Breeding Battles

Public Open

Established: 2023-01-12

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A place for men to battle for breeding rights and tell their tales.
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De Alpha War


De Alpha War

De Alpha War, short for Debut Alpha War, is Cole Dexter giving LoboWrestler his debut match in Ultimate. 

The match is extreme with lots of back and fourth moments. 
One ends up getting raped while yelling at the top of his lungs as his ass is ripped open, with the other being considered the alpha male.


Cole Dexter


Cole Dexter

The night is finally here, the night when I fight this guy called Lobo, someone who’s been wanting to fight me for ages now. But to say I’ve been busy would be an understatement, “nevertheless I’ll make his beat down worth the wait”. I think to myself, as I fix my hair, insuring not a single hair is out of place, “perfect” I say out loud.
With that, dressed in red sneakers, trunks, and with a black T shirt on, I make my way from my room to the cage where I’ll be fighting or should I say, beating, this guy up. I arrive early to do some stretches, flexes and a couple of flips too. Showing off is my specialty.


Since i got the call i would be fighting the boss Cole, saying I've been excited would be an understatement. Even though I've been excited I've kept my head straight. Focusing on my training and fight drills. I've prepared for this fight as if my life depended on it. Watching his old fights, sneaking into the gym and watching him train. All this hard work will pay off.
As the night arrived I made my way to the lockers. Getting ready for the ultimate fight. Putting on my muskiest pair of Tradie Underwear with the blue waistband and my blue sneakers. i throw on a tight white t shirt and i start to do some drills, focusing on takedowns, punching, kicks and i throw in some flips just for fun. i hear a knock and i make my way to the cage room.

Cole Dexter

I’ve lost track of how many flips and poses I’ve done, but fuck I look hot, no matter what, I’ll never get sick of the sight of me in the mirror, and quite frankly, the mirror would never get sick of me either, hehe. I do one final flip before pulling my sweaty shirt off exposing my sexy ripped body. I flex for the mirror one final time as well. Before I turn to walk towards the cage, I wink at myself. Just as I go to turn around, I see you enter the room, “Sup future bitch” is all I say to you.


I smirk as i see you do one last flip. As i watch you take off your sweaty shirt I lick my lips, thinking about how much I've wanted this. You look at me and taunt me ... "Cute flips circus boy ... but your technique is kinda crap" I say smirking. Then without missing a beat i run and jump flipping over and over again, my bulge bouncing each time i land and jump. Stopping just at the cage door, I then rip off my sweaty t-shirt and throw it at your face. Not saying a word as i enter the cage.

Cole Dexter

I growl a little bit at as you comment on my form being wrong, and calling me a boy. Then you have the audacity to perform several of your own flips in an attempt to out do me. This makes me growl again, and also clench my fists by my side, making the veins in my arms pop a little. “You call that good? I’d say those flips are ok, for a beginner” I say, not impressed by your flips at all. I then run, and do several more flips of my own, higher and faster than yours. Following that I enter the cage as well, pulling the cage door closed behind me, its locks as it closes.


"Awww did i strike a nerve, circus boy ... I'd say those flips were better, but you said i was a beginner... so from my beginner point of view i'd say they were ok" I smirk. I see you clench your fists and i do the same, tense and flex my body and showing off my hairy muscles. as you slam the cage door closed i smirk ... "Ready when you are Cole"

Cole Dexter

I already fucking hate you and I haven’t even started fighting you yet. I clench my fists even harder, making my knuckles crack, and fists go white from the restricted blood flow. My face also turns a little red, from anger. I pay no attention to you flexing your pussy body, instead I focus solely on burning a hole in you from my dark, intense gaze. As you say you’re ready, I react. I close the distance between us, jump, grab your neck between my legs, and perform a common move of my mine, a flying leg scissor takedown.


I try to dodge as i have been training, but you are too quick this time. I feel your strong legs wrap around my neck, slamming me down to the floor, i grunt and moan as my body ragdolls to the floor. As i lay flat on the floor, i lift my head up to look up at you .... "That all you got" i smirk wiping sweat from my face. jumping up to my feet. i crack my neck then run at you, running at you jumping off the cage wall and kicking you with a showtime kick. my blue sneakers slamming your jaw.

Cole Dexter

With a slam your body hits the ground, but within seconds you’re back to your feet, same as me. I chuckle at your comment, but before I can reply, you run at me, jump off the cage wall, and land a hard kick on my face, sending me onto my back, grunting a bit from the move. I put my hands behind my hand, and kick up to my feet almost straight away. “Is that seriously all you got?” I say cockily, as I slowly circle you.


Grinning "You wish .... I'm just getting started" i smirk, as i circle you, I lift my arms up and get closer to you. holding distance but still letting me strike. i get close and throw a right hook, left jab and a right over hand, before shifting back to dodge your attack

Cole Dexter

I smirk cockily at you knowing I’m just getting started too. I mirror your stance and go to attack, but you beat me to it, I manage to block your right, but your left and other right manages to connect, making me grunt and growl. I shake my head a bit before going in for my attack. As you shift back, I come forwards towards you, I throw a very fast, hard, left hook at your face as a distraction, and quickly follow it up with a right uppercut towards your solar plexus.


I grunt as my fist connects, knowing your about to attack i shift back, and your left hook lands, my vision is blurred momentarily, i throw myself back doing back flip and dodging your last attack, as i flip i extend my leg out trying to kick your jaw.

Cole Dexter

My left hits, but doesn’t do what I intended it to, and that was distract you so my uppercut would hit. Instead of it hitting you flip back, and almost hit me in the jaw, I manage to avoid it by the skin of my teeth. When you land on your feet, I jump aiming to slam my sneakers into your chest, to drop kick you into the side of the steel cage.


As i flip, i just miss your jaw "fuck" i grunt, but then you strike, slamming your sneakers into my chest. "UGH" i moan feeling your strength. as i slam into the cage it shakes, I look up at you and throw some kicks trying to keep you away. I send a kick straight to your navel.

Cole Dexter

My sneakers connect and with a bang you hit the cage back first. I get back up to my feet also immediately, but am unable to continue my attack as I’m bombarded with several kicks aimed to keep me away. One of which connects hitting my abs, which knocks me back a couple of steps. I simply chuckle, ball my fist, and give my abs a few punches of my own, “abs of steel asshole” I say cockily at you.


I put my hands behind my head, and kick up to my feet .... "we'll see" i grunt getting to my feet as I slowly circle you. Adjusting my growing bulge. I raise my guard and smirk at you.

Cole Dexter

I watch as you kick up to your feet, and immediately get my guard up. I don’t respond to your comment and only circle you slowly. I see you adjust your gear around your bulge, whilst mine continues to grow. “Here, let me help” I say, I close the gap between us, grab your bulge with my right hand, and squeeze, tight.


"UGH UGH" i moan as you grab my growing bulge .... "Fuck you stud ... its not even fully hard yet" i spit back. As were closer i snap my head back before Head butting you hard. As i do, i send my knee upwards slamming your balls into your pelvic bone. "FUCK YOU" i roar

Cole Dexter

The more you yell in pain, the bigger my sadistic smile gets. Every second I squeeze you more to cause more pain, which gets me even closer to you. You catch me off guard when you throw your head at my face, it slams into me at the same time as your knee slams into my balls, which lifts me to my tippy toes briefly. I immediately release you and howl in pain. My hands immediately go to cup my balls, and I fall to my back in pain.


Grinning as I see you fall, I get sadistic ... knowing if it was the other way around you'd do the same. As you cup your balls I smirk seeing the pain in your eyes ... locking eyes with you. I lift my leg up high, perfect from showing off my hairy leg muscles, as i Axe kick you. Slamming my heel down hard into your bulge. "GRRrrrrrrrr" i grunt as i lift my leg up once again slamming harder

Cole Dexter

I moan and groan on the ground as pain surges through my body. I lock eyes with you, anger visible in my eyes. I watch you lift your leg and my eyes widen, I try to roll clear of your heel, but I’m too long, with an almighty thump, your heel comes down and crushes my balls. I jack knife around it, and howl loudly in pain. I fall back to my back, just in time for you to do it a second time, making me howl even louder in pain, and jack knife yet again. Before I fall back to my back, I with as much strength as I can manage, throw my left fist up and towards your exposed balls.


My smirk widens as you howl in pain "Whats the matter Cole, Did that hurt????" i laugh and flex showing off my arms as we lock eyes. Watching you howl and jack knife makes my bulge throb. Thinking about how I've wanted to dominate you since we first met. I Lick my lips, i can almost taste victory, but then as you howl a second time. You Slam my Balls with a uppercut. My eyes roll back as i yell in pain, i yell to the point no sound comes out. Falling forward. I slam into you. As i grab my balls, i land shoulders first into your chest. Both moaning as we hold and rub our balls.

Cole Dexter

Fortunately for me, my fist hits your balls like an arrow hits a bullseye on a target, and also fortunate, it was hard enough to do decent damage to you. So hard in fact that it takes you down to your knees, so now we are at eye level myself sitting up, (despite you hitting me when you came down), yourself on your knees between my open legs. I don’t attack you straight away, as I’m too busy catching my breath and trying to fight the pain in my balls, that continues to throb. But I’ve gotta do something otherwise you’ll act, so after taking my final deep breath I act. I grab your lower body between my legs, lock my ankles, and start to squeeze you like my personal squeeze toy. To top it off, I throw my right fist hard and fast at your exposed solar plexus.


Falling between your legs, I take a deep breath. I can feel your heavy breath on me as we lock eyes. Still in pain, I don't act as fast as I'd like. I can tell you're hurt, but thanks to your uppercut so am i. As i try to move you attack. Clamping me with your legs. Squeezing me tight. I try to recover quickly and to focus, but you slam your fist hard into my chest. "UUUUGGGHHHHHH" i grunt as your fist lands. I try to hide the pain "That all you got Circus boy" i grunt through my teeth. With my Left hand i try to grab your waist, trying to get in a position to shift positions, as i grab your waist, i throw a heavy right hammer fist to your Jaw.

Cole Dexter

My fist hits, and a loud grunt escapes your lips. As you grunt I squeeze your body more in my legs, desperate to cut your body in half. I chuckle a bit at your comment, I know that my punch has got to hurt and that you’re just putting on an act. “Who’s putting on an act? The one trying to hide that he’s fighting pain, or the one squeezing you like a bitch?” I say to you. I get what I say out just in time before a your right fist slams hard into my jaw, sending it and my head to the side. Salvia and a bit of blood sprays out of my mouth and into the surrounding air. My leg scissor weakens as a result of the fist too. “That all you fucking got?!” I snap out, myself now putting on a bit of an act. Fighting the pain I with my left hand grab your neck, tight, and using my right fist throw a monster right hook to your the side of your jaw.


As you shit-talk me, karma happens as my fist lands perfectly on your jaw. As you spit blood, I taunt "That shut you up huh" I grin. using my left hand i push out from your scissors and mount you. wrapping my hairy strong legs around yours grapevining you. Now on top and in control, i spread your legs apart with mine. I buck my hips up, preparing to rain down more fists and hooks, but you grab me pulling me closer, i brace for your revenge. Resting my left hand on your solar plexus as your Left fist connects with my jaw. I spit blood and saliva at your face as my head turns.

Cole Dexter

As a result of my fist hitting your jaw, my face is sprayed in mixture of your saliva and blood, making me growl in anger at you, but I guess it’s a small price to pay in the grand scheme of things. With you now weakened from that punch, I overpower your legs and break the grapevine. Following that I flip us over so I’m now on top, I quickly grapevine your legs, spreading them further and further apart, allowing me to grind my bulge hard on yours. As I grapevine your legs, I ball my fists again, and start attacking your upper body. I throw one fist into your already damaged solar plexus, another higher up into your neck/windpipe, and a third punch, the hardest yet into your nose.


Grunting as my head flies back, I try to hold my position, but your strike was perfect. I hate to admit it but this is turning into one hell of a fight. as i spit blood and saliva you grunt then you flip me over, breaking my grapevine and applying your own ... "Cant think of your own moves huh" i taunt, trying to keep some sort of confidence. As you spread my hairy sweaty legs apart i grunt, then moan as you grind your throbbing cock into mine ... "FUck" i think to myself ... "Cute" i taunt trying to get into your head .. "I bet you lover grinding my cock ... Just wanted to let you know, I'm still soft" i grunt as i free my hands. But its to late as i taunt you. You strike. I lift my arms just in time to block your attack to my throat, but your fist slams my chest and Nose. My head flies back as your knuckles slam my nostrils. "UUUUGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" i grunt in pain. I reach my arms up. pulling your face into my sweaty pecs, as blood runs down my face.

Cole Dexter

Much to my displeasure you block my punch aimed at your windpipe, but at least my punch to your solar plexus and nose hit. My hit to your nose was so strong in fact that it busts it open instantly, which coats part of my fist in your blood. My eyes go wide in that moment, I love seeing other guys blood, it just empowers me even more, and also helps any pain in my body fade that little bit more. I stretch your legs out a little bit more briefly before I break the grapevine and stand up. I cockily flex over your body, before reaching down and picking you up like a rag doll. I waste no time before using as much strength as I can muster, and slam you back first over my knee in a very hard, brutal back breaker.


"UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUGGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" i roar as you slam me into your knee. Already dazed from your strike to my nose, your backbreaker wakes me up fully. The pain runs through my body. I lift my head slightly looking at you as you grin "FUCK YOU" i yell spitting at you. I reach my arms out, training to claw at your face or at least grab you to pull me up. I manage to pull your fringe with my right hand, as i turn i swing my elbow back slamming your solar plexus, before rolling off and using the cage to get to my feet. As i climb i lock eyes with you. Grunting and ready for war as blood and sweat drip down my face and chest. I raise my hands and clench my fists. Before slamming them together.

Cole Dexter

I try to keep your body bent over my knee as long as possible, but I’m forced to let go when you start trying to claw my face, but more so when you elbow my solar plexus, making grunt and groan a little from the pain. You’re at least away from me for now, so that’s a good thing, it gives me a little time to recover. After probably about 30secs I get up to my feet, just as you get to yours. I wipe the bit of spit off my face then, as you slam your fists together, making me chuckle a little bit. “Bring it bitch” I say, slowly circling you, cracking my knuckles at the same time.


As i watch you stand i smirk .... "taste good" i yell and laugh as you wipe my spit and blood from your face. as you say bring it, i smirk, circling you and double flexing. I lock eyes with you ... "oh no your hair is messy" i taunt as i know your hair is one of your weaknesses. After taunting you i run at you, Jumping and extending my right hairy leg out, As i spin i focus and target your head. Throwing a tornado kick, my bloody sneakers fully connect to the side of your head.

Cole Dexter

Your taunts about my hair are probably the worst thing you could possibly do, even breaking a bone of mine wouldn’t be as bad. I just lightly growl at you in response. When you run at me, I prepare. When you jump and extend your leg to kick me, I duck under it, missing your kick by the skin of my teeth. With you now vulnerable to attack, I attack. I run at you and try to spear my shoulders into your abs, and your body into the side of the steel cage.


Grunting as I jump, “Fuck” I grunt as you duck. As I land my bulge bounces, as I quickly try to throw a spinning back fist. But then you run at me. Spearing me, I grunt as you slam me into the cage, “ugh” I grunt as my back slams against the cold steel bars. As you hold me, I start to yell “fuck you” then I join my hands together and slam my arms down. Slamming my elbows into your back. Slamming down like a gorilla. I try to do anything to get the advantage.

Cole Dexter

The cage shakes violently from the impact of you being driven into it by me. Before I can even get away from you start punching and sending elbows into my ripped back. I grunt and groan from every hit, all the while my legs start to weaken, threatening to fail and send me crashing to the ground. I struggle to stay standing but decide a way to stop this is by thinking dirty again. Before my legs give way completely, I ball my fist, and send it straight into your already tortured balls.


Throwing everything i have at you, i roar with each strike I land. Our bodies now covered in sweat start to turn purple as we violently rip into each other. Blood and sweat start to fly around the cage as i slam elbows and fists into your chest and abs. I notice you start to buckle, I grin "Losing your touch .... Am I to much for you" i grunt ... before you can even say anything back i lift my knee getting ready to Drop you to the ground, But you beat me to it. Slamming your fist straight into my balls ..... "FFFFUUUUUUUUCCCCCKKKKKKKKEEEEENNNNNNNN CCCCCUUUUUNNNNNNNTTTTTTT" i roar, as i drop down i grab and take you with me. using your weak legs to my advantage, i buckle us and land on top of you, moaning in pain.

Cole Dexter

I’m almost deafened by your screams from me hitting your balls. But a small price to pay, even when you pull me down with and land on top of me, all a small price when looking at the bigger picture. I lay under you for a few seconds catching my breath a bit. Once I’ve caught my breath I act. With you still on me I wrap my legs around your core, roll us to our sides, grab one of your arms to restrain it, and squeeze my legs tight, crushing your body between them. For an added touch I decide to flex my bicep cockily.


Breathing heavily, i lay on top of you, our bulges grinding and throbbing in pain and sadistic pleasure. Blood still dripping from my nose as i am still shaking a bit from your fist, i try to stay on top. Trying to get an advantage by grabbing your arms, but as i move you strike. Wrapping your legs around my core, rolling us to our sides. Before grabbing and restraining my left arm. Grunting in pain i look at you ... "Pathetic, all these muscles and you don't even know how to use it" i taunt. Clenching my right fist. i extend my arm and throw an overhead hammer fist variation, aiming straight for your nose. Trying to break it to get payback for earlier.

Cole Dexter

I start to laugh at your comment to me, myself finding it more funny than offensive. “Oh yeah? Is that so?” I ask. Before you even answer me I see you extend your arm, fist clenched and throw it towards me fast. I immediately break my flex pose and reach out for your flying fist. I’m sadly unable to fully stop it, but I manage to certainly slow it down, reducing the potential damage it could have caused. Your fist slams hard into my nose, sending my head backwards and instantly makes it bleed. Almost immediately I release your arm and loosen my legs around your body. My hands go to my nose as it erupts in pain.


Grunting as my fist flies, i see you move your arm "Fuck" i think as i think you will block it but you just slow it down. Grinning as i see blood start to leak from your broken nose ... "Oh no ... Not so pretty anymore Cole" i grunt. You ditch your advantage and release me as you grab your bloody nose. "Did that hurt" i continue to taunt. feeling a sense of relief as i grab and pull myself closer to you. wrapping my legs around yours i throw myself slightly using the momentum to get on top and holding you in side position. You on your back and me on my knees, spread across you. On my knees, straddling you, I slam my open left hand around your neck and start to slam your bloody face with my right fist. Throwing repeated elbows and hammer fists.

Cole Dexter

Blood runs out of my nose down my face, into my mouth a little, and down the rest of my body. Your comments about me not looking so pretty anymore piss me off a lot. Before I can respond you flip us, grab my neck and start pounding my body with punches and elbows. I grunt and groan from every impact, getting more and more angry from every hit. I try to catch breath, but can’t properly, so I just act with my lungs half full of air. I use all my strength to roll us over, so you’re now under me. I punch your arm to get it off my neck, allowing me to get air. Following that I grab your neck, even tighter, and start showing your face in punches, bruising and bloodying it up.


Seeing red, i slam and abuse your once pretty face, the ground of the cage, puddled with our mixed sweat and now blood. I continue slamming your face with elbows and hammer fists as i choke you. The feeling of my knuckles and elbow against your nose and jaw and forehead, make my cock throb, almost jumping out of my gear. Enjoying the domination, i start to moan and get cocky, humping your bulge and grunting "You like that" ... But then you strike almost catching a second wind as you roll us over. Your roars make me harder. I roar back just as loud, as you punch my arm and mount me. We lock eyes for a moment, Both bleeding then you attack.

Cole Dexter

Every punch I land on your face is harder than the last one, and coats my fist in even more of your blood. The more of your blood I see, the more I punch. Whilst I beat your face to pulp I also choke you, like you did me. With every second that passes I squeeze your neck tighter. I keep my head low so you can’t grab it with your legs, as a result blood and sweat from my head drip onto yours, but nothing deters me from me punching you.


Grunting and roaring in pain, i throw my arms around, trying to block and push you off me. I slam my knees into your ribs and thighs, trying to get you off me. I'm enjoying this violent side of myself and you seem to have it too. as blood fills in my mouth, i spit it at you trying to distract you. As my arms wave and my knees fly i decide to taunt you more, but just smiling through it all. Waiting for my knees to ultimately break one of your ribs.

Cole Dexter

Your knees and fists to my ribs are hurting like a bitch, adrenaline is all that’s keeping me punching you right now. Despite all my punches you somehow manage to keep a smile on your face, I don’t know how or why, but it only annoys me more, and adds more adrenaline into my blood. Before you do any further damage to me, I get off you, cringing a bit from the pain in my ribs, but I grit my teeth and manage to fight it. I quickly grab you by the hair, lift your up like it’s nothing, showing off my strength and mount you over my shoulders. I don’t say a word before crank the torture tack, myself bending your back and spine to there limits.


Grunting and moaning as you continue to assault me. I can see your in pain, my knees are working. Just as I'm about to throw another, you get off me. slightly confused i yell "PUSSY!!!" but then you grab my hair and lift me ... "FUCK YOU" i grunt as you mount me over my shoulders. Grunting and roaring as you crank the torture rack. Trying to escape i throw myself violently back and forth and side to side. trying to get away. my hands free i start to wave them around with a closed fist trying to strike you any way i can .... I slam the side of your head with my right fist, messing your hair slightly.

Cole Dexter

I bend your body over my shoulders like a pretzel, trying to break your back. Yet despite all this you still continue to fight and struggle. I try to endure your attacks for as long as possible, but I can’t any longer, so I drop you off my back and onto the ground. The pain in my body is bad, but I know you can’t have much fight left, I’m draining your life, I’ve just gotta drain yours before you drain mine. I get down with you on the ground. Get behind you, wrap my legs around your body, and also try to lock in a deadly, painful Cole Dexter full Nelson. “You’re either gonna submit, or I’m gonna break your fucking neck, I say as I crank both holds.


Grunting and moaning as you trap me. I grow as i continue to bleed and sweat "GGGGGGGGRRrRRRRrrrrrrrrrrr FFFUUUUCCCCKKKKK YYYOOOUUUU" ... I try flexing my hairy sweaty arms to power them out of your hold but even I knew that was a small chance of working. But i give it all i have. As I continue to flex i start to violently shake around left and right. Throwing my body weight around as I kick on the ground and I try to use our combined blood and sweat to slide away as i look for a way to break free from your holds on me. As i flex more i try to reach back and use my hands and try to pry your hands open. Still grunting i manage to feel some movement. I act quickly as I throw my head back wildly to head butt your bloody face, hoping it will loosen your nelson more and let me power out of your hold.

Cole Dexter

As soon as I lock both holds in, the ride gets rough. You start shaking from side to side, flexing, kicking, thrashing, anything to get free. I’m stronger than you, and I’m determined to show that to you. So despite all your attempts at getting free, I keep my holds locked tight. But I do briefly loosen my full nelson slightly, unintentionally, this results in you head butting me. I’m briefly dazed from the shot, but manage to keep both holds locked in. As soon as my head clearly a little bit, I crank the holds, squeezing your body tighter in my python legs, and press your head further into your chest. “This tight enough for you, or do you want it tighter bitch? I’m just fucking playing with you” I say, before squeezing you a tiny bit more.


Grunting and moaning "GGGRRRRRrrr mmmmMMMMMmmhhhhhhh" ... As my head slams into yours i grunt "Like that fucker" I throw another head butt but your weaken it with my hands behind my head, instead the force sends my knuckles into your face. i feel you slightly release the hold. grunting "GGGGGGRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR" i throw myself around more violently, trying to use the sweat and blood that covers our bruised bodies to slip away. Grunting "UUUGGGGHHHHHHHH" more and more. As you tighten the hold. "Fuck you Cole ... wait till i get out of this ... You will be mine" i grunt trying to escape

Cole Dexter

I laugh at your growls and threats, knowing I’ve got you stuck tight, and surely you must know you’re in trouble too. “Hahahaha, oh yeah, is that so? Then try and escape, oh that’s right you have been, but I’ve easily stopped you, glory of having stronger muscles bitch”. With that I show how strong my muscles are by flexing them all to there max, and cranking the the scissors and nelson the most yet, my legs start to bend your lower ribs, and my nelson puts further pressure on your neck. “Either cry out your submission, or I’m gonna break your fucking ribs, then your weak ass neck boy” I say in a dark evil voice.


Grinning as my cock hardens .... "i will never submit ... fuck you Bitch!!!" i yell .... i keep trying to slide out but every time i manage to slip you grab me once more. "Pussy .... you know you couldn't beat me standing up so you do this pussy shit of fighting on the ground" i yell flexing my own arms as i violently throw myself around. i manage to break one arm free, blindly clenching it and throwing it around hoping to hit you hard.

Cole Dexter

I ignore everything you say and go to crank my holds again on you, but your thrashing around results in you getting an arm free, partly breaking my nelson hold. I growl loudly and dodge your arm when you throw it back wildly at me. I let go of you with my other arm too, but keep my legs tight around your body. I think quickly and act just as fast. As you throw your arm back again, I grab it, and wrap it around your neck, super tight. Myself now choking you with your own arm, your own bicep flexing into your neck, slowly crushing your wind pipe. I also grab your hair as well, pulling on it hard to make sure you don’t try head butting me or anything similar. “Alright fine, either tap, or sleep, you choose” I say.


i manage to break the hold on both my arms, feeling relief i start to wave my arms around, closed fists. As you continue to flex your stong legs around my waist. "Fuck you .... What surprised i broke free" I taunt but its short-lived as you grab and trap my left arm, grabbing it and wrapping it around my neck. Choking me ..... "UUUGGGGHHHHHHH ... FFFFUUUCCCKKKKK YYYOUUUU" i yell. With my right arm free, I overextend it trying to reach your bloody face. I start to claw your face, trying anything to escape and do the most damage to you. Grunting more and more as you show your strength.

Cole Dexter

The more you talk, the more I wanna rip your body apart, but if I do that, then I can’t fuck you afterwards, so I try to control my temper and just torture you instead. Even tho I’m crushing your body with my legs, and choking you with your arm, you keeping fighting, now using your other arm that I haven’t restrained. Somehow you hyperextend it, and start attacking my face, I yell and growl at you. “Piece of fucking shit”. I grab your arm pulling it from my face as it bleeds more and throbs in pain. “You’re lucky I don’t fucking kill you asshole” I growl out. Now that I’ve got a hold of your other arm, I wrap it around your neck as well, I then with my near full strength pull on them hard, crushing your neck with both of your arms.


My cock throbbing harder as i hear you yell as i claw you forcing you to bleed more .... "Fuck you bitch" i grunt, "UUUUUUGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHh!!!!!!!!!!!!!" i yell as you trap both y arms once again. "Fuck you .... don't touch my hair" i yell getting wild as i throw myself around, bucking up and down, trying to role side to side ...."GGGGGGGGGRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!" I can tell you are angry so am i ... How could this happen, this isn't what i planned or wanted .... this isn't real .... "FFFUUUUCCCKKKKKK YOOOUUU CCCCOOOLLLEEEEE!" i yell as i flex harder trying to escape but my flexes only add to the choke you have me in.

Cole Dexter

“Hey I’ll do whatever the fuck I want cunt!!!!” I snap back at your, “don’t touch my hair” statement. I out muscle your arms which stops you getting them free, but your flexing also chokes you more as well. I squeeze my legs a little more and pull a bit harder on your arms, to choke you even more. “You gotta be running out of air soon, you ready to submit like a bitch?” I say to you.


"FUCK NEVER!!!" i yell ... trying everything to break free, i buck my hips up, slamming my strong hairy legs around wildly, getting on my feet and arching up. trying to do anything to get free .... "FFFUUUCCCKKKK YYYOOOOOUUUUUU" i yelll ..... "UUUUUGGGGHHHHHHHHHHH" ..... "Id rather pass out then admit defeat" i think to myself as i continue to defy you and thrash about.

Cole Dexter

Again like before, despite everything you do, I keep you locked tight, even as you get partly to your feet, I still get you locked. I chuckle as you still refuse to admit defeat. “Ok then, as you wish”. With that I pull your arms around your neck the tightest yet, cutting off all your oxygen and blood supply. I maintain the tightness in my legs too. The more seconds tick by, the more you start to become less alert, soon about to be KO’ed at my hands.


As i pass out, is stop struggling .... my body goes lip as blood continues to drop

Cole Dexter

It doesn’t take much longer before your body goes completely limp in my grasp. Even after your eyes have rolled back into your head I keep a hold of you, only after about 30secs do I release you. When I do release you, I make sure to mess up your hair. With difficulty I get to my feet, my body covered in a mixture of sweat and blood, partly covered in some bruises as well. My face just as bad. Despite this, I still flex over your body. “Piece of shit” I say to your KO’ed body. I turn around and punch in the code to open the cage door, when it opens I step outside the cage and grab a towel from nearby to clean my face. Once cleaned the bruises on my face become a bit more evident, making me growl a little.
I come back into the cage, slam the door closed, kick you onto your stomach, grab your trunks, and rip them from your body. Following that I remove my trunks, exposing my rock hard 9inch weapon. It soaked with sweat and a little precum as well, so I don’t bother lubing it up. With you still KO’ed I lay on top of you, and start to drill your hole, showing no fucking mercy on it.


My fully erect hairy 8inch cock throbs as you fuck me like a beast .... sweat and blood everywhere ... "AAAAAAAAAAAHAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU" in yelll as i wake up .....

Cole Dexter

I know when you wake up, because you yell at the top of your lungs, almost deafening me. Out of anger for my ears, I punch the side of your head. “Shut the fuck up, take it like a fucking man bitch”. I finish by messing up your hair again, before drilling your ass even harder, my cock slowly but surely invading your body.


Locking eyes with you "fUUUUCCCCCKKKKK YYYOOOUUUU" i yell .... "Don't touch my hairy i grunt. As you pound me i run my fingers through yours .... "you look pretty all beaten up with messy hair" i taunt

Cole Dexter

I pound you harder and harder, but growl as you touch my hair. I grab your hand, pull it from my hair and bend your fingers back hard. “First of all, don’t touch my fucking hair, two, I am fucking you, but if this is too soft, how bout now?” I ask, before I start to pound you even harder. My cock rips your ass open, punches your prostate, and soon starts to leak precum in you.


As you grab my hand, i grunt ... "Fuck you" .... as you pound me wildly .... "Do your worst" .... And you do "FFFFUUUUUUUCCCCCCCCCCCKKKKKKK" i yell as you pound me harder ....i grab the cage as you tear my hole

Cole Dexter

“Hahahahaha, yeah that’s it scream and beg for fucking mercy like the bitch you are” I laugh out as my cock tortures your insides. My entire 9inch cock is deep inside your body, probably the deepest anyone has ever been in you. My cock forces it’s way through all your rings, and slams against your inner wall, threatening to rip through it and your prostate.


"i will never beg .... Do you're worst" i grunt .. Showing I'm no push over ... "FFFFUUUUUUUCCCCCCCCCCCKKKKKKK .... AAAAAAAAAAAHAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU"

Cole Dexter

“Hahaha, no you ain’t gonna beg because you’re secretly loving this, you’re loving being fucked by this alpha heel ain’t yah?” I ask as I keep working you. I get partly off you, pull you up to your hands and knees, grab your hips, and start to fuck you even harder, making my cock swell and leak even more. It on the verge of exploding.


About to blow, I grunt ..... "I hate that i lost ... but ... i ... i respect you as a fighter ... you are the better man for now .... but i will get my revenge" .... moaning as you manhandle me "FFFFUUUUUUUCCCCCCCCCCCKKKKKKK .... AAAAAAAAHAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH"

Cole Dexter

“Oh listen cunt, I ain’t just the better man for now, I was the better man before, and will always be the better man, I fucking own you” I snap back at you. I mess up your hair one final time, before I slam my cock into you the hardest yet. It’s then that my cock erupts like a fucking volcano, filling your insides with my alpha seed.


As you mess with my hair, I grunt roaring, but powerless I do nothing .... My balls fill, as you pump my hole with your Alpha cock. My cock throbs and then explodes as you fill my hole with your seed..... "FUUUCCCKKKKKKKKKK" i grunt coating out abs and chest. Mixing my cum with our sweat.

Cole Dexter

As you explode, your glutes squeeze my cock tight, forcing every drop of cum out of my balls. My final rope count is 10, but once my orgasm subsides, my cock doesn’t completely soften, rather just partly softens. “Fuck yeah, how’s it feel to be owned by me?” I ask as I pull my cock out of your stretched, tortured hole. I then stand up and flex over you one final time.


I look up at you flexing, i smirk my 8" cock still hard ... "Fuck they were right ... you are a beast" I say ... Struggling to stand up again

Cole Dexter

I do a few other poses before I see you try and stand up, I quickly kick you back to the ground, and stomp my sneaker covered foot on your chest. My cock drips some cum down onto your body as well. I flex my muscles over you again. “And who would “they” be?” I ask out of curiosity.


"UGHHHHH" i grunt as you kick me with your bloody sneaker... "Your past opponents .... i did my research on you ... but obviously not enough," i say. I start smirking as i see the damage I've done to your body.

Cole Dexter

“Hahaha, no amount of research was going to help you” I laugh out. Once I compose myself I grab my trunks and yours, I shove your gear into your mouth, kick you hard in the temple hoping to KO you again, and then leave the cage.


I moan as you do ... Laying on the ground covered in blood, sweat and my own load as your alpha seed drips from my hole

Published: 14 days ago, viewed 104 times.



Maui Kid

13 days ago

Wow what an amazing intense battle this was. Congratulations to Cole on the win and to Lobo for such a great performance. I really enjoyed reading this one.



13 days ago

(In reply to this)

Thanks Maui, glad you enjoyed the fight. It was a fun one and Cole is one hell of a fighter. But make no mistake I will be coming back to take on the circus boy once again 💪🏼😈

Cole Dexter

13 days ago

(In reply to this)

Aloha Tua,

Mahalo for your comment, appreciate it.
Thanks for your congrats too.


Grey Madden

13 days ago

Nice one guys — Lobo and Cole just went at it. What an awesome fight and the climax is not to disappoint. I see the Lobo coming back for his vengeance soon!! Kudos guys take a bow.


13 days ago

(In reply to this)

Thanks for the comment Grey. Haha definitely will be coming back 💪🏼😈

Cole Dexter

13 days ago

(In reply to this)

Hi Grey,

Thanks for taking the time to comment, it’s very much appreciated.
Yeah it’s possible, but I’ll be ready, hehe


Drake NRW

13 days ago

A brutal battle between the big. brutal alpha stud Cole and nimble, dangerous emerging alpha Lobo. The wolf man bites off more than he can chew, though he puts up a good fight before paying the price for his hubris.

Cole Dexter

13 days ago

(In reply to this)

Hi Drake,

Thanks for your comment, appreciate it.
“Brutal alpha stud Cole” I like that, might use it in the future.



13 days ago

(In reply to this)

Thanks Drake, Glad you liked the fight. There were some times I almost had him. But I can admit he is the alpha and better fighter