacity to use leverage and momentum, which could be more refined in a rematch.
Physical Conditioning: Both fighters would need to be in top physical condition, but Bob especially would need to enhance his strength to better contend with Sam’s size and weight advantage.
Estimated Odds:

If Bob significantly improves his strength and refines his counter-strategies, the odds could be closer to a 60-40 in favor of Sam, given Sam’s previous dominance but considering potential improvements from Bob.
Without significant adjustments from Bob, the odds could lean more heavily towards Sam, around 70-30, reflecting the physical dominance and effective submission skills demonstrated in the first match.

Apollo Dante

4 days ago

There are some interesting and well deserved comments on this HOT bout involving ChokeOut and Bob the Rock… of course CO has made a name for himself with a string of BIG wins but I know little about his opponent Bob. But given how he did here hope we see more from him! Great storyline wonderful action and a HOT finish…Bob became the latest victim of that deadly RNC ..but he fought hard! Explosive finish too …great way to end an awesome match up!


9 days ago

Once again, CO brings us an engaging, almost comedic story with his writing partner, Bob. From intro to fine’ it keeps us the readers paying attention, wondering who will come out on top…or bottom as the case may be to an explosive conclusion. I’ll take the money if no one else claims it. Thanks for sharing.

Rob Hunter-Kane

9 days ago

Bob and Sam are both fucking hot. No wonder this match had me raging between my legs. *grins*

Bob the Rock

10 days ago

Thanks for all these great comments guys. I have to say Sam is a great person to cyber with, really whooped my ass!


10 days ago

(In reply to this)

Thanks Bob, loved rolling with you. You made me work for the win tho.

Tommy Bellow

10 days ago

That was a good read! I need to go clean myself up now...


10 days ago

Damn hot!! Living up to your name again, Choke! Like the details in the set-up!

Felix Reed

10 days ago

First story I read on here. Loads of fun. It’s going to be tough to “top” that one. Bet.

Great match between you two!


10 days ago

Damn that was a hot match with a great finish. Good job you two!