Authentic Grappling

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Established: 2021-01-19

  • Grappling
  • Freestyle wrestling
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  • Brazilian jiu-jitsu
Group for guys with authentic grappling & fight skills. Send training experience with application.
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The Factory Presents: “The Sex Fighter Brotherhood Bond - Part 2 - Teammates.”


05:07 Remy_Cooper:

05:08 Remy_Cooper: The Factory Presents: “The Sex Fighter Brotherhood Bond - Part 2 - Teammates.”

05:08 Andre_Jordan: Ondra and I had one hell of a day yesterday. As early as yesterday afternoon we were complete strangers who had only seen each other from afar fighting in the underground. Then we boned up together while I was teaching a jiu jitsu class and next thing we ended up back at the Factory where we could be our most primal alpha selves. 1 We became sex fighter brothers through jiu jitsu fighting and battling it out for alpha in an epic kneeling knuckle lock endurance contest. We then spent the night together fucking each other’s brains out. It was more than a sex fighter hook up, we bonded deeply, just made sense to each other and now we lay buck ass naked, still completely zonked out wrapped up in each other’s arms and legs. Curled up like tiger cubs.

05:09 Ondra_Dvořák: I was always the stud on the block. I was tall and matured quickly. I was naturally athletic and played all sports, especially football and wrestling. I was the strongest guy on the football team and was captain of the wrestling team my senior year in high school. I dominated my way through the jiu jitsu belt system and would always be at the vanguard of advancement. I was easily the best grappler in the class yesterday, but then I met Dre. He is seven years ahead of me. Seven years more skilled and stronger. And yet I almost close the gap on him. I think part of our bond is due to the fact I can challenge him harder and tougher every time and he has to fight for every win. The stronger part of our bond is our shared love of fighting and how immediately invested we were in each other getting better. Authentic brothers of the fight. Plus it didn’t hurt that we both had big fucking dicks and loved to fuck each other with them. Once we finally got to sleep we slept wrapped up in each other all night very intimately. We were dead to the world when Remy and Nate found us.

05:10 Remy_Cooper: I sponsored Nate and Dre sponsored Sean, two horny mma boy friends, onto Team Factory. Because Dre and I are tight, the fours of us are tight. We grappled freestyle and jiu jitsu, sparred mma and engaged in all manner of strength tests with each other. For a minute we were a sub group team of 4 sharpening up each other’s skills and training and fucking each other senseless. But then Hassan Malik came along just as I helped Nate get to go to Brazil for a month to train the Lunar Spar with Christiano Braga [2]. Sean spent more time fighting and fucking with Hassan and they got deep with each other, both so equally matched, it was a physical and sexual journey they had to see through. So when Nate got back from Brazil, he and Andre and I would train and make videos together. The three of us got very tight and enjoyed sleeping together.

05:10 Nate_Rogers: After a month of sparring in the jungle with Christiano Braga I came back with a more animalistic jiu jitsu flow to my game. Sean was off crushing on Hassan so I put myself squarely between best friends Andre and Remy. We slept, showered, ate, weight trained, grappled and fucked every day together, then slept togeher every night. I am just starting to catch up with Rem and Dre, but every day is a battle and we all love it that way. We have been missing Dre because he agreed to teach BJJ classes at Radical MMA during the day, and last night he was battle testing this new hot guy Rem told me about, so today we wake up very horny for a piece of Dre. With morning boners we wander from our room to Dre’s and find him rolled up all sweet with Ondra. Even while looking like an angel asleep, we could tell Ondra was a big boy and athletic as hell. But he stole our Dre without asking.

05:10 Remy_Cooper: Yeah, he stole our Dre without asking. Plus I saw the boy, he was a spectacular specimen and was curious how the night went. We take up positions one on each side and yank them apart, brutally waking them from a deep horny slumber (they had boners!) I pin down the new Specimen while Nate greatly enjoys pinning down Andre, sitting on them and pinning their wrists into the bed and weighing them down into the mattress. “Hell yeah, Ondra you are a big sexy ass boy, my friend.” I say looking down, grinning into your eyes, knowing we are both already boned. “Did you man up my boy Dre like I told you too?”
05:11 Andre_Jordan: I feel Nate’s size and strength on top of me, but I just let him pin me down, then turn to look at Rems. “Hell yeah he manned me up. I mean I took him solid with a leg triangle, but his jitsu will be up to par after a couple weeks with us. And he had me fighting for my life for over an hour in a Kneeling Knuckle Lock. Can you believe that shit, this big boy is gonna be our go to KKL battle for everyone to train against. He is a battering ram.” My dick throbs just thinking about it.

05:11 Ondra_Dvořák: I look up shocked awake and see Remy's big sexy muscle on top of me and feel our boners rubbing. Listening to Andre bigging me up. Feeling cocky and defiant. I look at Rems and say “So when do you and I go at it all day? I wanna pin, dominate and fuck you really bad, see the look in those beautiful brown eyes when I do.” I buck up under him for emphasis, grinning confidently even though I know just how good he is. I know he can sense how bad I want to fuck him from the twinkle in my eye.

05:11 Nate_Rogers: “That’s right, Ondra. Don’t take any shit from these old men. They can be beat. Plus when we get sick of playing with them, you and I can go find out who the alpha white boy is that day. Plus, we gotta work that KKL gift of yours so one of us can finally take down Remy.”

05:11 Remy_Cooper: I smirk. “Don’t listen to him. You and I are definitely going to have a good time. Plus, there will be four of us, we can pair up and train harder.” Nate and I both move from the sneak attack pin to a side cuddle, he with Andre and I get Ondra. “So Nate and I were thinking we have been training too hard and need to take a play day, you know, maybe some calisthenics, a push up war, grapple around, poke the new guy with our dicks, see what he does. What you think Dre? “ I say, still staring into Ondra’s eyes and looking at that square jaw grinning confidently back at me.

05:12 Andre_Jordan: “Hey Ondra, basically these two are asking if we wanna dick around with them all day, do some jock stuff and then fuck. I got that right Rem? “

05:12 Remy_Cooper: “Indeed you do.”

05:12 Andre_Jordan: “You wanna go back to high school with these two sexy boys, Ondra? Cus it’s gonna get ridiculous, but I swear being the new meat lasts a day, tops. Really they are just excited to get to know you. You game?”

05:12 Ondra_Dvořák: “Fucking love being the new meat. Let’s do this.”

05:13 Nate_Rogers: “Let’s start with showers because you two smell like animal sex,” I laugh as Rems and I roll outta bed and head to the locker room, play wrestling in the doorway and talking about how handsome and athletic Ondra is as we turn on the showers, waiting on Dre and Ondra. We could tell that Dre had made a great connection with Ondra so we knew they were going to take a moment to themselves.

05:13 Remy_Cooper:

05:13 Andre_Jordan: I see Ondra watching Remy and Nate walk out the door. I know he was checking out their asses and physiques. “Play your cards right and you can put that big dick of yours into one of them today,” I say, reaching for his upturned shoulder and pulling him back down to the bed on his back, where he then rolls up into me and we wrap our arms and legs together. We push our hard dicks together and go face to face and breathe hot morning breath into each other’s faces. “I had an awesome time with you yesterday, Ondra, I am glad you are staying for the whole week, “ I say, thrusting my dick into yours for emphasis and looking deep into your eyes. “And you know if you dig it here, you can become a part of our team here at the Factory.”

05:14 Ondra_Dvořák: Staring into Dre’s eyes and locked up in his muscles and limbs, we lay there just the two of us again. I luxuriate in the warmth of our bodies and the funky mix of our raw musk mingling in our noses. I could grind dicks and kiss Dre for hours without coming up for air. I thrust my cock back into his and say, “I already know I want to be on the team here at the Factory. I want to train with you especially, but also with the other guys and be a part of this place.” I see Dre beam at me as I say this and we open our mouths on each other’s and kiss deep and passionately as we wrap up tighter and slow hump dicks. At this moment we are lovers. We take our time enjoying the sounds of our moans and grunts and the feeling of our bodies tightly entwined. It’s as if we have forgotten Remy and Nate are waiting for us in the showers until Dre pulls us apart and we finally roll out of bed naked and boned, then make our way to the showers. We walk into the expansive locker room and back into the large group shower where we find Remy and Nate are just now turning on the water. Their big cocks bouncing between them as their beautiful bodies look even hotter when wet.

05:14 Remy_Cooper: Nate and I are getting the water warm and stepping into the shower just as you guys arrive. Dre comes striding in looking stud as always and behind him comes big and tall Ondra with wide his shoulders and massive pecs. That square jaw and prominent nose make for some serious masculine handsomeness. “Dre, get your black ass over here and give me some brother love man,” I say, but he is already on the way. We wrap up in a big muscle hug in the shower, grinding our hard bodies together, just silently enjoying it. “So you good man?”

05:14 Andre_Jordan: Remy and I go way back to our boyhoods and are each other’s family now. “Yeah, I’m good, bruh. You still crushing on Hassan?” We wrap tight and let our dicks just throb together as we stand under the steaming water.
05:15 Remy_Cooper: “Yeah man, we bromancing about muscle bruh, we just suddenly turned each other on so we riding that wave. What about you and this pretty white beast you brought us. He gonna be cool?”

05:15 Andre_Jordan: “Yeah, bruh, let him randori with the guys, he will level up his jiu jitsu fast. He strong as fuck but more importantly he got a big dick and knows how to use it. We got us a dominant sexy fighter if we train him right, mix him with the right mentors and talent.”
05:15 Remy_Cooper: “Fuck it’s good to see you. I love you bruh.”

05:15 Andre_Jordan: “Yeah, I love you too, Bruh.” We hug and squeeze our muscles together, needing this reconnection with each other, then turn around and start talking shit with Nate and Ondra. “Yeah Rem, big Ondra here manned me up for an hour in KKL.” I reach Ondra’s wrist and yank him under the water with me. “He's gonna be chasing you, baby.”

05:16 Nate_Rogers: Ondra stands awkward, not yet aware of the strength of Andre and Remy's brotherhood, but we all love it because their brotherhood is the heart and soul of the team. I dunk under the water and start soaping myself up, then find it hard not to stroke it in the slippery soap. But Dre and Rem are doing the same and even Ondra got the hint as he slowly strokes his soapy tool big and hard. “Hassan manned up Remy to a KKL draw, we got it on tape. Cracks are showing in the Remy Muscle Wall,” I say, always loving to take a jab at him.

05:16 Remy_Cooper: I step over to Nate and slap my thick soapy cock against his, “ Yeah, but he didn’t put me down, big difference, brother Nate. Plus, I am still up 2 wins over Dre,” I say slapping Dre’s muscled grappler’s ass.
05:16 Andre_Jordan: “Maybe it’s time we have another go today old friend, Ondra here has me feeling strong!” I say, happy that I see Ondra showing off and stroking his cock like the rest of us, gently joining in with the sex fighter vibe. Slapping Remy's own muscled grappler's ass back.

05:16 Ondra_Dvořák: It’s like I died and went to gay jock boy heaven. The shower steam like clouds upon which stand beautiful muscled naked sex fighers all with big dicks like bats. I want to fuck them all. “I’m looking at you, Nate. Thinking about working my way up the ladder, starting with you.”
05:16 Nate_Rogers: “Fuck yeah, Ondra. I was hoping to have a go with the new bro.” I move over to him as we are rinsing off and slap my thick cock next to his to compare the thick shafts. It’s great that he is totally into it and we stroke each other and give each other that smoldering sex fighter look that says “I want to fuck you hard.” I notice then he is clicking with our vibe and it feels good to have a new brother.

05:17 Remy_Cooper: So we grab ass our way out of the shower and dry off before throwing Ondra his inaugural Factory Brand jock and we all head out to the large central mat for our reindeer games. We stand on the mat corners and do a calisthenic warm up of jumping jacks, shoulder stretches, then a set of 25 push up burpees with a jump. We stay in sync and when we jump all of our chests and torsos stretch upwards.

05:17 Andre_Jordan: Then we show Ondra how to barrel roll with us and he picks it up right away. We are like human cards shuffling as we dive over and under each other. Our hard dicks graze each other’s bodies as we roll until someone gives out and we fall together in a sweaty pile. I think the new presence of Ondra has the guys extra horny cus the sex vibe is thick.

05:17 Nate_Rogers: We pull apart and arrange ourselves on the mat angling our heads into the center for our push up war. We are all still sporting huge boners in our already sweat soaked jocks as we get in push up position and stare competitively at each other. A pack of wolves all growling. Sweat pools on the mat as we all do 100 slow muscle busting push ups in sync.

05:17 Ondra_Dvořák: My heart swells being amidst this camaraderie, this brotherhood of men who love wrestling, fighting and sex. They have banded together as a family to train tougher and smarter. The competition is fierce and it pushes all of us to work harder. And it’s goddamn gay jock boy Heavan doing calisthenics next to 3 hot elite trained men. Loving every exerting muscle, the non-stop crazy competitiveness, edging my hard dick, sweating, being a part of a machine that makes us all better. I can feel Andre watching over me. With a glance he says “let go and flow with us;” with another he beams with excitement at how well I am fitting in with this part of the team. Somehow how I know at the end of the day my muscles will be exhausted and we will all be fucking.

05:18 Remy_Cooper: After the push ups we head into a 4 way jiu jitsu half speed drill where you roll in pairs but change partners every 5 minutes and just go half speed, getting holds, letting them go, letting him get holds, going back and forth. We all get a few chances to randori with each other, to feel each other's hard muscles grinding and taste their salty sweat. To get a sense of them all as grapplers and to get a feel for Ondra. Turns out Dre is right, with some drilling he’s gonna be hitting his mark in the mat room. He’s got talent. The friction of the half speed jiu jitsu makes us even more horny. The jocks have all largely fallen off us from the vigorous drilling. As we timeout we are all breathing heavily and lay on our backs side by side. All of our cocks are hard and thumping up on our abs.

05:18 Andre_Jordan: “So, Remy.”

05:18 Remy_Cooper: “Yup.”

05:18 Andre_Jordan: “I think we should muscle out a kneeling knuckle lock so I can put you down the way you have been begging to be put down.”

05:18 Remy_Cooper: “Aww yeah? You want me to pin you down a third time in a KKL? I think that sounds great!” My cock throbs at the idea of being locked up with my stud brother. “But I think these two white boys should fight it out first. Sounds like they are gunning for each other bro!”

05:19 Remy_Cooper:

05:19 Nate_Rogers: “That’s our cue brother Ondra. Are you ready to go chest vs chest and cock vs cock with me?” I get up and stance out on my knees, sticking my chest out and looking down at you.

05:19 Ondra_Dvořák: I see Nate get to a solid stance on his knees and hover huge above me. “Fuck yeah, Nate, lets do this,” I say with great excitement and get to my own solid knee stance in front of you and flex out my chest, letting our thick cocks cross and hook in front of us. We reach out our hands and clasp our fingers, powering up our shoulders and traps as our arms fight and we shove our chests squarely together, pec meat pads pressing and locking into each other. Our chins slide over each other’s shoulders as our hips square off and our knees plant kneecap to kneecap. Our muscle cocks smash together between our ab walls and hump.

05:19 Nate_Rogers: I love how you are as eager to press into me as I am into you and we both do it at a slow by inexorable pace, slowly powering into each other. We crush straight into each other so every muscle group lines up and fight’s with its counterpart. Our big thick, bat like cocks cross and crush between us as we cock fuck each other. I growl into your ear “Fuck yeah, Ondra, manning you up brother,” as I continue to power up matching any pace you set. Sometimes I surge a little harder and force you to catch up, sometimes you surge and I play catch up, but now we are getting pretty fully charged.

05:20 Ondra_Dvořák: “Manning you up brother,” I growl back into your ear as sweat rolls down our backs and into our ass cracks from the heat generated by the intensity of the struggle. We can feel each other flex pecs into pecs, biceps and shoulders engaged directly against each other. We can feel our raw flesh meld together as we smash into each other with increasing force. We can feel that mix of aggression and lust exchange between us along with the exchange of power. Our cocks throb and pulsate as they fuck each other. We can now feel ourselves full throttle smashing into each other but neither moves. Our skeletal frames shudder from the strain but neither backs off the full exchange of strength and alpha will to dominate.

05:20 Remy_Cooper: Dre and I are laying back on our elbows side by side watching Nate and Ondra struggle powerfully against each other. These two sexy white muscle beasts are growling, grunting and humping. “Damn we recruited some sex ass white dudes, Dre,” I say and laugh as my dick throbs on my abs watching them sweat out surge after surge.

05:20 Andre_Jordan: Laying back on our elbows but our hips and thighs curl together as we jerk our dicks and watch Ondra and Nate in an impressive exchange of power that will have them locked up for god knows how long. “They hot as fuck, alright. I say we make a lot of hot videos with these two.”
05:20 Remy_Cooper: “Oh hell yeah, create a new video rivalry, zoom in on them stalemated.”

05:20 Andre_Jordan: “Ha, yeah. They might be shuddering like that for a long time.”

05:21 Nate_Rogers: Our knees widen their stance as a bulwark to handle the intense pressure and this smashes our hips and groins together more intensely. Our abdominals are undulating, locked up row by row. Our rib cages are gnawing on each other as our pec plates crush straight on. I am powering into you full force and we stay locked up and shuddering as our dicks continue to hump fuck. It’s a war of attrition now; one of us will outlast the other and put him down and no one is giving an inch. We are no longer aware of Dre and Remy; of them watching us or of us wanting to impress them. There is only the two of us forming a combative ball of muscle and massive frenetic energy and we are lost in time now as the struggle wears on and on.

05:21 Remy_Cooper: We joke around and talk shit, but Dre and I have mad respect and love for Nate and now Ondra. They are beautiful muscle warriors that we are lucky to get to train with and have as our teammates and brothers. We are watching them man each other up magnificently, showing off advanced strength testing skill and power and we know they will always make us better. But today is a play day and these two can discover their mutual KKL status on their own time. I trade eye rolls with Dre, “These two don’t even know we are here, they’re so lost in this muscle tussle.”

05:21 Andre_Jordan: “It is making my dick extra hard though bruh, c’mon now, look how intense they fight and how joyfully alpha it makes them feel.” I look at Nate and Ondra and know what Nate is fending off because I was taking on Ondra last night! I look back at Remy and see he wants his play day back, especially as we could be laying here for an hour with these two still going at it. “Ha, okay bruh, you got a game plan or you just wanna go for Operation Fuck with the Hot White Boys?”

05:22 Remy_Cooper: “Yup. That'll work,” I say and get up and kneel upright behind Nate, my chest hovering close to his back as he feels my hot breath on his neck. Dre gets into the same position behind Ondra and nods playfully at me. “C’mon Nate, you my boy, I know you’re not gonna let new meat Ondra take you down!”

05:22 Andre_Jordan: “I don’t know, Rems, looks like my boy Ondra is really taking it to Nate! C’mon big Ondra, show Nathaniel what you can do with that big fucking chest and cock!” As we egg these guys on Rem and I start to push our big chests into their wide backs like we are slowly sandwiching them. Our thick cocks grow harder and just push their way into the sweaty ass cracks of Nate and Ondra. “You got this, Ondra, fuck Nate’s cock harder with that dick bat you got between your legs.”

05:22 Remy_Cooper: My cock slides in Nate’s muscled ass crack as I counter, “Yeah big Nate, I know that weapon between your legs ain’t gonna take shit from the new kid, fuck his cock even harder my brother!”

05:22 Ondra_Dvořák: I feel Andre’s hard cock slide in my crack and then push into me, adding to the forward pressure I am putting into Nate. I feel Dre’s erect nips brush against my back, then he pushes into me, his hot breath on my neck. I get a full nose of his man stink as it combines with mine and Nate’s, making my dick throb intensely. I maintain full pressure on Nate, shooting my strength straight into his pecs through my own as our big blood swollen cocks continue their war.
05:22 Nate_Rogers: I snap outta my muscle lust world of two as soon as I feel Remy’s thick cock root slide up and down my ass crack. I hear him talking shit and then just push his big fucking chest into my back, adding preesure towards Ondra. Rems always makes me horny, especially when he is being ornery. I manage to remain locked into Ondra and maintain the pressure against him, but my dick begins throbbing wildly as I smell all four of our raw man musks mingled together.

05:23 Andre_Jordan: Remy and I reach in and lock arms so we can both push into these warriors AND pull them in tightly, little something we call a muscle manwich. Ondra’s back and grappler ass are thick with all the right curves, so cupping his backside as I conspire with Rem feels hot as fuck. My cock starts throbbing hard on his backside. I know this will make him nuts cus we are fresh into crushing on each other. I kiss his neck and whisper “I wanna fuck more power into you, Ondra.”

05:23 Remy_Cooper: Locking up with Dre’s powerful arms gives me the leverage to pull myself into Nate’s sexy ass and broad back even as I flex my big chest into him, my abs rippling on his lower back as my cock root slides roughly up and down his sweaty crack. The fact that these two are still fight between us is hot as fuck and I hump Nate like I wanna fuck him. I know he is gonna start thinking about all the hot fucks we’ve had since he joined the team almost 2 years ago. I see Dre nod at me and I kiss Nate’s neck and whisper “I wanna fuck more power into you, Nathaniel.”

05:23 Ondra_Dvořák: Fuck. Feeling Andre press into me from behind and grind his thick dick on my big ass is making my lust spike. I lose some focus and start to think about how hot Nate is to muscle fight with and how good our dicks feel grinding away at each other. I keep muscling into him but feel his body shift as well. Then I hear Dre say he wanted to fuck me and it’s like my balls just suddenly explode a huge load into Nat’e groin and abs.

05:23 Nate_Rogers: Damn! Remy is all over my backside, crushing and grinding into me. The sexual pheromones have my mind muddled and I lose some focus thinking about the first time Rem and I flipped fucked, but keep powering into Ondra. Then I get a double whammy. Remy whispers how bad he wants to fuck me and seconds later Ondra shoots his mud into me. My cock leaks like a sieve and then my own balls explode, blasting Ondra in the cock and groin with a fire hose of warm cum as well.

05:25 Andre_Jordan: Remy and I are looking in each other’s eyes as we hump our brothers from behind and peer at each other over their huge shoulders. We smile in turn as we feel our brothers spasm and shoot their loads together. “Our work here is done,” I laugh as I pull off Ondra but push him towards Nate. Remy does much the same and we jerk as we watch them kiss and milk themselves together, letting their passionate nature's get to know each other.

05:25 Remy_Cooper: I pull off Nate, stroking my now throbbing dick, then push him into Ondra and stand with Dre watching them do the kiss and grind. These two huge sex fighters muscle hug now as they make out and milk their dicks into each others abs. Their huge arousal spikes my lust and I turn to Dre, “I am feeling very aggressive and very horny brother, I think it’s our turn to dance.” I walk over to Dre and let Nate and Ondra take their moment and slap my thick cock into his, “I think it’s time I finish you off and beat you in a KKL for a third, definitive time.”

05:25 Ondra_Dvořák: The combination of battle adrenaline and my orgasm felt massive and sent shockwaves throughout my body. I feel Dre get back up off me and watch Remy do the same, leaving Nate and I alone with our pulsating cocks and sweat soaked muscles. Our hand grips slide from fingers locked into squeezing muscle hugs, our hands roam all over each other’s backs as we make out and grind our still hard and leaking cocks. We come up briefly for air and I say, “Fuck Nate, grinding muscle with you was hot man, we match up well.”

05:25 Nate_Rogers: “Welcome to your new home Ondra, you’re gonna fit in very well here at the Factory, brother,” I say strangely formal and then return to wildly sucking face with you as we muscle hug and explore each other’s bodies, our dicks still feel good smashing and humping and oozing. As we slowly wind down I lighten up and say “Fuck yeah, bro, that was damn hot. We are definitely very closely matched strength wise. I can’t wait to test your freestyle and jiu jitsu grappling skills.” I say. We slide down side by side lost in conversation until we see Dre and Remy man each other up. Ondra and I settle in side by side, leaning back on our elbows to watch.

05:26 Remy_Cooper:

05:26 Andre_Jordan: “You know what brother? My heart wasn’t in it before,” I say in a calm voice as I turn and get down into a strong upright knee stance.

05:26 Remy_Cooper: “Your heart wasn’t in it,” I reply with the same calm voice as if we are not about to engage in a muscle war. I get down across from you in my own knee stance and look you straight in the eye. Our dicks wagging at each other.

05:27 Andre_Jordan: “Yeah, it wasn’t, but it is now.” I say looking you in the eye, then twisting my hips and thwacking your thick shaft with mine. I send a right cross straight into your pec meat really fucking hard and smile.

05:27 Remy_Cooper: “Fuck you.” I return a right cross to your pec, and hear my fist make a brutal thud sound on your pec plate as I maintain eye contact. My cock is hard as a rock now.

05:27 Andre_Jordan: “No. I’m gonna pin you down and have you fucked, Brother,” I say matter of fact as I send a quick but equally hard combination right, lift cross straight into both your pec plates, one at a time leaving red welts. Grinning at you.

05:27 Remy_Cooper: “Fuck you.” I growl and launch my own combination right, left pair of crosses back at both your pecs, pounding into them hard, leaving knuckle prints. “I call Brooklyn KKL.” I say aggressively.

05:28 Andre_Jordan: “Fuck yeah, bring your sorry ass “Brooklyn.” You’re Fort Greene; I’m Bed-Sty. I’m putting you down and having you fucked.” I walk on my knees and slam my big pecs straight into yours like a battering ram, knocking you backwards on your ass. “Yeah, already down, brother.” I stroke my raging hard dick as I watch your badass self get up, sporting your own battle cock.

05:28 Remy_Cooper: I fly up from the mat and slam my chest straight back into yours, pounding you hard, but you were ready. We growl at each other as we raise our hands to lock up, then knee walk into each other chest to chest, our dicks going to war between our rock hard walls of abs. We have done this countless times since we were teenagers and know no KKL battle is ever quite like another. We nestle roughly into each other's muscles and very rapidly begin to power up.

05:28 Andre_Jordan: Our cock horns hook between us then get smashed as our ab walls force them to line up knotted cock base to knotted cock base, shaft to shaft. Our pecs lock into each other like puzzle pieces as we shimmy our hips tight together and slide our chins over the crook of each other's thick necks and rounded shoulders. Our bodies soak each other up like sponges, sweaty muscle on sweaty muscle. Our kneecaps match placement and lock in our wide stances as we power up through our legs, hips and torsos into each other, powering up and going to muscle war.

05:28 Remy_Cooper: Our big black bodies lock up from kneecaps to pecs with our arms doing battle at our sides at an upright angle. Our big shoulders engage along with our thick traps and our biceps peak hard as we use each other like a pec fly machine. Our muscles are so hard we can measure the pressure we pour into each other through how deep we flex into each other and seeing whose muscle can take up more space. I start flexing my big glutes to thrust my cock into yours as I power up through my core and surge straight into you through our chest bridge, surge slamming into you, testing your endurance and power.

05:28 Andre_Jordan: Sweat pours from our arms pits as they open onto each other while our arms and shoulders do battle at our sides, it runs down our lats and into our groins, matting our dark, curly pubes. We constantly flex our chests and torsos into each other's, creating serious friction, serious heat, serious sweat and seriously hard cocks, shoving thick and raw. Then we both power up through our quads, up through our strong hind quarters and hips into our cores and straight into each other's chests like two bulls with locked horns. The exchange of power is intense as we smash and shudder together, enduring wave after wave of fully flexed aggressive power. We grunt in each other’s ears and let loose some moans as the cock friction hits a good spot. We take all our power and slam it against the other and we become immovable bookends of muscle and sweat.

05:29 Ondra_Dvořák: Nate and I are jerk off buddies now as we shoved our shoulders together and can now jerk each other off when we want, fisting each other’s thick cocks. We watch as Remy and Dre go beyond manning each other up with an intense exchange of muscle power and perma-hard cock grinding.

05:29 Nate_Rogers: These two beautiful black men are brothers through and through, but they easily pivot to a level of competitive intensity that is pure in its masculinity and alpha nature. But I have seen this show a few times and follow my desire to Ondra’s cock. I reach over and stroke it as you stroke mine and lean over and push my lips into yours, letting our tongues play before swallowing each other up in a deep, wet kiss.

05:29 Remy_Cooper: We are stalemated and by Brooklyn rules I can call a restart in any way by saying “Brooklyn.” We part and while still on my knee stance I guard up with my fists, signaling I want to throw some body punches. We grin at each other, checking out each other’s sweat smeared bodies rippling with muscle, then start exchanging hard right and left crosses, just pounding on each other’s pec plates. Our big muscle cocks just bounce thickly between us and get harder with each punch.

05:29 Andre_Jordan: Sweat flies off us as we wail on each other, then we switch it up and trade volleys of fists combos at each other’s abs. Our dicks just get harder and harder as we knuckle each other up, loving the impact on hard muscle, but also loving the power of our fists to deplete each other, looking for that edge. We love the taste of each other’s salty sweat. We lock fingers again, but this time only to slam our chests together. We pound away on each other really slamming into each other chest to chest as our arms remain dormant at our sides. Our cock horns curve up aggressively towards the other with cock rage.

05:30 Remy_Cooper: I rip our hands free and we body brawl from our knees, throwing jabs to the abs and crosses to each other’s pecs, just wailing away at each other. We get into a trading pattern and just pound back and forth, showing off our thick hard cocks even harder for the violence. Or we just throw down and pummel each other. Dre’s fists are ripping me up, digging into my muscle armor and depleting me. His speed is devastating today. But my cock remains throbbing hard.

05:30 Andre_Jordan: Remy’s punches are no joke, but since he has been lifting heavy he has lost some speed on the inside. He was as devastating to my pec pates as I was to his, but my fists tore at his abs and lats and really dug deep. I can sense the weakness and I lace with your fingers again to start whip-throwing my chest at yours and manning you up, checking for KKL advantage after each impact. We are starting to both get a little punch drunk. We slam into each other, but don't take advantage in the moment because we slammed back instead of checking for control. You had me back a few times and we just rocked back up, lost in the impact battle we both enjoy. I slam my chest up into yours and flex my arms to check position on you and I have you back half a foot and this time I take it, flexing down onto you. My pecs ride up on yours and my cock base grinds on your sensitive cock glans. “Yeah Brother,” I growl to signify my advantage over you.

05:30 Remy_Cooper: We are pounding away on each other, loving how hard we can hit and take it because our muscles are just that hard. We slam away and my guts takes me out a bit. Suddenly Dre has me back 6 inches and is bearing down on me gaining leverage. I grip his hands tighter, engage my big shoulders and shove back against his arms, my biceps balling up against his and bending his arms back enough to snatch back a couple of inches aggressively. “Yeah, Brother, “ I growl, letting him know I am charging back confidently.

05:30 Andre_Jordan: I feel you snatch back two inches and I growl into your neck as I work the angles and keep my top leverage pressing down on you, feel you shuddering under me. Our overheated, sweat soaked muscle smashes together. I draw on power from my big quads, channeled up through my grappler’s ass, hips and core, then straight upwards into my torso and chest and into you, surging hard against you at a slight downwards angle with my chin sliding farther over your shoulder now. I can feel you moving backwards very slowly. It feels inevitable now. My glutes pump out some cock thrusts to hip slam into you, pressuring you at every point. “Yeah Brother,” I growl again. All of the communication happening in the voice tone.

05:30 Remy_Cooper: Over the years of non-stop action with each other Dre and I have experienced a kind of syncing up of or explosive battle orgasams. Win or lose, we almost always cum together and I am feeling that intense alpha brother arousal now as I feel him take full advantage of his leverage and bare down on me powerfully. I can feel myself slowly being pushed backwards, even though it is so slow the kissing and grinding fools at our sides might not even be noticing yet. But we always notice even the most subtle shifts in battle engagement and this here ain’t subtle. Dre is coming at me to even the score. I pull in a deep breathe, then blow it out sharply and grunt, feeling my alpha adrenaline and sex fighter testosterone fuel my fight as I surge back up into Dre and not only stop his advance, but push him back up some, letting him feel the power churning inside me that will be unleash on him. “Brother,” I growl.

05:30 Andre_Jordan: We know the battle is at its apex when we both feel that familiar way our cocks pulsate with anticipation arousal together. It’s usually a sign that one is on his way to victory, but here comes Rem charging back into me like a train. He stops my progress and shoves me back upwards an inch or two with a huge stud effort. Before he can follow through with his whole surge, I power up with a revitalizing breath and surge right back into him. Our pec plates slide and grate back and forth some in our slippery sweat, but remain locked up at the point where we shoot our power into each other. We both growl in each other’s ear loudly now, catching the attention of the make out twins, and just power intensely into each other. We freeze each other back into a stalemate for a long ass moment, feeling how locked into each other we are, and then my surge out lasts yours and I grind my unrelenting muscle down against yours, once again moving you almost imperceptibly and yet, inexorably backwards. Our dicks take notice and we are both harder than ever and grinding muscle cocks until the end. “Fuck Yeah Brother,” I growl vorciously.

05:31 Ondra_Dvořák: Nate and I got so horned up by our first KKL that we have been aggressively lip locked and humping around on the mat, rolling each other over and taking top to grind on each other, then reversing to feel his sexy muscle weight on us. Our balls have already recharged and our cocks are hard as hell as we hear Remy and Dre growl loudly like wild animals and we roll off each other and get to our knees to watch these two sexy men finish their battle.

05:32 Nate_Rogers: Ondra and I kneel upright side by side slowly stroking our dicks as we watch our brothers play out the end of this battle. The power vibrating between these two warriors combined with the lust and testosterone fills the air in the mat room and infects us with insane lust as well. Ondra and I put our free arm around each other’s lower back as we jerk ourselves more vigorously now.

05:32 Remy_Cooper: “Fuck brother,” I Growl back as I feel your surge overcome mine and start pushing me incrementally yet fluidly backwards. I power up from my base muscle up through my big upper torso and man up your surge as powerfully as I can, but feel the tell-tale sign of our cocks pulsating intensely together and feeling both our rapid heart beats in each throb of our thick cocks. My alpha nature would never allow me to quit throwing all I got back at you and my commitment to our brotherhood is similarly motivated. It wants this muscle action; it needs it like food, and fully commits to our mutual muscle fight all the way until your chest has mine bent back to the tipping point. As we dangle there on the brink our bodies have never felt more alive to each other and our cocks start throbbing wildly out of control. We are both insanely turned on. We need to eat and breathe each other's sweat and muscle meat. We need this fight and we need each other.

05:32 Andre_Jordan: We both feel the excitement of the tipping point and it elongates the moment. We live to love each other in this moment. We fight and fuck in this moment. We both destroy ourselves and build each other back up stronger in this moment. Our muscles smash and meld together in their heat and sweat as we both power into each other. Grunts and moans echo in our ears. And then we are lost in space as your base gives way and I am forcing your big body down to the mat on its back. My chest spreads out all over yours like water filling all cracks. But, as I pin you down victoriously, the dynamic shifts and we are lost in each other’s funky raw musk, brotherly love and throbbing cocks deliciously grinding out intense feelings of pleasure and alpha connection. We lose our hand grips and scoop up each other’s huge muscular frame in our big arms and roll to our sides in a pool of our own battle sweat.

05:32 Remy_Cooper: Our mouths open wide, tongues penetrating and kiss passionately as we hump the fuck out of each other. Our big arms wrap around us, squeezing us tight, then our hands roam each other’s rippling backs as our tongues wrestle in our mouths. Our lust spikes as we grab each other’s muscled asses to yank each other into a tighter cock grind, our hips gyrating and shoving to cock fuck each other so good. We are as much animals now as we are when we fight. We can feel our balls roiling and we hump each other even harder, flex squeezing our asses to shove our cocks together. Our grunts and moans grow louder and then start to stutter as our balls erupt, shooting huge ropes of hot cum up into each other as we kiss and writhe from the intense orgasm. We kiss and grind even faster as the orgasm vibrates throughout our bodies and we hump until we have fully milked ourselves. Finally, we roll to our backs exhausted, revealing chests and abs full of cum and sweat. “Fuck Dre.”

05:33 Andre_Jordan: “Yeah man, that shit was hot as fuck,” I say, rubbing the cum around on my abs, then scoop it up in two fingers and put it in my mouth.

05:33 Remy_Cooper: “Hot as fuck.” I say as I scoop up a wad of our cum and taste it as well.

05:33 Andre_Jordan: “Fucking love you man.”

05:33 Remy_Cooper: “Fucking love you bruh.”

05:33 Andre_Jordan: “But this was a stakes match, and like I said, I would be having you fucked. Ondra! You’re gonna fuck Remy for me. Can you do me this solid?”

05:33 Ondra_Dvořák: “You want me to fuck Remy?”

05:34 Remy_Cooper: “Yeah you big pasty faced, square jawed, handsome muscle brother, he wants you to fuck me.”

05:34 Andre_Jordan: And seriously Ondra, you gotta actually pound his ass extra hard, he is damn near indestructible and I want him to feel it.

05:34 Ondra_Dvořák: ”Fuck yeah, I can pound on Remy for you.”

05:34 Nate_Rogers: “And I can feed my cock to Remy as Ondra fucks his ass, spit roasting him until he goes numb.

05:34 Andre_Jordan: “Hey Nate, I like the way you think, maybe he can suck on both of our dicks and then we can go off to fuck.”

05:35 Remy_Cooper: “Great, we all have dates, we can all hit the big bed in 30 and fuck in a pile, can we go shower now?”

05:35 Remy_Cooper:

05:35 Remy_Cooper:

Published: 2022-03-25, viewed 163 times.



Rory McGregor

2022-05-02 23:40

Stroking Hot!!! "UUUUMMPPHH UUHHGG UUMM" WOW! Congratulations to all four you stud bros.

Hassan Malik

2022-03-27 06:40

Hot guys! Fuck, I want in lol

Steve Novotny

2022-03-25 20:01

Whoo Hoo! Thanks for the nut men! I'm back and working up a scene with Thomas Wright. You're all gonna love him. Remy remembers me [ ] Coming after the rest of you! gonna walk the halls of the Factory looking for action :-)

Remy Cooper

2022-03-25 20:57

(In reply to this)

Hey Steve! Glad you are back around again. Fucking loved making that scene with you! Any of these guys would love to talk you on bruh!