Public Open

Established: 2022-01-02

  • Superhero
  • Supervillain
  • Extreme violence
  • Blood
  • Death
Group of Villain who want to cleanse the world of stupid and useless superheroes.
238 members
28 stories
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No More Heroes


Silver Soldier, the epitome of physical perfection and moral fortitude, stood tall in the heart of Bastion City, a beacon of hope in a world rife with darkness. At 6'3" and 229lbs of pure muscle, he cut an imposing figure, his chiseled features exuding strength and determination. His silver suit hugged his powerful physique, accentuating every bulging muscle and sinew. The iconic "S" emblazoned across his chest served as a symbol of his unwavering commitment to justice. From his broad shoulders to his sculpted midsection and down to his powerful legs, every inch of him radiated power and resilience. But Silver Soldier was more than just brawn; he possessed a keen intellect and an unshakable sense of integrity. His senses were honed to a razor's edge, allowing him to detect even the slightest hint of trouble in the bustling city streets. As he stood amidst the towering skyscrapers of the warehouse district, Silver Soldier couldn't help but take a moment to admire his reflection in the glass of a nearby building. Pride swelled within him as he gazed upon his imposing form, a testament to years of hard work and dedication. But amidst his pride, a sense of duty burned bright within him. Bastion City was his home, and he would do whatever it took to protect it from the scourge of crime and corruption. With unwavering resolve, Silver Soldier vowed to stand as a guardian against the darkness, a shining beacon of hope in a world in desperate need of heroes.

The glass that Silver Soldier admired himself on suddenly turned on. It was a giant TV screen that projected the new mayor, Sheng Gang. From the towering size, it looked like he was looking down at Silver Soldier while he fixed a cuff link. The way he bent his arms made his biceps stretch the fabric of his dress shirt and even pull against his thick chest. The advertisement itself was for the inauguration gala with his swearing into office.

Sheng had just arrived to Bastion City a little over a year ago, but had finally dug his claws in. He had plans to decommission the super human program. He cited the lack of efficiency and the damages to properties. Instead, he had introduced new weapons and his own private security company. Since arriving, crime had dropped significantly. Heroes from all over the city had been disappearing as well. Had they all decided to hang up their capes?

The portrait had shrunk down to a smaller window while the news ad announcing Sheng's victory had come in a landslide. There was also controversy being talked about how he would not be residing or working at city hall and instead working in one of the city high rises at a company he had done a hostile takeover.

As Silver Soldier steps into the sleek lobby of the high-rise building, the air crackles with an aura of power and authority. The receptionist, a polished professional behind the desk, greets him with a polite smile.

"Welcome, Silver Soldier," she says, her voice tinged with a hint of formality. "Mayor Gang is expecting you. You can take the elevator to the top floor."

Silver Soldier nods in acknowledgment, his senses on high alert as he makes his way towards the elevator. The doors slide open smoothly, and he steps inside, the familiar hum of the machinery filling the air as the elevator begins its ascent.

As the floors pass by in a blur, Silver Soldier can't shake the feeling of apprehension that gnaws at the edges of his mind. Something about Mayor Gang's invitation feels off, and he can't help but wonder what the mayor has in store for him.

But despite his misgivings, Silver Soldier remains resolute. He is determined to uncover the truth behind Mayor Gang's actions and protect the city he loves from any threats that may arise.

As the elevator reaches its destination and the doors slide open once more, Silver Soldier squares his shoulders and steps out onto the top floor.

Mayor Sheng's office exudes an air of authority and prestige, befitting its location atop the city's tallest skyscraper. The sleek, modern design is complemented by floor-to-ceiling windows offering breathtaking views of the city skyline. There were several glass cases pillars that displayed super hero suits. Each suit is a testament to duty and sacrifice, serving as both a reminder of the city's protectors and a source of inspiration for those who enter the mayor's office. Each one a super hero that had supposedly turned in their cape and cowl under Mayor Sheng's orders. Upon closer inspection, one could see the wear and tear from battle.

"The Tin Man," Sheng said from behind his desk. He had his designer shoes kicked up on the mahogany desk while he tossed a ball into the air and caught it repeatedly. "You were to report to my office yesterday to turn in your suit," Sheng said as he caught the ball then turned his head to look over at the hero.

Silver Soldier steps into Mayor Sheng's office, taking in the opulent surroundings with a mixture of awe and unease. The air is thick with an aura of authority, the sleek, modern design of the office a stark contrast to the bustling city below.

His eyes are drawn to the glass cases lining the room, each one housing a superhero suit, a silent testament to duty and sacrifice. As he examines them closer, he can see the signs of wear and tear, the battle scars of countless conflicts fought in the name of justice.

But his attention is drawn back to Mayor Sheng as he speaks, his voice cutting through the silence of the room like a knife. The mayor reclines behind his desk, an air of casual arrogance surrounding him as he tosses a ball into the air with practiced ease.

"The Tin Man," Mayor Sheng says, his tone dripping with disdain. "You were to report to my office yesterday to turn in your suit."

Silver Soldier meets the mayor's gaze with a steely resolve, refusing to back down in the face of his accusations. Though a part of him bristles at the disrespect shown towards himself.

"I'm here now, Mayor Sheng," Silver Soldier replies, his voice firm and unwavering. "But I won't be turning in my suit. Not until I have answers about what's really going on in this city."

Silver Soldier's jaw clenches in frustration at Mayor Sheng's dismissive attitude. He knows there's more to the story than the mayor is letting on, but the man before him seems content to toy with him like a puppet on a string.

"I won't let you erase everything we've fought for," Silver Soldier retorts, his voice tinged with defiance. "I'll uncover the truth, with or without your cooperation." He rocks on his feet for a moment, measuring the atmosphere of the room and the density of the sitting mayor before him.

Sheng grins as he hears the hero go on about uncovering the truth. A speech he had heard so many times over the last few days. He set the stress ball down and stood up from his desk to reveal his towering 6'5 broad-shouldered figure. The mayor was dressed in a suit vest and pressed white shite and black pants. He undid the gold cufflinks and set them down on the desk as he knew where this conversation was going.

"Oh? What am I erasing? Your gross incompetence to protect this city? You and your pathetic friends run around playing hero, putting people in jail, and then they just get out again. Since I have arrived in the city, crime has dropped significantly. Safest city in the states," Sheng said as he walked closer towards the hero. The only sound in the room was his voice and the heel of his polished shoe tapping on the ground as he closed the distance.

"Strip down and turn in your suit, Tin Man," Sheng said as he stood toe to toe with the hero, towering over and looking down at him.

Silver Soldier meets Mayor Sheng's arrogant grin with a steely glare, refusing to be intimidated by his towering figure. The mayor's dismissive attitude only fuels his determination to uncover the truth and protect the city he loves.

"As if you would understand the sacrifices we make to keep this city safe," Silver Soldier retorts, his voice dripping with disdain. "You sit comfortably behind your desk, while we put our lives on the line every day to protect the innocent."

He watches as Mayor Sheng stands up, revealing his imposing stature, but Silver Soldier stands his ground, refusing to back down. The implication of removing his cuff links.

"You claim crime has dropped, but at what cost?" Silver Soldier counters, his voice ringing with conviction. "You've silenced dissent and driven away those who would stand against you. This city may be safe on the surface, but it's rotting from within."

As Mayor Sheng approaches him, Silver Soldier squares his shoulders, meeting the mayor's gaze head-on. Despite the vast difference in their size, Silver Soldier refuses to cower in the face of the mayor's arrogance. Silver Soldier is a superhero, though human, every aspect of his power is at maximum levels given his height and weight. 

"I won't surrender my suit to you, Sheng," Silver Soldier declares, his voice firm with defiance. "In fact, I think I'm going to have to ask you to return your title as mayor. You have no interest in protecting this city and no scope of understanding as to what it takes to be a hero. It appears we're at a point of disagreement, you're a man of action, so what do you think we do next?"

"What do you think we do next?" Sheng chuckled under his breath as he swiped on the clock face of his watch. There were monitors that hung on his ceiling facing the desk.

Sheng brought his arm around Silver Soldier's shoulders and forcefully turned him around to show him just how strong he was then grabbed him by his jaw to make him look at the monitors. On each of the screens were the heroes and even villains that had turned in their cowls. It's not like they had a choice. Each of them were naked in bound in various positions. Several of them looked like they were getting fucked by some sort of machine. Each of their faces lost in bliss. "You're wrong. They weren't silenced or driven away. I like hearing them," Sheng said. "Now, we could do this easy way, most of the side kicks did it this way, and you could strip down and kiss my shoe. Or we could do this the fun way," Sheng said with an unwavering confidence as he looked up at his collection.

Silver Soldier's muscles tense as Mayor Sheng's words sink in, a chill running down his spine at the horrifying scene playing out on the monitors. His fists clench at his sides, fury bubbling beneath the surface as he watches his fellow heroes and even villains subjected to such degrading treatment.

"You sick bastard," Silver Soldier seethes, his voice barely containing his rage. The sight before him is a stark reminder of the depths of depravity Mayor Sheng is willing to sink to in order to maintain his grip on power.

As Mayor Sheng forcefully turns him around and grabs his jaw, Silver Soldier meets his gaze with a mixture of defiance and disgust. The mayor's grip is like a vice, a silent threat of the power he wields.

"I won't be a pawn in your twisted games," Silver Soldier declares, his voice cold and unwavering. "You may have silenced some, but I won't let you break me."

With a surge of strength, Silver Soldier breaks free from Mayor Sheng's grasp, his resolve burning brighter than ever. He turns to face the mayor, his jaw set in determination.

"I won't bow to your tyranny," Silver Soldier says, his voice ringing with defiance. "I'll fight you every step of the way, and I'll bring you down, no matter what it takes." Silver Soldier's left leg snaps as his shin slams into Sheng's right oblique. Animated GIF - Find & Share on GIPHY

Sheng grins as Silver Soldier pulls away. He has enough time to crack his neck before he spots the kick incoming. There's a heavy THUD as the hero's leg connects with Sheng's body. It should have sent him flying, but Sheng was still standing with a smug grin on his face as he brought his arm down to lock on the leg and restrain him. 

"No wonder you wannabe heroes were bad at your jobs. You hit like a child," he laughed at him and shifted on his foot to swing his leg up for a swift kick to Silver Soldier's bulge then a kick to his jaw as he released his leg.

As Mayor Sheng's kick connects with Silver Soldier's groin, a searing wave of pain courses through the hero's body, causing him to double over in agony. His muscles, usually so resilient, betray him as he crumples toward ground, his breaths coming in ragged gasps. Before Silver Soldier can even begin to recover, Mayor Sheng delivers a devastating kick to his jaw, sending the hero sprawling backwards in a painful, disorienting tumble. The force of the blow is enough to send him flipping over himself, the world spinning in a dizzying blur as he crashes to the ground.

 For a moment, everything is a haze of pain and confusion as Silver Soldier struggles to regain his bearings. Every movement sends waves of agony radiating through his body, but through sheer force of will, he manages to push himself onto his hands and knees, his jaw throbbing and his vision swimming. 

 Despite the overwhelming pain and disorientation, Silver Soldier's resolve remains unbroken. With a fierce determination burning in his eyes, he grits his teeth and pushes himself to his feet, ready to continue the fight no matter what obstacles may come his way. "Don't confuse me with other hero's - you're terror stops here!" He pulled up his arm, his mind still reeling from Sheng's immense strength, he knew he'd need to dodge any other hits.

"What's wrong?" Sheng chuckled as he watched Silver Soldier writhe beneath him. That polished shoe inches from his face. "Come on Boy Scout. You know, I knew this was going to be easy, but not this easy," Sheng taunted him as the hero got back up to his feet.

"Confuse you for other heroes? You're barely a hero. You're barely even ranked in the top 10. You're just a side kick playing dress up," Sheng laughed as he started to walk towards Silver Soldier.

Mayor Sheng's words only serve to fuel his rage, igniting a fire within him that refuses to be extinguished. "Is that so?" Silver Soldier growls, his voice low and dangerous. "Well, let me show you just how wrong you are." Mayor Sheng's laughter echoes in the air, but Silver Soldier pays it no heed. With every strike, he chips away at the mayor's arrogant facade, determined to prove himself worthy of the title of hero. As Mayor Sheng walks towards him, Silver Soldier meets him head-on. With a sudden burst of speed, Silver Soldier launches himself at Mayor Sheng, his fists flying in a relentless barrage of strikes. Each blow is fueled by years of training and dedication, each punch a testament to his unwavering resolve, his fists a blur of motion as he unleashes his full fury. With every punch, he chips away at the mayor's defenses, refusing to let up until justice is served.

Silver Soldier's cries of pain ring out through the room, echoing off the walls as each blow from Mayor Sheng lands with bone-crushing force. With every strike, Silver Soldier's resolve weakens, his muscles screaming in agony as he struggles to stay on his feet.

As Mayor Sheng's fist connects with Silver Soldier's cheek, the hero lets out a guttural cry, the sound a mixture of pain and frustration, UUUUUUNGHHHHHHHHHHH- His vision swims as he feels himself being lifted off the ground, his body unable to withstand the force of the mayor's assault.

"You're sloppy," Mayor Sheng's words cut through the haze of pain, his voice a cruel reminder of Silver Soldier's inadequacy. The hero can't help but feel a sense of shame wash over him, his cries of pain a stark contrast to the mayor's taunts, GAAAAAAAAAAAAH!" 

With a final, contemptuous gesture, Mayor Sheng releases his grip, allowing Silver Soldier to collapse to the floor in a heap. Silver Soldier's body feels like lead as he sloppily pushes himself to his feet, his muscles protesting with every movement. The pain is relentless, coursing through his body like a raging inferno. "You're...we just started..." The hero says, his chest rising and falling rapidly.

Sheng looked down at the hero. He walked over and grabbed the hero by his hair to force his body to stand straight. "Good. I only keep toys that don't break," he said as he slammed an uppercut into his abs. All the heroes and villains in his "collection" were ones that had proven to be indestructible or had some kind of healing. Perfect toys to handle Sheng's heavy hand.

"You should be more worried about when I'll be finished," Sheng sneered, "or when I'll finish you." He held his head with both hands, applying pressure as if he were to crush his skull while his knees swung up with deadly precision to rattle his obliques, abs, and crotch.

As Mayor Sheng grabs him by the hair, Silver Soldier's heart sinks, his spirit crushed under the weight of his adversary's dominance. He stands there, his muscles trembling with destruction, his once-proud physique now reduced to a mere shadow of its former glory. 

 The uppercut to his abs sends shockwaves of pain rippling through Silver Soldier's body, a sharp reminder of his vulnerability in the face of Mayor Sheng's brutality. He gasps for breath, a loud bellowing groan, his chest heaving with the effort to remain standing, but each breath feels like a struggle, as if the air itself is suffocating him. He feels it echo as his hands claw at Sheng's forearms. 

 But it's not just physical pain that Silver Soldier must endure. It's the crushing weight of despair, the overwhelming sense of defeat that threatens to consume him whole. In that moment, fear grips him like a vice, his mind flooded with thoughts of failure and inadequacy. 

 Tears mingle with the sweat on Silver Soldier's brow as he struggles to hold back his sobs, his pride wounded and his spirit shattered. In that moment of despair, he feels utterly alone, a solitary figure standing against the darkness with no hope of salvation, over and over his body bounces, his big muscled body flapping and jiggling obscenely after each hit. His skull on the brink of caving in he screams wildly trying to pull at Sheng's wrists, each hit forcing a gasp as he stares at Sheng with wide eyes full of agony.

"What's that, Tin Man? I can't hear you submitting to me over all your bitching," Sheng said as he forced the sniveling hero to look up at him. "Are you crying? How fucking pathetic. I should crush your skull right now. It'd be like popping a grape. You can't even fight back against me. You're not even a side kick. You know you're a weak little coward. You have no power," Sheng growled as he tightened his hold on his skull a bit more.

"Admit it and maybe I'll spare you a little longer. Admit it and beg," Sheng ordered with every ounce of authority.

As Mayor Sheng forces him to look up, Silver Soldier's eyes brim with tears, his voice barely a whisper as he struggles to find the strength to speak. "Please... I..." he begins, his words choked with emotion. But Mayor Sheng's scornful laughter cuts him off, a cruel reminder of his powerlessness in the face of his adversary's overwhelming strength. Silver Soldier's heart sinks as Mayor Sheng tightens his grip on his skull, the pressure threatening to crush him beneath its weight. "I-I'm sorry," Silver Soldier stammers, his voice barely audible above the sound of his own sobs. "I-I admit it... I'm... I'm weak... I'm... I'm nothing..." But Mayor Sheng's command leaves him with no choice but to obey. With a trembling voice, Silver Soldier begs for mercy, his words a desperate plea for forgiveness in the face of overwhelming adversity. "I-I beg you... please... spare me...merccyyy" he whispers, his voice barely a whisper as he braces himself for whatever punishment Mayor Sheng may see fit to inflict upon him.

Sheng's scornful glare turns into a wicked grin as the hero admits defeat. "Pathetic," he laughs and spits in the hero's face. His hands release the hero, but only for a moment.

Another heavy uppercut slams into those once proud abs to bend the hero forward. Sheng shows off his own strength by hoisting him off the ground to drape him over his shoulders. With a hard shrug, he tossed him up just enough to spread him over his shoulders on his back as he pulled him into a torture rack. The ceiling above had mirrored tiles that the hero could see himself in as Sheng pulled and bowed Silver Soldier's body. One hand held him by his throat while his other hand held him by the abused bulge. Then he started to pull as if he were to rip him in half.

"I don't think I heard how weak you are with all that crying," Sheng said as he tugged and forced the hero to degrade himself.

Mayor Sheng spits in his face, Silver Soldier can't help but feel a sense of utter degradation wash over him. The taste of saliva on his lips is a bitter reminder of his powerlessness, his cries for mercy falling on deaf ears.

But Mayor Sheng isn't finished yet. Another heavy uppercut sends shockwaves of pain rippling through Silver Soldier's battered body, bending him forward in agony. With a cruel display of strength, Mayor Sheng hoists him off the ground, draping him over his shoulders like a rag doll.

Silver Soldier's eyes widen in horror as he realizes what Mayor Sheng has in store for him. The mirrored tiles on the ceiling reflect his broken form back at him, a haunting reminder of his defeat.

As Mayor Sheng pulls and bows his body in the torture rack, Silver Soldier can feel his muscles screaming in protest, his entire being wracked with agony. The hand around his throat constricts his airflow, while the grip on his abused bulge sends waves of pain radiating through him.

"I-I admit it... I'm weak... I'm nothing... Please, I can't take any more... I'm at your mercy... Spare me, I beg you... I'll do anything... Just please, have mercyyyyyyyy!!!!!!" Silver Soldier's voice cracks with desperation as he pleads for his life, his once-proud demeanor shattered by the relentless onslaught of Mayor Sheng's cruelty. Every word is a humiliating admission of defeat, a stark reminder of his powerlessness in the face of his adversary's overwhelming strength. Tears stream down his face as he begs for mercy, his body wracked with pain and fear. In that moment, all he can do is pray that Mayor Sheng will show him some shred of compassion, some flicker of humanity in the midst of his merciless torment. But deep down, Silver Soldier knows that his pleas will fall on deaf ears, that Mayor Sheng will stop at nothing to break him completely. 

Silver Soldier pathetically flails as pain explodes over and over through is back, to the top of his skull to the ends of his toes.

"Barely even started and you're already begging for your worthless life. All your efforts are futile. You can't even save anyone, not even yourself," Sheng said as he tortured the soldier above him for several more minutes while his words drilled into his head.

Soon after he lifted Silver Soldier off of his shoulders and dropped to one knee to drop his back onto the spike. Sheng scowled as he looked down at him before shoving him off. He stood up and started to undo his tie and unbutton his white shirt to reveal his tattooed chest. "Get up," Sheng ordered. "Get up or I'll crush your worthless head under my heel."

Silver Soldier's body quivers with exhaustion and agony as Sheng's words slice through him like a blade. He feels the crushing weight of his own powerlessness suffocating him, leaving him nothing but a broken, pathetic shell of a hero, folded over Sheng's knee as he groans in pain loudly. He's dropped. Lying on the ground, he can barely summon the strength to lift his gaze to meet Sheng's mocking eyes. Every fiber of his being screams with pain and defeat, his spirit shattered beyond repair. As Sheng looms over him, Silver Soldier can do nothing but cower in terror, his muscles trembling with fear. His voice is a mere whimper as he struggles to form words, his mind consumed by a fog of despair. "You win," he mumbles, his voice barely audible amidst the sound of his own sobs. "I'm nothing. Just a worthless, muscled-up weakling." And as Sheng orders him to rise, threatening to crush his skull under his heel, Silver Soldier can do nothing but obey. With trembling limbs, he struggles to his feet, his body wracked with pain and exhaustion, slowly to his knees, his torso folds to the side and he has to catch himself, heaving, pushing himself slowly to his feet. There is no defiance left in Silver Soldier, no hope or determination. And as Sheng looks down at him with disgust, Silver Soldier knows that he is utterly defeated. He is broken and pathetic, a mere shadow of the hero he once was. And in that moment, he knows that there is no escape from the darkness that consumes him. His noble bravado has been replaced by trembling fear and overwhelming despair. His chest, once swollen with pride, now heaves with the weight of his own inadequacy. His words are feeble and mumbled, his actions driven by nothing but a sense of hopeless resignation. Animated GIF - Find & Share on GIPHY

"Win? We weren't even competing. How could you even think you could try to win against me?" Sheng laughed in the hero's face. His hand came up to grab the hero by his hair to pull him up to stand straight. "You're a failure," Sheng said and smacked him across the face with his free hand. "You've let down this city," he said and smacked him back across the face. "You thought you were a hero?" Sheng said with another resounding slap. "You're useless trash that should be tossed away," Sheng drilled into the broken hero's mind.

"Do you want to redeem yourself? Prove that you have some worth. Maybe if you do a good job I'll spare your life and you can join the rest of my toys," Sheng said as the hand that had smacked Silver Soldier's face repeatedly slid down to grope the hero's pecs. His fingers dug into the meaty shelf. 

"Unzip my pants and get my dick out," Sheng ordered. "Maybe you'll be a better whore than a hero."

As Sheng grabs him by the hair and forces him to stand straight, Silver Soldier can do nothing but hang his head in shame. Each slap across the face sends a jolt of pain coursing through his battered body, a painful reminder of his own worthlessness, a whimper , moan or grunt accompanying each slap.

"You're right," Silver Soldier mutters, his voice barely above a whisper. "I'm a failure. I've let everyone down."

But as Sheng's hand gropes his chest, Silver Soldier recoils in disgust, his stomach churning with revulsion. The thought of submitting to such degradation fills him with a sense of nauseating horror, even if he feels like a complete waste...

"I won't do it," he says, his voice trembling with defiance. "I won't become your puppet, your plaything. I may be broken, but I still have my dignity."

And with those words, Silver Soldier summons whatever strength remains within him, refusing to succumb to Sheng's twisted demands. He reaches up trying to wrest Sheng's grip from his hair, his body bulging in effort, though unable to grapple with Sheng's overwhelming strength.

Sheng sneered as he looked down at the hero. He didn't need to flex or grip tighter as Silver Soldier tried to twist himself free. "Look at you. You're like a child. Weak. Pathetic. Can't even break free," Sheng brought his other hand up and slowly closed it into a fist. CRACK! His fist slammed against his jaw then slammed into his chest followed by an uppercut to his abs. His fist slammed repeatedly into the defiant hero as he threatened to beat him until he was nearly unconscious. 

"Let's see. How should I end you? I could tear your head from your shoulders. Maybe I'll just snap you in half. In my arms or over my knee? Hm, no, I think I'll toss you right out that window and see you splattered in front of the office," Sheng growled into Silver Soldier's ear. "Or you can get my dick out like a good little bitch and maybe you'll finally be good at something."

He struggles in vain against Sheng's grip, his muscles straining with futile effort as he tries to break free.

But Sheng's hold is ironclad, unyielding in its strength. Silver Soldier can feel the crushing weight of his adversary's power bearing down on him, leaving him gasping for breath and trembling with fear. His mouth snaps shut as hit teeth rattle, his breath forced from him as his chest is slammed, and then his abs are drilled- his organs feeling reorganized.

As Sheng's fists rain down upon him, Silver Soldier's body convulses with each brutal blow, his bones shaking with the force of the impact. He cries out in agony, his voice choked with pain and desperation. Something in Sheng's voice and his demeanor compelled Silver Soldier out of his own will, the hero whimpering as his trembling hands reached down for Sheng's dress pants, frantically undoing them until Sheng's hefty CK briefs revealed a heavy crotch - shaming Silver Soldier in form as well...He gulpled.

With his pants finally open and his bulge free, he shoved Silver Soldier down to his knees and pushed his face into that sweaty crotch. "Deep inhale, hero," he mocked him as his mind melting musk flooded his brain. Even if he didn't deeply inhale, there was only Sheng's musk invading the air.

Sheng flexed his dick a few times to make Silver Soldier feel the muscle push against his face. "Let's see if you make a better cock sucker than a hero. You ever suck dick before, boy scout? Do a good job and maybe I won't make you choke to death on it."

Silver Soldier's heart sinks as he feels Sheng's cruel grip forcing him down to his knees, his face pressed into the sweaty crotch before him. The overpowering scent of Sheng's musk fills his nostrils, suffocating him with its sickening sweetness. Despite his resistance, Silver Soldier finds himself unable to escape the suffocating embrace of Sheng's overpowering presence. With a sense of despair washing over him, he knows that he has no choice but to submit to the twisted demands of his adversary. Sheng's dick flexes against his face, Silver Soldier can feel a surge of revulsion rising within him. The thought of succumbing to such degradation fills him with a sense of nauseating horror, but he knows that he has no other option.

With trembling hands, Silver Soldier tentatively begins to obey Sheng's command, his movements slow and hesitant, he pulls on Sheng's briefs as the monster cock unfurls. The taste of Sheng's flesh fills his mouth, leaving a bitter taste on his tongue. As he reluctantly begins to suckle at Sheng's member, Silver Soldier can feel his spirit breaking with each passing moment. Silver Soldier knows that he has reached the lowest point of his existence. He may have once been a hero, but now he is nothing but a broken shell of his former self, his mouth full of defeat even as he struggles to take a fraction of what Sheng is offering. His lips stretching painfully in tandem with the ego shredding of the experience.

Sheng reached down to grab onto his beer can thick meat hammer. His let it pop from Silver Soldier's hungry lips. "Damn, hungry little slut aren't you?" he taunted him as he smacked Silver Soldier's mouth and face a few times with his heavy dick. He then shoved Silver Soldier to sit on his heels and slapped his dick on the logo of his suit. A thick glob of pre drooled out and smeared over the symbol. "Push your bitch tits together," he said as he smacked his dick between his pecs. "Tell me how much you want it, hero. Beg because your life depends on it."

Sheng smacks his mouth and face with his heavy dick, Silver Soldier can feel his spirit crumbling beneath the weight of his adversary's cruelty. He tries to push back the tears of humiliation that threaten to spill from his eyes, but he knows that he is powerless to resist Sheng's twisted desires. Silver Soldier's senses are overwhelmed by the pungent scent of Sheng's musk, invading his nostrils and assaulting his senses with its sickening sweetness. The overpowering aroma fills the air, suffocating him with its suffocating embrace as he struggles to push back the waves of nausea washing over him. As Sheng's heavy dick smacks between his pecs, Silver Soldier can feel his spirit breaking. "I want it," he whispers, his voice barely audible above the sound of Sheng's mocking laughter. "Please, I'll do anything. Just spare my life." Silver Soldier pushes his chest together more as his tongue begins straining for the throbbing hot cock on his "S" symbol. Silver Soldier's muscular chest heaves with each labored breath, the contours of his chiseled pecs defined by the harsh lighting of the room. His powerful biceps bulge as he pushes them together, the sinewy muscles flexing beneath the taut skin with each movement. Beads of sweat glisten on his bronzed skin, highlighting the rugged terrain of his sculpted torso. Silver Soldier squeezes his pecs together, the firm flesh yielding slightly to his touch. He can feel the weight of his own humiliation pressing down on him, the sensation of his own flesh contorting in such a humiliating manner filling him with shame. Worse is a growing desire he feels. "God...noo.." He says in rejection before his tongue once again strains to taste Sheng's huge monster cock.

Sheng grabbed Silver Soldier's hair to make him stare down the barrel of his shot gun as he sucked him off. "Damn, you got a nice pair of tits," Sheng grunted and flexed his dick. The thick veins along the shaft started to bulge as it seemed to be growing larger by the second. He pulled his hips back and forth to drag his nuts along the hero's and while the massive head wrenched his mouth open. Lucky for the hero, Sheng only push the head and several inches into him. It seemed like Sheng was enjoying the feeling of those thick pecs trying to wrap around his dick.

After a minute of teasing his dick, he pulled back again to drag the head between the thick pecs. He grabbed onto the hero's collar and started to rub his dick against the hero's collar bone. The friction and the taut suit soon cause a tear just below the symbol on Silver Soldier's chest. Sheng licked his lips as he pressed his dick against Silver Soldier's bare chest then slid his dick up into the suit and out of the collar to shove it back into the hero's mouth. "God damn, this mouth is something else. Might be a shit hero, but you may be a good cock sleeve after all."

Silver Soldier's mind reels as Sheng's actions continue to degrade him, his body responding to the twisted pleasure coursing through him despite his inner turmoil. The sensation of Sheng's thick member pushing against his lips fills him with a sickening mixture of shame and arousal, his senses overwhelmed by the overpowering musk emanating from his superior's body.

When Sheng thrusts his hips forward, Silver Soldier can feel the weight of his own bitchdom pressing down on him, the sensation of Sheng's member plunging deeper into his mouth leaving him gasping for breath, lips stretching and eyes watering. He's durable, a super soldier through and through, but Sheng's cock could rip him in half. Yet even as he struggles to endure the torment, a part of him can't help but crave the twisted pleasure that Sheng's actions bring.

The feeling of Sheng's thick member sliding between his pecs sends a shiver of excitement down Silver Soldier's spine, the sensation of his own flesh yielding to the relentless assault filling him with a sense of perverse pleasure. Despite his best efforts to resist, he finds himself becoming addicted to the sensation, his body responding eagerly to the cruel touch of his tormentor. As Sheng's approval trickles in, Silver Soldier's body responds instinctively, a flicker of desperation igniting within him at the smallest sign of validation from his tormentor. With each nod of approval or word of praise, his muscular chest heaves with renewed vigor, the sinewy muscles beneath his skin rippling and flexing in a hypnotic display of submission.

Sheng sneered as he watched the hero flex his pecs with every thrust. He let his dick slip from his lips and wrenched Silver Soldier's head back so he can look up at the mirrored ceiling to see himself with Sheng's dick pressed against his face. "Look at yourself. You're a grade A cock slut. You're sucking my dick like an expert. You blow all the other heroes too? Or were all the other villains just railing your throat. You're no hero," Sheng said as he reached down to grab onto the symbol on Silver Soldier's chest. The tearing of the fabric filled the room for a moment as Sheng ripped it from him and left those pecs hanging out. He crumpled it up in his fist then shoved it into Silver Soldier's mouth. Sheng tugged Silver Soldier's hair to bring him to his hands and knees while forcing him to keep looking up. That massive girth pressed against his gagged lips then suddenly thrusted forward to make Silver Soldier swallow it and his cock down his throat. "Fuuuuuuck! Fits like a glove," he grunted as he pushed in several more inches and forced that symbol down. He licked his lips as he slowly pulled out and slapped his face with his spit slick dick. Webs of saliva and pre attached to that cheek to the meaty dick. "Say thank you, Sir' and beg me to use your throat like the cocksleeve it's meant to be."

Silver Soldier huffed and whimpered, his spittle caked lips trembling as his head is forced back, Sheng's massive mighty cock covered half of his visage, his one eye staring at the mirror in depraved disbelief. Silver Soldier felt his huge pecs relax into the open air as his suit was torn. Suddenly his mouth was stuffed with his symbol, gagging.

Manipulated to his hands, he was unable to remove the makeshift gaga and worse, Sheng shoved his cock down his throat, the gag sticking into his pipes, his breathing shallow and eyes wide in terror as he clutched his throat, Sheng's mighty cock slaps sent him reeling to the ground. He tried to reach down his throat for his symbol, body flailing as he kicked and scrambled to dislodge the heroic "S" that had been shoved down his gullet.

With each blow, his body buckles beneath the relentless onslaught, his abs throbbing with agony as Sheng's designer shoe crashes down upon them. Clawing for air, Silver Soldier's mind swims with a dizzying haze of pain and despair, his senses overwhelmed by the suffocating pressure of Sheng's foot upon his deep cut abs. He claws at the air as he feels the veins in his neck on the verge of popping, face turning close to a shade of blue - As the symbol of his heroism is forced from his mouth, he feels a surge of bitter shame coursing through him, his body trembling - he begins unending torrent of coughing and wheezing, clawing at his neck and chest.

His chest heaves obscenely as it finally subsides and for a brief moment he's himself - only to see the staggering figure of Sheng enter his view...Silver Soldier's body collapses in defeat, his knees buckling beneath him as he sinks to the cold, hard ground at Sheng's feet. Tears stream down his cheeks as he gazes up at his oppressor, his voice trembling with a mixture of shame and desperation.

"Thank you, Sir," he whispers, his words barely audible amidst the sounds of his own suffering. "Please... use me... as your cocksleeve. I beg of you." His voice is choked with humiliation as he lowers his head in submission.

"After that sorry display. Maybe you aren't the cock sucker I thought you were. Couldn't even swallow the present I generously gave you. Can't be a hero. Can't suck dick. You're worthless. I should end you right here. Crush your skull beneath my foot," Sheng sneered as he looked down at the broken hero. He stroked his monster meat from base to head. The sheer girth was nearly as thick as the hero's forearm by now.

"You want to prove yourself? Swallow it. All the way down to my balls. I want you kissing them. I don't care how much you choke on it. You better not pull off," Sheng warned him.

"I-I'll do it," he stammers, his voice barely above a whisper. "Please... give me another chance. I'll prove myself... I swear..."

His words are filled with desperation as he reaches out, his trembling hand grasping at Sheng's monstrous member. Silver Soldier's hands quiver as they wrap around Sheng's colossal shaft, his fingers barely able to encompass the sheer girth of the throbbing member. The weight of it feels almost suffocating in his grasp, the heat radiating from the pulsating flesh sending shivers down his spine.

With a haggard breath, Silver Soldier leans forward, his lips parting as he tentatively takes the thick shaft into his mouth. The taste of Sheng's flesh fills his senses, overwhelming him with its potency and power. He can feel every vein and ridge beneath his tongue, each contour a testament to Sheng's dominance over him.

As he struggles to accommodate the massive member, Silver Soldier's throat constricts, his gag reflex kicking in as he fights to keep from choking. Silver Soldier's once-proud ego crumbles with each passing moment, his confidence shattered by the relentless assault on his dignity. Where once he stood tall and defiant, now he finds himself on his knees, humiliated and broken. his every instinct screaming at him to fight back, to resist. But deep down, he knows that survival depends on his ability to obey, to submit to Sheng's cruel demands.

With each agonizing inch, Silver Soldier's muscles flex and strain, his body trembling with the effort to deny his gag reflex. His chest heaves with exertion, the bulging muscles of his arms and shoulders rippling beneath his skin as he forces himself to swallow Sheng's massive member as he grabs the back of the mayor's legs and pulls.

Sheng watches as the broken hero swallows inch after inch of his hero breaking cock. The breaker and tamer of Bastion City. "There you go. I knew you were a real cock sucker. Half way down. That's it. Damn, tight as hell. Keep gagging. That's fucking nice. Keep stroking my dick in your throat," Sheng moaned out. He felt those large hands on his legs and he braces himself for the hero to pull forward. "Almost there, hero. Keep going. Aaaand," Sheng moans and grabs onto Silver Soldier's hair to pull him forward the last few inches until his balls are resting on that jaw and his face is buried against his pelvis. The only air he would get was the potent musk that would corrupt his mind into being Sheng's toy. He moved Silver Soldier's hands to place them on his ass to let him feel Sheng flex every so often to make his cock throb and pump him with his pre.

"Look up at me. Stay there. Don't you dare pull off my dick unless I tell you to. I don't care that you're choking on my dick. Your only job now is to keep me satisfied or I'll end everything for you. You're lucky your new boss is merciful enough for that," Sheng said as he looked down at him.

Tears streak down his cheeks, his nose runs with snot, and his body quivers with every ragged breath. He feels utterly defeated, completely outmatched by the dominant force that is Sheng. "Look up at me. Stay there," Sheng commands, and Silver Soldier obeys, his gaze fixed on the man who holds his fate in his hands. He knows that he must do whatever it takes to keep Sheng satisfied, to avoid the wrath of his merciless tormentor. For in this moment, there is no room for defiance, only obedience, as Silver Soldier resigns himself to his new role as Sheng's willing servant.

Silver Soldier's once proud and chiseled physique is now contorted in a grotesque display of submission. His muscular frame strains against the torn remnants of his costume, his bulging pecs pushing up and out in full busty display of his torn costume. His glutes are reared back, his hands clutching desperately at the back of Sheng's legs, holding himself in place despite every instinct screaming at him to pull away.

Silver Soldier's body betrays him, repeatedly attempting to retreat to gasp for air. But with each futile attempt, he finds himself drawn back to Sheng's throbbing cock, the relentless pressure of Sheng's grip on his hair ensuring his compliance. Silver Soldier's muscular physique remains a testament to his former glory. He struggles against the urge to gasp for air, his bulging biceps and triceps ripple with undeniable power, each flex a reminder of the countless hours spent honing his body.

His chiseled form, now marred by tears in his torn costume and streaks of sweat and tears, still commands attention. The contours of his chest, pushed up and out as he strains to hold his position, are a sight to behold, though devoid of any sense of triumph.

With every flex of his muscles, Silver Soldier exudes a raw intensity, a silent submission to the forces that seek to break him. Though battered and bruised, there is a certain beauty in the way his body moves, a grace born of years of discipline and training, now rendered meaningless in the face of his utter defeat. Strings of spittle cling to the corners of his mouth, evidence of his futile attempts to swallow and breathe simultaneously.

His nose is crinkled in discomfort, mucus mixing with the tears that streak down his cheeks, forming a salty trail on his sweat-drenched skin. Wide-eyed and filled with a mixture of fear and humiliation, his gaze remains fixed on Sheng's looming figure above him, a silent plea for mercy that falls on deaf ears.

Sheng kept holding onto the hero's head to keep him in place whether he liked it or not. He licked his lips as he felt him swallowing over and over while draining him of the last bit of air. "Hold still. Give in. This is where you belong. Serving me," Sheng drilled into him with his authority.

He kept holding onto him even as he choked for air. He wanted to watch his face burn and that throat to tighten up around his dick. He kept his eyes locked on the broken hero's as he drained him of life. It wasn't until he made them roll in Silver Soldier's skull did he finally release his head. "Get some air," he finally said as he released him and allowed his dick to slip from the hero's throat. 

"You should be thanking me for continuing to spare your pathetic life," he said as he shoved Silver Soldier's head to the ground then pressed his foot down on the back of it to pin him there. "You should also be thanking me that I even allowed you to suck my dick. In fact, you should be begging me to keep choking you on my dick until I blow. You should be begging to swallow my cum. That's all your good for anyways. Just a cum dump."

With tears streaming down his face and his voice trembling, Silver Soldier responds, "Yes, Sir. Thank you, Sir, for sparing my worthless life. I'm grateful for any mercy you show me. And... and thank you for allowing me to serve you in any way you see fit. I beg you, Sir, please don't stop. Please keep using me as your cum dump. I'll do anything to please you, anything to prove my devotion to you, my Master. Please, Sir, fill me with your essence. I exist only to serve you. Just... just use me. Use me however you want. Fill me with your essence. I'm nothing but a worthless vessel, begging to be filled with your power. Please, I need you to claim me as your own, to mark me with your dominance."

Pinned to the ground beneath Sheng's boot, Silver Soldier's face is pressed into the unforgiving surface, his breath coming in ragged gasps as he struggles for air. Despite the pain and humiliation, he obediently extends his tongue, lapping at the dirt with desperate fervor, each lick a testament to his submission to his tormentor's will. His once-proud stature is now reduced to that of a broken servant, willing to debase himself in any way necessary to please his captor. He is consumed by a sense of defeat and degradation unlike anything he's ever experienced. The taste of dirt mingles with the salt of his tears, a bitter reminder of his utter helplessness in the face of Sheng's dominance. With each lick, he feels a piece of his dignity slip away, replaced by an overwhelming sense of shame and submission. Yet, despite the agony of his predicament, he cannot bring himself to resist, knowing that any defiance would only invite further punishment from his merciless tormentor. In this moment, pinned beneath Sheng's boot, Silver Soldier is forced to confront the harsh reality of his own weakness, a stark contrast to the heroic image he once projected to the world. He continues to ramble...

Sheng listened to the broken sniveling hero for a few moments longer as he stroked his meat hammer. He finally lifted his foot and snatched the hero by his hair to make him sit up again. With his cock in hand and the hero's hair in the other, he bitch slapped his face from side to side with that drooling dick. There was enough force that it may as well have been his fist from the sweat, tears, and pre that sprayed from his fist. If he was a normal human, Sheng probably would have broken his jaw.

"You want to feel power?" he asked him as he lined his cock up to his lips. With a single thrust, he shoved himself back down Silver Soldier's throat leaving him staring down the remaining half of his cock. He grabbed onto each side of his head while proceeding to face fuck the hero. His cock was leaking an endless stream of pre now. Each thrust forced some out of his throat and out of the hero's lips. Each thrust Sheng sunk deeper and deeper. "God damn. What a tight cock sleeve. Squeezing me with every pump. You must really want my dick, don't you? My new cock sleeve is just a hungry cum bucket that needs to be filled."

Silver Soldier, his eyes wide with a mix of fear and desire, trembles as Sheng grabs him by the hair and forces him to sit up. His once-proud physique now shudders with anticipation and submission as he awaits Sheng's next command. The stinging sensation from the brutal slaps of Sheng's throbbing member against his face only serves to further humiliate him, his cheeks now flushed with shame and arousal. His lips are covered in Sheng's pre and his cock is tenting in his costume, pushing against the spandex and imprinting his large 10"er. 

 As Sheng positions his cock at Silver Soldier's lips, the hero's heart races with a strange mixture of dread and longing. With each forceful thrust, Silver Soldier feels his throat constricting around Sheng's imposing length, the overwhelming pressure leaving him gasping for air. Yet, despite the agony, there is a perverse ecstasy in surrendering to Sheng's dominance, a twisted pleasure in being used so thoroughly by his superior. As Sheng's cock plunges deeper into his throat, Silver Soldier can't help but moan around the intruding shaft, his body betraying him with every desperate gasp for breath. He doesn't know what to do with his hands and he begins to shove his pecs, pushing on them for the stimulation and for Sheng's approval. He feels like utter garbage and he can't help but keep going.

"Fuck yeah," Sheng groans at the tightness of the throat and the hero beneath him continuing to debase himself. "Keep pushing those bitch tits together," Sheng grunts as he suddenly slams his entire length down. With Silver Soldier's head in his hands, he starts to pound his face against. He could feel his nose repeatedly slammed against his lower abs while his balls slapped against his jaw. It wasn't long until all that pre that dribbled out started to cake the hero's face and web between them. He may as well have been repeatedly slamming his face into the ground.

"Fuck! You might be a lousy hero, but you're starting to make a good cock sleeve. The last hero I face fucked this hard got his skull crushed. Let's see if you can last," Sheng groaned as he pounded the hero's once handsome features.

After what must have been several long minutes, Sheng slipped his phone out of his pocket to start recording Silver Soldier. Sheng let out a deep moan as he started to pumped Silver Soldier's throat full of his cum. He started to pull out to flood his mouth and pulled out completely to slap Silver Soldier's head up to look at him as he shoot several more ropes on his face and chest. "Arms up. Give everyone a nice flex, cock sleeve. Tell everyone how you're no longer a hero. Tell everyone your new job."

Silver Soldier, now fully resigned to his fate, obediently follows Sheng's commands without hesitation. As Sheng praises his performance, Silver Soldier's once-proud demeanor has been utterly shattered, replaced by a submissive and compliant attitude. His muscled body strains under the relentless assault, his pecs pushed together as if offering himself up for further degradation. With each forceful thrust, Silver Soldier's face is contorted in a mixture of agony and pleasure, the repeated impacts leaving his features swollen and bruised. Yet, despite the pain, there is a perverse satisfaction in fulfilling Sheng's desires, a twisted sense of fulfillment in being used so thoroughly.

As Sheng's climax approaches, Silver Soldier's throat tightens around his length, eagerly accepting every pulse of Sheng's seed. Gobs of the thick, viscous substance coats his tongue, its salty tang overwhelming his senses. With each spurt, the warm liquid spills over his lips, dribbling down his chin in glistening rivulets.

Silver Soldier's face becomes a canvas of debasement as Sheng's essence splatters across his features. The viscous fluid mingles with the tears streaking down his cheeks, forming a grotesque mask of submission and humiliation. His tongue hangs out still openly accepting more even as he gargles and coughs what sits in his gullet. Hot seed seeps into the crevices of his furrowed brow, matting his sweat-drenched hair against his forehead.

"That's right," Sheng said as he smacked him across the face; spit, pre, and cum flying off of him as he send him to the ground. He shakes his hand free of the goop and pockets his phone. 

There was no time for rest for the broken hero. Sheng had grabbed him by his hair and slammed a knee into his face, chest, abs, and then his crotch before he finally hoisted him up with ease over his shoulder in a fire man carry. He walked him over to the window so he could look outside on the city he used to protect.

"We're not done yet. You need to be trained to be a proper cock sleeve after all. Which means," Sheng said as he stroked his dick a few times to get some of the spit and cum on his hand. He brought the cum lubed hand up to tear a hole in the hero's ass then began to rub his knuckles against Silver Soldier's hole. "Got to loosen you up first," he said as he shoved a finger in then another. He started to work his hole open by sliding his fingers in and out until he had four in. He pulled out completely and started to rub his knuckles against the stretched hole before finally throwing Silver Soldier down on his desk. Sheng towered over him still dressed in his suit with his monster dick hanging out of his pants. "Beg for my fist, bitch boy. Beg me to pound your insides."

Sheng delivered another brutal blow to Silver Soldier's already battered face, sending him crashing to the ground amidst a flurry of saliva, pre-cum, and semen. With a disdainful flick of his hand, Sheng rid himself of the sticky residue and nonchalantly stowed away his phone.

But there was no respite for the broken hero. With a vice-like grip on Silver Soldier's hair, Sheng subjected him to a merciless barrage of knee strikes, each impact driving the air from his lungs and leaving him gasping for breath. Then, effortlessly hoisting him over his shoulder in a fireman's carry, Sheng marched him towards the window, offering a chilling panorama of the city he once swore to protect.

As Sheng warmed up his chute, the hero began to whimper, before he was starting to submit over and over.

"Please! No more! Don't do this!" Silver Soldier begged hysterically, his voice trembling with fear and desperation. "I'll do anything, just please don't hurt me like this!"

Tears streamed down his face as he pleaded for mercy, his body trembling with terror at the thought of what Sheng had in store for him. "I-I can't take it anymore! Please, I'll be your slave, I'll do whatever you want, just don't... don't violate me like this!"

His voice cracked with raw emotion as he continued to beg, his words becoming more frantic with each passing moment. "Please, I'll do anything you ask, just don't... don't make me endure this humiliation! I'll do anything to escape this nightmare!" But still he stayed folded over the desk, his ass up in the air.

"Do what? This?" Sheng teased him as he slid his knuckles into the hero's hole. He flexed his arm then pumped a punch forward to slam right into the hero's prostate. "Damn you're tight. Going to feel even better when I'm stretching it open with my dick," Sheng groaned as he slipped his fist out then punched his hole open again over and over. He rubbed his knuckles against his prostate then gave it a few hard jabs.

Silver Soldier's cries grew more desperate with each agonizing blow to his tender flesh. "Stop... please... I can't... take it anymore," he gasped, his voice choked with pain and fear. Yet, beneath the surface, there was a sickening sensation of pleasure mingling with his torment, his body betraying him with a perverse response to the brutal assault.

As Sheng's fist slammed into his prostate, Silver Soldier felt a searing sensation shoot through his body, sending waves of both agony and ecstasy coursing through him. His muscles convulsed uncontrollably, his mind reeling from the overwhelming sensations assaulting his senses.

"Mercy... I beg of you... mercy..." he pleaded, his voice trembling with desperation as he struggled to endure the relentless onslaught. With each punch, his body responded with a perverse mixture of pain and pleasure, leaving him feeling utterly helpless and utterly violated.

The repeated blows to his prostate left him gasping for air, his body wracked with spasms of pleasure that mingled with the searing pain radiating from his abused flesh.

Sheng continued to slam his fist into Silver Soldier's hole. He slipped past his prostate and started shoving himself deeper and deeper. He was rearranging his insides for the main event. "What's wrong, hero? Your shrimp dick looks hard from back here," Sheng said as he reached under to give the hero's cock a pump before slapping his balls. "It looks like you're enjoying it. You should be thanking me I didn't tear you in half," Sheng said as he slipped his fist out then turned Silver Soldier onto his back. 

"Lift up your legs," Sheng ordered as he unbuttoned down his vest to reveal his muscular tattooed chest. He slid his dick into the silver briefs and rubbed his monster dick against the hero's. "Quit your bitching and start begging for it. Do it or I'll throw you out this window. Even you won't survive this fall. Some of the others didn't." He started to rock his hips, crushing Silver Soldier's pride beneath his cock and slapping the hero's balls with his.

Each brutal thrust rearranged his insides, leaving him feeling utterly violated and utterly helpless. "Please... no more... I can't... take it," he whimpered, his voice strained with torment as he struggled to endure the relentless assault. And his cock grew harder by the minute. He was completely lost between submission and despair. Sheng grabbed his cock as Silver Soldier was close to thanking him, instead the sensation cut his voice and he nearly purred. His head tossing back from the pleasure while Sheng mocked his "shrimp" dick. 

He was flipped onto his back, his once tight ass now blown open by the unyielding fist of the Mayor. The trembling hero whimpered as he brought his legs up, grabbing the back of his muscled thighs. He begged more but quickly stopped, as he was threatened to be discarded like a heap of trash. The sensation of Sheng's monstrous member pressing against his own sent a shiver of dread down his spine, his body trembling with a sickening mix of fear and arousal. His once-proud confidence crumbled in the face of Sheng's overwhelming dominance, and he couldn't help but feel a sense of inadequacy. How could he, a mere hero, ever hope to measure up to someone like Sheng? He bit back whimpers as Sheng slammed his cock onto his and his balls pushed his against his pelvis. He was in hell.

"Good boy," Sheng slapped the side of Silver Soldier's face a few times as he chuckled. He dragged his dick back to let him feel each inch of that beast before the head slapped against the entrance of the gaping hole. 

"Seems like you aren't good at following directions all the way. I didn't say beg for mercy, bitch boy. I said to beg for my cock," Sheng said as he slipped the head in and stretched him further. With one brutal thrust, he rearranged the hero's insides with the entirety of his dick. He took the hero by the back of his knees and pinned them next to his head as he started to plow the ruined hero. There was no build up this time. There was only Sheng's pure relentless power to shake Silver Soldier's entire body and mind with each brutal thrust.

Silver Soldier's body convulsed with each forceful thrust from Sheng, his muscles straining against the overwhelming power of the villain. The sensation of being impaled on Sheng's massive cock was both excruciating and intoxicating, sending waves of pain and pleasure coursing through his shattered form.

As Sheng pinned his knees beside his head, Silver Soldier felt utterly exposed and vulnerable, completely at the mercy of the villain's merciless onslaught. Every movement sent shockwaves of agony rippling through his body, yet beneath the pain, there lingered a perverse sense of pleasure, a twisted desire that refused to be extinguished.

With each brutal thrust, Silver Soldier's once-proud facade crumbled further, his cries of anguish mingling with moans of twisted ecstasy. He was nothing more than a plaything for Sheng's amusement, his body and mind utterly dominated by the villain's insatiable lust for power. Between body shaking jolts of thrusting power Sheng unleashed, Silver Soldier found his pecs pushing up and his back arching, his arms sliding around the Mayor's desk. He was in full whorish display with his cock harder than ever and his balls filling with his own seed. His mind staggered by each jolt and the hardness of Sheng's cock - having already blown a massive load down his gut, the hero was in abject awe of his conqueror at this point. Still, the pain was there, but now Silver Soldier wanted it. "FUCK ME YESS FUCKK MY CUNNTTT I'M YOURR BITCCH MAYORR- i NEED IT!"

Sheng reached down to grab onto the crotch fabric of the suit and hoisted him up in the air for a few seconds before tearing the suit away from his body to drop him back down onto the desk. "You won't be needing this anymore," Sheng grunted between thrusts. "Who did you think you were? Playing dress up. Wanting to be a hero. You never were a hero. Just a cock hungry whore that needed to be broken. You want to be a hero. Here," Sheng said wickedly as he pulled out of the gaping hole and balled up Silver Soldier's suit. He then punched it inside of the hole to stuff him then proceeded to slam his dick back inside. "There. Now you can still be a hero on the inside," he said as he towered over him. His hand reaching down to grope Silver Soldier's pecs while he plowed him.

Silver Soldier felt a wave of realization wash over him. He had once believed himself to be a formidable hero, a champion of justice capable of standing against any adversary. But in the face of Sheng's dominance, he saw now how truly insignificant he was. He had thought himself a hero, a symbol of strength and virtue, but now he saw himself for what he truly was—a weak and pathetic shell of a man, utterly at the mercy of his tormentor. The sensation of his torn suit being stuffed into his violated body only added to his degradation, a cruel reminder of the facade he had once clung to so desperately. With each brutal thrust, Silver Soldier's resolve crumbled further, his body and spirit yielding to the overwhelming force of Sheng's superiority. As he gazed up at his tormentor, he felt a sense of awe and reverence wash over him, recognizing the futility of his former bravado in the presence of such unyielding power. Even painfully stuffed, he screamed horrifically, shrill, but his cock spewed more and more pre cum all over himself. In that moment of clarity, Silver Soldier accepted his own worthlessness, acknowledging Sheng as his superior in every way. He capitulated completely, surrendering himself to the will of his tormentor without hesitation or resistance. Silver Soldier's pleas grew more frantic as he surrendered himself entirely to Sheng's dominance. "Yes, yes, please," he gasped, his body writhing beneath Sheng's relentless assault. "I need... I need to feel you... to feel your power... please, don't stop... use me until I'm nothing." And as Sheng's hand groped his chest, Silver Soldier could only whimper in shame, the last vestiges of his dignity slipping away with each passing moment.

"You're already nothing," Sheng grunted as he grabbed Silver Soldier by his throat. "What was your name again? Silver Slut? You're just another broken whore," he said as he kept up the brutal rhythm of his thrusts. He tightened his grip as if to crush his windpipe while he fucked his mind into oblivion. "You should be grateful I'm even keeping you around for a bit as my toy. But you're no hero. You're not going to be part of my collection. Not a whiney little bitch boy like you," Sheng sneered as he continued to choke him. "Cum for me Silver Slut. Give up. That's all you're good for."

Silver Soldier's eyes widened in terror as Sheng's grip tightened around his throat, cutting off his air supply. Gasping for breath, he could do nothing but writhe helplessly beneath the overpowering villain, his body trembling with fear and submission.

"Please," he choked out, his voice barely a whisper. "Please, Sheng... I'll do anything... just... just let me serve you... please..." And then his cock began to spew, harder and stronger than Silver Soldier ever had, blowing rope after rope as he quickly realized just how large Sheng's previous load had been in comparision, here he blew more and harder than ever, barely a fraction of Sheng's diabolical load. "OOOH YEESSS I''MM GRATEFFULL THANK YYOUU"

Sheng started to fuck Silver Soldier faster as he felt the bottom bitch tightening up around him. "That's it. Keep cumming, Silver Slut. Keep milking my dick," he moaned as he continued to plow into him. For the next few minutes, he relentlessly pounded in and out of his hole. When Sheng was finally getting close, he locked his hand around the hero's throat to choke him out. "Tighten up, bitch. Already turning into a gaping hole," he growled as he watched the hero's face change colors. "Let's see if you can live to feel my load up your ass," Sheng grunted as he piston fucked Silver Soldier. The only warning he got was the throbbing of that monster meat before the hot ropes of cum overfilled his ass. When he was finally done, he released Silver Soldier's bruised neck.

Silver Soldier's body convulsed with each forceful thrust from Sheng, his mind consumed by a mixture of pain, pleasure, and utter degradation. As Sheng's grip tightened around his throat, he felt his consciousness slipping away, his vision blurring as the lack of oxygen overwhelmed him.

The words "Silver Slut" echoed in his ears, a constant reminder of his reduced status in the presence of his tormentor. With each thrust, he could feel himself being pushed closer to the edge, his body betraying him as it responded to Sheng's brutal assault.

"Please," he gasped between choked breaths, his voice barely audible over the sound of their coupling. "I'll do better... just... please..." He tried to tighten his ass around Sheng's cock as he said so.

Sheng's laughter filled the room as he continued his relentless onslaught, driving Silver Soldier to the brink of oblivion. In the haze of pain and pleasure, Silver Soldier could feel himself tightening around Sheng, his body involuntarily responding to the overwhelming stimulation.

And then, just as suddenly as it had begun, it was over. Sheng's grip loosened around his throat, allowing Silver Soldier to gasp for air once more as he lay trembling beneath his conqueror. The hot ropes of cum filling his abused ass. His eyes bleary and vision blurred...his speech slurred as his cock tried to keep shooting though he had nothing left, his insides filled with the hot slathering of Sheng's dominance. "Nothingggg...comparedd toooo youuu mayoorrrrr..."

Sheng went to sit down on his chair, his dick still hard as a rock now dripping down onto his dress pants. "Clean it up," he ordered Silver Slut. 

The night was still young. Whenever he was done with his ass, he switched to his mouth and vice versa. Even as the night dragged on, Sheng's tenacity and power didn't seem to diminish. The other heroes took awhile to break. Silver Soldier was easy. A shame for his last conquest. But a reminder that he would not be fit for the collection.

As dawn began to break, Sheng was towering over his cum soaked gaping toy. He had stripped down from his suit to reveal his tattooed muscular body. He grabbed onto Silver Slut's hair and dragged him over to the window again. This time he slammed his face into the window with a small crack beginning to form. He slammed his dick right up into his overflowing hole, and growled. "Enjoy the view while it lasts, Silver Slut. This will be your last," he warned him as he started to pick up speed with his thrusts. "Now, tell Daddy how much you want it. Tell Daddy what a worthless hole you are. Tell Daddy to end it."

Silver Soldier, still trembling from the ordeal, began slowly crawling towards Sheng's chair. His body ached with every movement, but he knew better than to defy his tormentor's command.

With trembling hands, he reached out and tentatively licked at the sticky mess dripping down Sheng's dress pants, his mind numb to anything but the overwhelming need to obey. As he cleaned Sheng's cock with his tongue, Silver Soldier felt a wave of humiliation wash over him. He had once been a proud hero, revered by the citizens he swore to protect. Now, he was reduced to nothing more than a pathetic slut, debasing himself for the pleasure of his superior, the humiliation now a comfort.

As the relentless night dragged on, Silver Soldier's endurance was pushed to its limits under the unyielding force of Sheng's brutal onslaught. Each powerful thrust hammered into him, driving him closer to the edge of consciousness with every impact.

Despite his once formidable durability, Silver Soldier found himself unable to withstand the punishing assault for long. The sheer ferocity of Sheng's onslaught overwhelmed him, rendering him helpless against the torrent of pain and degradation.

As the hours passed, Silver Soldier's body succumbed to the relentless barrage, his consciousness fading in and out as he was repeatedly knocked to the brink of unconsciousness. His once proud resilience crumbled under the unrelenting pressure, leaving him unable to muster even a semblance of resistance.

With each passing moment, Silver Soldier's empty nut sack served as a cruel reminder of his powerlessness, his body drained of vitality and strength by Sheng's insatiable appetite for domination.

As dawn began to break, Silver Soldier found himself in stark contrast to the composed and proud hero he had been merely hours ago. Now, he was nothing more than a broken, cum-soaked toy at the mercy of Sheng's relentless domination. The memory of his confident entrance into Sheng's office felt like a distant echo as he lay there, utterly debased and degraded.

With Sheng towering over him, his tattooed muscular body a stark reminder of his power, Silver Soldier could only endure the torment as he was dragged once again to the window. The crack in the glass mirrored the fracture in his own shattered spirit as Sheng plunged his throbbing member into his overflowing hole.

As Sheng's thrusts grew in intensity, Silver Soldier could only whimper in submission, his voice reduced to a pathetic plea for mercy. "Please, Daddy," he choked out between sobs, the words a bitter acknowledgment of his own worthlessness. "I-I'm just a worthless hole. End it, Daddy. Please..."

With each agonizing moment, Silver Soldier's pleas grew more desperate, his body wracked with pain and humiliation as he begged for release from the unrelenting torment. And as the dawn broke outside the window, he could only pray that it would bring an end to his suffering at the hands of his merciless tormentor.

Sheng didn't ease up on the toy. His powerful thrusts filled the room with wet claps. Each one making the crack on the window web larger. As he picked up the pace the entire piece of glass shattered. He grabbed onto the hero by his neck to keep him from falling. His other hand grabbed onto Silver Slut's forearm then the hand around his neck moved to the other. He pulled his arms back to make the broken toy arch his back and stretch his chest as he was plowed from behind. The sound of the traffic building below and the claps from the office mixed in the air.

When Sheng felt himself starting to build towards his crescendo, he pulled the slut inside and pulled out just to turn him around. He picked him up under his knees and impaled him to the base of his cock in one go. "You were never meant to be a hero. Not even a toy. You can't keep up. Not like these real toys," he said as he let Silver Soldier see the broken heroes in the monitors behind him. They were stuck in an endless torment, but Silver Soldier was on his way out. Sheng stepped closer to the edge to make him hang outside again. He slipped his hands from his shoulders to grab onto his forearms again before piston fucking his hole. 

"Any last words, Silver Slut?"

As Sheng plowed into him, his face slammed the glass and it cracked over and over before it shattered. His eyes widened in fear, but Sheng had a grip on him while he continued to make the hero's body bounce from his powerful fucking, his useless muscle a mass of defeat on his large frame.

As he was forced to turn around, his mind reeled with his circumstance. He couldn't handle Sheng, Mayor Gang was too much for him. "Oh no please...I was meant to protect the city...I gave everythingg..I'm fucking helpless please!! MERCYYY SHENNG PLEASEEE!" The hero looked over his shoulder as the wind whipped his hair, frantically beginning to scramble, his legs feebly tried to wrap around Sheng's waist but each thrust sent them flailing in the air, the villain had him by his forearms, he had no way to gain a grip on anything..."NOT THISS! YOU WERE TOO STRONG!!"

"No, you were too weak," Sheng sneered. He leaned back a bit as he started to thrust up into the hero. Pre and cum drooled from his ass and dripped down to Silver Slut's fate. Sheng was picking up speed, but the power behind each thrust didn't falter. "Beg Daddy for one more load you useless toy. Be grateful the last thing you'll feel is what real power is. Be glad that you were allowed that much of my mercy," Sheng grunted. His cock was throbbing. It was a ticking time bomb for his fate. 

throb throb throb throb throb


The first rope filled Silver Slut immediately with the excess spilling out below.


The second rope made the broken toy's body bounce on his dick.


The following ropes made him start to rise just from the force of each cum shot. Sheng licked his lips as he caught the hero's eyes as he started to loosen his grip. His fingers slid down to his wrists then held onto his hands. "You are a helpless toy that was meant to be broken. You've served your purpose," he said coldly as he released his hands with one final flex of his dick that shot the hero off.

"OH PLEASEE SHENGG I NEVERR STOOD A CHANNCEE NO PLEASEE!" Silver Soldier had no morals left, no command left in his useless semen pumped muscled body. He was a shell of his former self.

He was filled to the brink, his ass leaking with the massive load. "DEARR GAWWWD SHEENGG NOO PLEASEEE!" The ruined hero flew part off of Sheng's cock. Rope after rope and even worse, his own cock began to shoot, though small dribbles in comparison to Sheng. "You ruiined me.." Silver Soldier tried desperately with sweaty fingers to maintain his grip on Sheng, but his cock was too powerful- the villain shot him off and into the open air. He flailed and let out a bloodcurdling scream as the villain's cock cruelly pointed at him and shot into his mouth and face, causing him to sputter and gag as his dreadful cry echoed on his descent to termination, his final mark to be left of his complete ruin and defeat.

Sheng watched the hero fall to his fate below. He just stroked his dick to pump the last bit of cum out of him before finally turning to his desk to call his assistant.

"Clean up the mess outside and get this window replaced," he said coldly.

Published: 2024-04-10, viewed 208 times.




2024-04-10 05:56

Nice story, guys. Clever and different writing. I really enjoyed it! Bravo and thanks for sharing.