
Public Open

Established: 2023-09-22

  • Trash talking
Brawling Ugly Boys with Bellies Association
56 members
16 stories
1 photos
0 files

03:58 WrestlerBubba: Not an ab in sight. WOOF
03:58 Bulky_brawler_69: Real sexy men
04:00 Chubby-M: Yep all weight and and guys who look like they know how to use it
04:00 WrestlerBubba: You are not logged in.
04:00 Bulky_brawler_69: You are not logged in.
04:02 Chubby-M: Hot damn you twobare hot
04:03 Chubby-M: You are not logged in.
04:03 Bulky_brawler_69: You both are so fuckin sexy
04:04 WrestlerBubba: Chubby looking like a beast
04:04 Bulky_brawler_69: Doesn’t he!
04:04 WrestlerBubba: And Bulky...instant fucking hardon
04:04 Bulky_brawler_69: Thanks sexy! Could say the same about you bubba!
04:05 Chubby-M: Thanks you guys. But yeah I could definitely say the same for you guys.
04:06 Bulky_brawler_69: We should all play together
04:06 Chubby-M: Fuck yes please that would be hot
04:06 Bulky_brawler_69: What do you say @WrestlerBubba?
04:07 WrestlerBubba: I wrap a big arm around Bulky. Pulling him up against me. Kissing the big hog.
04:07 Bulky_brawler_69: My body pressed against @WrestlerBubba. Belly to belly. Moaning and melting into his hot passionate kiss.
04:08 Chubby-M: Seeing these two sexy bulky guys, I kneel down and start rubbing and worshiping their stomachs.
04:11 WrestlerBubba: That's it Chubby. Worship the big alphas
04:12 WrestlerBubba: I kiss big Bulky, my other hand pshing Chubby into my gut
04:13 Chubby-M: I whimper and nod before worshipping their big bellies and feeling myself get pushed into WrestlerBubba's fat gut. My hands rub Bulky Brawler's belly and nipples
04:14 Bulky_brawler_69: I moan as I kiss bubba, deeply and passionately. My body trembling as chubby worships on big belly
04:16 WrestlerBubba: That's a good boy. Fuck yeah.
04:20 Chubby-M: I moan and whimper into your belly, feeling like I was in heaven between the two of you. Even on my knees worshiping you both I was where I felt I belonged.
04:21 Bulky_brawler_69: My hands grabbing and groping Bubbas big sexy tits as our tongues wrestle for dominance
04:23 WrestlerBubba: Sucking on Bulky's tongue. Then pull on his fat nips
04:24 Bulky_brawler_69: Throw my head back as I break the kiss and whimper loudly. My body trembling
04:26 Chubby-M: I pull my head down, massaging both pairs of legs. "May I worship both pairs of your feet?" I ask, knowing I was were I belonged at this moment.
14:02 Odin_Rex: we should have a 3 way battle for bubba belt here