Alex Wolfe

19-year-old Human male



  • Arms16
  • Chest15
  • Abs15
  • Legs16
  • Ass13
  • Cock13


  • Height5'9"
  • Biceps20"
  • Chest55"
  • Waist35"
  • Thigh28"
  • Cock7"

Talks big, falls bigger, but never admits defeat without a smirk.


The self-proclaimed king of the ring, though his crown might need a bit of polishing. Alex dives headfirst into every fight, even if he's more likely to end up eating canvas than raising his arms in victory.

From trading punches in the boxing gym to grappling on the wrestling mats, Alex is all about that combat life. Sure, his win-loss record might not scream "champion," but hey, who needs trophies when you've got a killer right hook and a killer smile?

When he's not busy throwing punches or flexing in the mirror, you'll find Alex holding court at the local bar, regaling anyone within earshot with tales of his near-misses and almost-victories. After all, in Alex's world, every defeat is just another opportunity to come back stronger – or at least spin a good story about it.

So, if you're looking for a guy who's equal parts cocky and charming, with a dash of bruised ego thrown in for good measure, look no further. Let the adventures (and the questionable fight stories) begin.

"Sure, my opponents may have a fighting chance, but let's be real here: they're not the ones leaving the ring looking this good."

Fictional character

Last login: yesterday
Start of membership: 2024-04-22


