Authentic Grappling

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Established: 2021-01-19

  • Grappling
  • Freestyle wrestling
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Group for guys with authentic grappling & fight skills. Send training experience with application.
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The Factory Presents: Hassan & Remy’s Muscle Lust


07:49 Remy_Cooper:

07:49 Remy_Cooper: "The Factory Presents: Hassan & Remy’s Muscle Lust "

07:49 Remy_Cooper: R: It’s exciting to see the Factory thrive as a training team. The scouting and sponsoring was done both with an eye for talent and how each would fit into the brotherhood. Yuki James, Sean Willams and Jake Vaugn were the original squad and they sponsored Dre and I onto the team. I in turn sponsored Nate Rogers while Dre sponsored his boyfriend, Sean Jackson. Sean then sponsored Hassan Malik. Nate got Christiano and his boyfriend Elijah James to at least do extended training visits. Then I literally seduced Rafael Figueroa to come out of semi-retirement and come train with us and now Dre just brought aboard this new kid Ondra Dvořák. That’s a lot of big men with big dicks and egos so weaving the fabric of the brotherhood bond was key. We are an all gay male family of Sex Fighters with our own sexual mores and sense of connection.

07:50 Hassan_Malik: I felt like the new guy until they finally sponsored in Ondra. That’s because the relationships that were here before me were built rock solid. Behind all the grab ass shit talk was a real bond of brotherhood, forged in the commitment of a team of rivals devoted to making each other better. Everyone attended routine weekly modules of freestyle wrestling, Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, mixed martial arts, strength training, and yoga. The top tier guys of each sport organized the modules. Then we do calisthenics together as a team also. Three days a week we gather in the big central mat room and all do push ups, pull ups, planks, burpees and barrel rolls. We do not stop until everyone is sweat soaked and exhausted. We become a pack of wild animals. The room stinks of testosterone and musk. It’s the combined alpha energy of the team connecting at a primal level within each of us that forces us to dig deeper and work harder. We all get ridiculously pumped and sweaty, then lean back on our elbows on
the mats, taking plenty of time to catch our breath before we finish with tests of strength training. First arm wrestling breaks out. Everyone is boned as we each choose a partner knowing that ultimately we all test each other in full rotation. Then the whole group might gather around and guys will challenge each other to a kneeling knuckle lock, a cock fight or every once in a while a full on sex fight. Everyone basically knows the pecking order in every way we can possibly compare; but everyone feels constantly challenged and their progress nurtured.

07:51 Remy_Cooper: Guys pair off or subgroup around interests. It can be for intensive focused training or for fucking. Romance, sex and elite athletic competition fuels many a journey at the Factory. I notice Hassan is really getting bigger. He is broader in the shoulders, thicker in general and more hard bodied. I saw in his eyes the fire to get bigger, so I talked him into lifting together with an even more focused commitment. “Let’s get big together, bro.” I said to him. We very quickly started showering side by side in the morning and spending the day together. Lifting. Eating. Comparing.The days go by and we get in stride together, really lifting well and bonding over our pure muscle lust. Somewhere along the line we moved into the same suite with each other because we had developed a powerful craving for each other’s muscles day and night.

07:51 Hassan_Malik: I love our days together. Some Days we eat breakfast in silence because we are so comfortable with each other. I think we have similar natures. We are both intense competitors on the mat and totally chill off. First thing we do is hit the gym early so no one else is around. The Factory has a beautiful set up of machines and free weights. When we started the “get bigger” journey we were wearing pretty standard gym clothes. We lost the t-shirts and tanks very quickly, both preferring to see each other’s muscle growth. And then it was Asics and jocks. We loved to see each other’s full frame. Legs. Hindquarters. Backs. Lats. Shoulders. Pecs. Biceps. Full jock pouches. And we would inspect each other after sets. We called it “checking the swole.” We were literally groping each other all day like our bodies belong to both of us.

07:52 Remy_Cooper: And then we were just naked in gym shoes with our cock roots thick and hard as fuck. They would rub against each other’s thighs. They would hang in faces while bench pressing and poke asses and thighs while spotting each other in heavy deep squats. Sometimes we would grab them facing each other and line our dicks up and just rub them together side by side. We pretty much wanted to fuck each other every minute of the day so lifting was the only thing keeping us from being wild animals. We would have killer adrenaline spikes. Increasing testosterone levels fueled more intense muscle lust. Surges of aggression and lust would rise in our bodies. We would compete all day long just by comparing and sizing each other up and lifting like machines. The only time we stop is when we hit the showers. Then we finally chill out and become muscle lovers.

07:52 Hassan_Malik: Lifting became an act of sex for us. We loved squats because we love each other’s big fucking asses and legs, and because we got to spot each other. Our hot sweaty chests hovering behind each other's backs as they shoulder the squat bar, hot breath in their ear. Our big arms hover around their sides and down to their thighs as they go for a deeper squat and our bodies squat deep with theirs. Our cock roots, like upturned horns, snuggle their thighs. We can feel the heat from our bodies. Our dicks are as hard as our quads as we lift heavy and deep. Ever since I caught up to your lifting weights it’s been non-stop hustle in the gym and everyday we’d be slick and dripping with sweat, naked in our Asics. We were having weight lifting and worshipping frot sex, growling and grunting at each other, continually edging our dicks.

07:52 Remy_Cooper: Hassan is so beautiful. His deep brown eyes and mocha skin. His boyish charm and his hard rock muscle. After big sets we will just face each other, let our thick cocks push and shove while we dig our fingers into each other’s pec meat and feel how fucking hard they are. Our muscles are solid brick and we like punching each other. We loved the feeling of the impact, but also how hard it made our muscles feel. One day we walked into an empty wrestling room and took up positions opposite each other on the mat and just traded hard fists. We attacked each other’s pec meat first, sending shotgun fists into them, feeling how hard they are, but loving that they still get red. Then we stood toe to toe and traded slammers to each other’s abs. We pound right, left, right, left punches into each other's deep packed abs and our cocks just throb. Our eyes urge us to hit harder as it makes us even hornier and our balls feel like they might just explode with cum as we force our dicks to edge all day long.

07:53 Hassan_Malik: As the final workout of the day we would lay down on a mat and arm wrestle. We knew each other’s cocks were rock hard and humping the mat as we lined up our arms. I surprised him when I manned him up longer than anyone had in awhile. I had always loved to arm wrestle, so I had a lot of technique and muscle memory built up, but inevitably Remy's arm would pin my knuckles into the resilite mat and we would look into each other’s eyes. I lasted longer in each arm fight, making him work harder and feel the pain of the burn if he wanted to put my arm down. Our cocks would leak non-stop. We were so turned on that we started looking deeper into each other's eyes and seeing the muscle lust. We would not let our eyes disconnect even in the moment Remy's arm ever so slowly finally pins mine into the mat. Our eyes stayed locked into each other deep as we felt our leaking cocks explode in pure ecstatic pleasure spewing thick streams of cum into the mat beneath us. We would hump milk ourselves and never drop our animal gaze.

07:54 Remy_Cooper: We would walk dripping sweat and cum into the showers and under the hot water we would finally stop competing and just hold each other. Our exhausted muscles would hang on each other thick and heavy and our dicks would finally get some proper action. We’d soap each other up and just worship how hard our muscles were. Follow the rocks of our abs with slippery fingers. Pinching nips and smashing dicks. Drying each other off and seeing the excitement in each other’s eyes anticipating the kissing and grinding we would do for hours. We would just chew on each other's lips and tongues and grind our dicks in gyrating patterns as we wrapped up in each other’s big arms and legs.

07:54 Hassan_Malik: We would grind until we nodded off from exhaustion only to be reawakened by our throbbing dicks. Our favorite way to fuck each other was on each other’s backs. I remember mounting you, pushing my big dick all the way inside you and just letting it pulsate there as my chest spreads over your wide back and I reach to chew on your shoulder traps. I would just let it be there in you, invading you, staking a claim on your ass, then slowly start to hump into you with each squeeze of my glutes. Your ass is so damn hard it feels like fucking marble. Your back ripples with thick muscle. I’m the guy who once hero worshipped Remy Cooper from afar who now gets to fuck him sideways. I love how you so fully submit to my cock just like I do to yours and we flip fuck all night long, banging away at each other, humping out slow dick love into each other’s asses while turning his head side ways for a deep, open mouth wet kiss.

07:54 Remy_Cooper: Over time I see Hassan putting on big size. As we lift together so intensely hey is getting almost as big as me and strong as fuck. When we arm wrestle now he holds me to neutral. One night we tried to fight it out and nearly broke both our arms. He is totally manning me up, which is what I hoped for when I asked him to lift with me. We flex together, feel each of the other’s muscles and our dicks just get harder and harder as they edge. We love edging each other with muscle seduction. Over the better part of a year we were regimented in our discipline and over time our teamwork made us equal in size and strength. I remember we hadn’t contested a kneeling knuckle lock (KKL) in 6 months and even then it took an hour to put you down. “Hey Hassan, we should see how we match up in a KKL, what do you think?”

07:54 Hassan_Malik: “Hell yeah, great idea, Remy. We haven’t done that in ages. Fuuck…” I look you in the eye. “The last time was insane. Now? It’s gonna be epic bro. Damn. That’s hot. Yo, wasn’t Dre on us about how I haven’t made any Factory videos yet and we need a new product? Should we do this on video? What do you think?”

07:55 Remy_Cooper: “I think we should definitely run it past our video production team and get this taped right, all kinds of angles. And, I think we should put our own sexy muscle bromance spin on it. Sure make the KKL showdown the set piece, but we could ramp up with muscle play, show off these bodies we sculpted and just let them capture our muscle lust and intimacy. You dig?”

07:55 Hassan_Malik: “Fuck Yeah, Rems. Let’s show the world our freaky little muscle lust world of two, bet it would sell huge.” We spend a day talking through the sequencing so the videographer can program and prepare the cameras. Then we hit it hard in the gym for a full week without either of us jerking off so the day of taping we were at peak pump and horny as fuck.

07:55 Remy_Cooper:

07:55 Remy_Cooper: We stand just inches from each other in the dark video mat room, making each other’s dick quiver with some tongue kissing. Our hips are far enough apart that only the heads of our cock horns rub side by side as we pinch on each other’s nipples and make out. The light slowly comes up on this action as cams whirr around us capturing it from every angle. The color goes in and out of black and white with contrast lighting going bright then shadowy. One camera slowly moves up our bodies from a side view. Our thick quads, our huge asses squeezing our cock horns together. Our fingers pinching each other's nipples as we tongue kiss outside our mouths and moaning our muscle lust for each other. We just stand here making out for the longest time, then nod and suddenly we are both throwing up our double bicep flexes.

07:56 Hassan_Malik: Our biceps ball up huge and as we press them together our cock horns throb between our big legs. We take turns feeling each others rock hard biceps with both hands, then as we feel our cocks throb we flex them together and eye fuck each other. The cam zooms in on our thick 9 inch cocks rubbing raw like awakening giants, then it also captures our peak to peak bicep comparison beautifully, looking like the same muscle just different flavors. We are so bicep and cock proud we just flex our dicks and ceps at each other and go forehead to forehead, aggression and muscle lust in our eyes as we growl in each other’s faces. Close up on our expressions reveals to the audience our wild animal muscle lust bond. Do they want to kill each other or is this just how animals have sex.

07:56 Remy_Cooper: We want to give a great visual to the audience so we do one of the partner flexes we came up with muscle playing together in the gym. We take one step backwards from each other and flex our biceps and dicks hard as hell one last time, holding the flex long enough for the cams to capture our bodies separately and together as sweat drips from our pits down our wide lats. Then we reach our arms upwards, lace our fingers together and mercy flex up high so we can see our lats and open armpits spread out. Our shoulders, traps and biceps pop huge and hard. We flex our core ab walls at each other and our cock horns give each other the finger. Our eyes devour each other’s sweaty, rippling muscles and then connect with the electric crackle of our increasing arousal. The cams whirr and capture it all.

07:56 Hassan_Malik: We start wagging our hard cocks at each other and as our eyes satiate on our partner muscle flex they draw our hips together tight so they might grind rough and raw. Our big arms roam around each other’s thick backs and squeeze us tight so we can grind our deep packed, hard pecs and and open our mouths wide on each other and make out wet and sloppy. We man each other up pressing directly into each other chest vs chest, abs vs abs and our cocks are old rivals. Our traps and necks bulge with thick muscle as we press our mouths together tightly and kiss with wild abandon.

07:56 Remy_Cooper: I push you backwards into a padded wall and we take turns pinning the other chest to chest while still making out. We stretch the other's right arm above his head and shove our faces into his armpit. Noses breathing in raw musk. Flat tongues lapping up salty pit sweat. Our mouths find each other again for a moment, chewing on each other, then we search out the other's right pec meat and suck on it, tonguing thet erect nipple, then biting and sucking on it some more.

07:56 Hassan_Malik: Mmmmm then we pull back, hold him by his shoulder against the wall, then pound tough, hard fists into that same hard pec meat. We look into each other’s eyes and see voraciously hungry, aggressive muscle lust and share a smile before returning to pounding straight jabs into his pec meat, seeing it turn red. Then we go straight back to suck on that pec, tonguing it’s nipple and worshiping his beautiful chiseled chest. Our mouths find each other again and we embrace up against the padded wall and suck on each other's lips and tongue while grinding our full bodies once again.

07:57 Remy_Cooper: We take turns again, but this time we have to go for each other’s abs. We pull off each other, stand astride him, then start slamming fists into his flexed ab wall. His abs feel so fucking impenetrable. We smile and see the muscle madness in each other’s eyes, then send more fists into that rock wall. We hunch down so we can place our faces close enough to feel the red heat coming off the ab muscle and then kiss and lick it. We worship each other's abs with our mouths and tongues before standing and embracing for more muscle grinding and making out.

07:57 Hassan_Malik: We are making out so voraciously and grinding our pecs, abs and dicks so intensely that we just know we crave another round of ab torture. We pull off and this time position ourselves in front and just send right & left fists to pummel his rippling abs. We stop and just push a big fist into his middle abs and look him in the eye, then maintain eye contact as we pull that fist back and slam a punch and see it register like ecstasy in his eyes. We both take our time and wail on each other’s abs one punch at a time until we see some pain added to the mix in his eyes. I see that pain and it draws me to kiss you deep and passionately again, pushing you up against the padded wall and flexing into you from crotch to pecs, my whole cock and torso grinding into yours like one large muscle.

07:57 Remy_Cooper: I go second ab torture round and when I finish working you over I initiate the final dual sequence before we set up the KKL. After machine gunning my fists into your abs and watching the redness spread throughout your core, I kiss and lick them row by row and then raise up, turn you into the wall and push into you. My cock slides in your sweaty ass crack as my abs ripple on your lower back and my chest flexes deeply into your thick upper back. I nuzzle your neck as I hump my cock and full body into you, fuck pinning you against the wall. The camera starts at my big calves and slowly rises to see my big muscled ass so the audience can see it flexing and gyrating. My lust grows off the charts. When it rises to my back I yank you off the wall and turn you around to face the camera and slide on a playful full nelson.

07:57 Hassan_Malik: Now the audience sees you arching into me from behind, applying a full nelson on my shoulders and neck with your big chest in my back. The playful hold meant to show off my muscles from head to toe. My thick 9 inches are fully hard and arching up from my groin onto my rippling abs. Sweat drips from my open pits down my whole body. Then you release the Nelson and just let your arms wrap around me and grab my pecs from behind, squeezing them hard, then running your hands down my abs and grabbing my cock to slow jerk it, showing it off as a muscle. We linger here to allow the cameras to move slowly over my body, but then I pivot behind you and just immediately reach around and grab your hard pecs to show them off to the audience. Now my cock slides in your ass crack as I give you the reach around, slow jerking your manhood for the camera.

07:57 Remy_Cooper: The lights slowly go down on our erotic muscle worship and when they come back up we are repositioned on our knees facing each other. Our cock horns arch up towards each other as we stance out wide on our knees and also arch our rib cages and chests towards each other as the camera whirs around us, making us look like bookends of brown marble. Sweat rolls off our bodies as we lock eyes and see the aggression and lust and excitement in them. We hear the sound cue and both take our right knees and position it up against our left knees, bringing our hips together. We arch our upper torsos backwards in order to shove our thick 9 inch cocks together, knotted cock base vs knotted cock base, thick meaty shafts of blood and cum veins lineup and crush together. The camera can see our wide cock heads lining up on close up shooting downwards between us from above, then curving down to get a great side view.

07:58 Hassan_Malik: We shove our lower bodies together as tight as we can go and then arch back upwards and press our powerful hips and big hard pecs together. We stretch out our huge arms and lock up finger laced grips, then power up enough to activate our shoulders, traps and thick neck muscles. Our sweaty armpits open on each other like our mouths do, wet and sloppy. Hilariously our nipples are both the same size and shape, and when we crush together they line up perfectly and rub and grind as they get erect. We go forehead to forehead and eye to eye as we flex into each other from head to crotches. Pure muscle lust blasts our senses and our eyes lock in a trance. We know the cameras are whirring about capturing all this but we are lost to the audience. We are only two sets of muscles preparing to go at it full out.

07:58 Remy_Cooper: We experience what the cameras cannot and what the audience can only imagine. We feel our hard packed pecs lock into each other, brown meat vs brown meat, and then each row of our abs lock in and undulate in a rippling wall of connection. Our thick cocks line up and smash well known warriors. We can feel the heat rising from our bodies and the way the sweat melds our muscles so deliciously together. We have spent time together, gotten to know each other. We know the parts of us that will always be playful boys, be the teenage competitor feeling the weight of the world, and the mature athletes with a bond of brotherhood. They are all here and they all have boners about this epic KKL. And they all agree to commit to full on dominance muscle vs muscle.

07:58 Hassan_Malik: We can feel our heart beats slow down and sync up as they pulse in our cocks trapped together between our ab walls. Nothing else moves. Our big chuck muscles lock into each other and create points between which we exert power against each other. We flex up our big rib cages and feel them invade each other’s space. Our pecs become the pads between which all the top down power streams and currently we have each other on lock down and powering up at an equal pace. Our Hips, crotches and cores lock into each other and keep our dicks smashed and grinding. And our huge quads power steady knee stances that keep us tilted into each other and rooted into the ground.

07:58 Remy_Cooper: As we power up fully our foreheads slip from each other and our chins lock instead over each other's shoulders, locking us together tighter than ever. Our muscles have never felt harder against each other, even though they slide some in the slippery sweat, enough to create big heat from friction. We feel like we are both immovable objects in each other’s way. Sweat pours down our broad backs and into our ass cracks while also draining from our pits, down our lats and into your matted pubes, lubing our cocks. All this sweat from the strength exchange and the slow power drain as we surge into each other at full power and remain in a standoff filled with growls, grunts and moans.

07:58 Hassan_Malik: We are never more intimate as we fight each other man vs man, naked and smashed together with our dicks just grinding away. We both slip into a focus to ensure constant engagement in power exchange and time just goes by. We don’t move but our cocks hump the fuck outta each other like they have a mind of their own. The fact that we are manning each other up so equally is turning us both on massively. We surge again and again for some advantage and each time we hold the ground on the other. We search our memories of our other KKL matches for any inkling of how to change the equation.

07:58 Remy_Cooper: I growl supremely pissed off and take a deep breath, then surge up through my quad stance, big muscled ass and powerful hips, and surge that energy through my core and center frame straight into you. I feel you noticing this surge I do and are right behind me in performing it against me. We end up pouring on the strength, our skin and muscle taking a beating from the intensity of the power exchange, but still we hold our ground against each other and each time we settle into each other after a surge attempt our dicks just throb and hump away. The aggression and lust spreads throughout our bodies.

07:59 Hassan_Malik: Neither of us has been in any KKL like this where the pressure of each other’s attack was non-stop and of equal power. We can feel the power drain from the original push, which was more intense for longer than we have ever gone at each other before by far. And we can feel the power drain as we slowly take the energy out of each other with over an hour of muscle smashing. When it starts to slowly dawn on us that this may actually be a draw, that I may not have beaten Remy, but I manned him up solidly, we both pre-cum.

07:59 Remy_Cooper: We can feel each other doing double checks on power and energy and slowly arriving at the same conclusion and our muscle lust spikes off the fucking charts. We press even harder into each other but now all we can feel is our balls starting to get hot with cum, our thick shafts throbbing wildly and our hips just humping them together. We are so turned on by the draw that muscle power is suddenly not the issue.

07:59 Hassan_Malik: Almost out of nowhere, by a simple dawning awareness, our balls suddenly explode and our cocks spew ropes of hot, sticky cum up between us, hitting the undersides of our pecs and chins. Our strength drains away rapidly as we milk ourselves on each other and once again we are kissing rough and wild. We lose the finger grips and wrap our big, exhausted arms around each other and just grind our center mass and cocks as we make out, still lost in our own world. The video guy has to come back because even as he has turned down the light on the action, we are just getting started at feeling that experience in our kiss.

Published: 2022-03-13, viewed 201 times.



alpha adam

2022-03-16 23:05

these factory stories are my favorite. how do i get a chance to go at it with one of you sexy studs

Remy Cooper

2022-03-16 23:09

(In reply to this)

I will send you some information about guys to connect with and the nature of the factory role plays

Andre Jordan

2022-03-14 18:11

Hot Action Brothers!