Tropolis Monster Beasts gym

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Established: 2021-04-29

  • Long-term roleplay
  • Male / Male
  • Gay
  • Anthro
  • Workout
Gay Humans and Anthros male. Are you ready to fight? Join my gym and play with pets.
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Caged Beasts: Round 4 - Carnage

Chadwick The-Stinger (deleted member)
Tropolis Promoter (deleted member)



I moan out and yell into the ring floor as the big bear beast pins me down with arm back, face down and ass up…he slams in with out remorse and fucks my ass in a fury of revenge. I pant and gasp as he works his thick dick in my chute paying back vengeance for his brother and the treatment and win I took from him. The beast is tearing me up…my cock hard but I refuse to blow my load…I won’t give him that satisfaction. He finishes and tosses me aside. I grimace as my body aches. He exits grinning big to feel good about himself and he walks off with Varick. He won’t even make eye contact. Then the finale is here and the mighty caption enters…he is massive…a pillar of muscles. “Oh fuck…” I mutter.

<Ferine POV>
I see that Garen made a real mess with you. It seems like you handle more than you chew. Garen you did more than he can handle. Of course he went overboard. Are you going to stay down here or I have to get you myself. At least you are conscious. It's been a long time since I have a rag doll to practices with"

Decorated with scars and my ear was cut off from war. I saw the light of day and darkness in the night. I command a special op of soldiers. And trained to handle war and combat. I see you are down filled with cum. I guess I don't need this poser. Pulling the string and snapping it off clean. I am naked with a hard, very thick 6 inch Canine cock with big nuts.
03:12 Beast_Tamer: I crack my neck with my hands. Twisting it left **SNAP** and then moving my head right **SNAP**. Then turn my head around hearing **Crackling** "ARRGGHHH I am little stiff just watching and haven't gotten time to stretch property. But I'll manage. Now ready for your breeding, sir"

The beast captain is just massive, I get up on my haunches and scoot back as I am fucking intimated. I grab the cage and stand up, bruised, naked, cum dripping from me. The dog gets all cocky and talks about me being a rag doll…well he is right…but he'll put the dirty tricks away so maybe that will keep his fury lower. I roll my neck out as well and I slowly circle the beast looking for any opening. I dart in…stumble some and I am able to get behind the beast. I swipe his legs hoping he will fall to the ring floor.

<Ferine POV>
I humor you seeing you stumble exhausted and weakened having 3 matches in the same night against beast. Not mention with Garen brutal destroying you with pro moves and hold. I wouldn't expect much from you. I let you get behind me. Standings strong and fearing nothing from you. I feel you swipe my legs with your legs. All I felt was a small feeling. Like a rubber ball bouncing off my legs. I laugh and turn around. I quickly grab you into a bear hug. Your arms squeeze within my arms. Squeezing your arms against your sides and oblique. Slowly crush your bones as I lick all over your face taunting you. Your body is forced against my body. With your dick rubbing against my tight hot abs. Slowly switch to one arm wrap around your body. Easily having you tight within my right arm. As I lift my left arm. I FLEX it up in the air.

"ARGHH yeah how does it feel to be dominated by your superior. Been long time since I have play-things like in my training camps. Teaching young men how to be real alpha men. Getting bigger." **Flexing my big left arms.** I gave my left biceps a nice kiss and lick. Slowly lifting my left arm behind my head. Staring at your eyes as I turn my head into my left pit. Sniffing it and saying "Haha a real beast right here. I should shower after this. I stink after a long day of working out. Making all this muscle body sweat. You are in for a real treat from the captain. Now ready for a breeding squirt!"

Nothing…I can do nothing against you…I my swipe does nothing and I have no energy left…you spin around and catch me in your arms lifting me up in a bear hug…it is so fucking tight and you are barely using your power..::”ahhhhh fucking hell!!” I mutter out as you show off. I grimace grunt and get hard. I so want just kick you in nuts and get out of this but that will on piss you off and I have pissed off enough beast tonight. I just grimace at take your bear hug. “Oh fuck off captain…” I cough out. “ so much for fighting huh, let all the troops do it for you?!” I mock as I grimace in your one massive arm.

<Ferine POV>
I see you are scared of me and anger in your voices. Your words are a muffle of the noises of wind to me. I don't fault my anger so easily like Garen. I am calm and collective. And will do my duty and roles completely without fail. Rules I will follow to the letter. I don't disobey and stay loyal. Tonight you are my opponent. I need to make cum and be beaten. And if requested, breed on my own personal reason or client request.

First off I need to work for you. I started to squeeze your arms against your body tighter and tight. Feeling my right biceps and forearm tense. Pecs and abs tense and flex hard like steel. As I press your head into my mountain of pecs. Squeezing you hard between my muscles. As my left hands spank your ass. Humiliating you with some discipline slaps. "You got a bad mouth, sir. I might have to teach you to respect people in the cage. And I am not a soft teacher." Licking my right hand's thick paws index and middle. And quickly shoving my spit up your ass as lube to make sure you are nice and loose. My finger massaging your prostate. As I squeeze you out

“ARRRRRRRRGGGGGHHHHHHH,” I call out as you crush me more in your bear…”you fucking pup!!” I bark out getting irritated at the abuse…your arms pillow around me. Breaking my abs and chest…my legs kick and squirm…then you smash my face into your glorious chest…I pant out gasping…as you smother me…then I howl as you shove your finger in my hole. “I won’t cum for you pup!!! I WON'T!!” I scream into your chest in defiance. I can do nothing to beat you but I will not submit my load to you, in some cheap ass bear hug.

<Ferine POV>
I know a bear hug is going to take more out of you. Seems like you go to be trained to be submissive. I thought Garen was illogical with his approach in defeating you. But I underestimated you. Might have to teach this human humility and pain. As I let go of my bear hug. Know you'll be breathless to count a DDT. Grabbing your head into my left pits and pulling your body easily up with my right hand. Falling back using my big 700 lb of canine muscle to slam you down on your head. Watching the canvas shakes and vibrates from you crashing.

You are a beast…that is certain…if we are not fighting I would find you incredibly attractive and I would court you..take you dinner…but we are enemies and you are destroying me…I grimace more in your grip. My feet kick and I feel those massive thighs…then you release the hug and shove my head in your pit. I push and pull as I try to get out but your strength is too much. I grunt then feel you fall back… NOOOOOOOOOOOOO….crash we hit the ring…DDT…my head spins and I roll some grabbing it…barking insults at you.

<Ferine POV>
I see you conscious after all the slamming. Humans like this don't usually last this long. But it seems I think I went too soft against you. I have to try something more extreme. As I grab your arms and legs. Wrapping my hairy strong legs around yours. Stretching it up and bending it. Your arms twisted behind and were forced to straight up. Slowly bending your lower back doing a Surfboard hold.

Having you completely stretch up and bend with my big fuzzy muscle easily holding you up. I stretch your arms and legs while having your back pressure. "Come on little human better ask for what you want here. This match is already done. Better request something besides losing. Cause I am no in mode to be your toy"


FUCK!! You grab me before I can get away or regroup…I mean regroup to do what…I can’t beat you…AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH I scream out as you surfboard me then lift me up…I shake my head as the pain is massive…I don’t beg…I tell myself over and over…”fuck you caption!!” I scream out my defiance is destroying me in your grip. I shake my head more, my body is out…done…wasted…”ok ok ok ok….squeeze the cum out of me…” I cough out as my face goes bright crimson red. “Fuck!!!”

<Ferine POV>
"Haha hearing you detest me. Yet saying what you want. I see beyond your tough skin. You just want me this bad. Should have said so humane. But for resisting me this long I still need to punish you before rewarding you, little pup." I keep my lock around your legs around your feet. Keeping your stretch up. Slowly moving your head into my right pits. Letting you sniff the manly sweaty beast of a captain. Letting you lick and taste it. As I slowly move one arm up to stroke you off. Punishing the pup for resisting me and trash talking me

I grimace and call out as you keep me in the hold…my legs still caught…I feel the pressure…I am panting…you call me pup and it grates my nerves but I won’t cheat and now you are punishing me for resisting…oh come on!! Then you shove my head back in your pit…you musk overwhelms me…it is intoxicating…I moan out and start chewing on your pit…you grab my cock stroking me…I flex and hump up trying to avoid cumming….NOOOOOO NOOOOO, I call out in your pit…as I arch and flex trying to keep my body in check…but I am in so much pain.

<Ferine POV>
I see you are flexing and muffling now in my pits. I see you are in so much pain as I tried keep your body under my control. Stroking you off as I kept you tight in my manly musky dirty pits. I felt you chew and lick it. "Come on pup, clean up my pits nicely." I'm gonna milk you dry. As I stroke you harder and faster. Holding you tight as I get that hot load

MMMMMMMMMMM FUUUUUUCKKK….I call out in your pit…my cock raging hard in your hands…you won’t stop till you have the load…I am out of options and your paw gripes me so well. I start hip thrusting into your hand showing I am giving into you, I sick and lick you pit as slowly switch to being obedient to you…the pain levels high…then I arch up sand my cock swells…I moan out more, thenI my cockhead pulses and then I fire my load out…spraying cum all up all on my abs and chest. “Fuck…” I mutter.

<Ferine POV>
"GOOD Pup, see when you just give up and obey. Things will be much easier on you. Now you want me to scissor you right? I'll give you some heavy scissors." as I bring my bigger strong tights around your body. AND SQUEEZE. Your head is still trapped in my pits as I work your waist and sides. Crushing them between my legs as the other hand works your cock to milk it dry. "HAHA I can do this all day"

I pant out as I spray my load of obedience…but still you keep my head buried, scent overload in you pit is keeping me hard…your beast thighs wrap me…and SQUEEZE…I arch up my hands clawing your legs…my feet kicking as cock hardens in your hand. I slap those thick thighs…panting…being worked like you pup…you legs cutting me in half.

<Ferine POV>
Feeling your scratch my legs. Seems like a nice scratch dont hurt me one bit when you claw. I slowly squeeze you tighter and tighter. As my hands milk your hard cock. Keeping you in my pits. And letting this client have his hottest KO. I dont know I want fuck him or not. As I stroke you off like no tomorrow.

I pant…grimacing…I can’t hold on much longer…I grip your thighs…and shake my head in your pit…then like clock work I spray out again this time the load is watery showing I am close to dry…I pant and slowly get still as I am almost out of juice…I am done…I tap you thighs as you squeeze more…my torso compressed…mmmmmm fuck. Tap tap tap.

<Ferine POV>
I finally did my job and milked you dry. Every last drop of you is just watery. I felt you tapping my body. I grin and release my hold off of you. "HAHA seems like I won Pup. Better luck next time." Standing tall above you. I stretch my limbs and crack my arms and shoulders a little. Preparing to leave the cage after beating you. Unless you want anything else. This cage match is officially over.

You release…I gasp as I fall to floor…I pant out covered in sweat, beast sweat, cum and beast juice…I am shaking…you tower above me the victor…it the bell rings…signaling the match is over. You ask if you want anything…I could handle anything if I did ask…I merely look down exhausted knowing these beasts just did their job…I was a contact. I wave the captain…I’m done…sir up panting in the ring, watching you exit. My first night at the TBG was epic…I’ll be back.


Published: 2021-12-17, viewed 92 times.




2021-12-18 00:55

Great series!

Tropolis Promoter (deleted member)

2021-12-19 04:22

(In reply to this)

Thank you enjoy it. Let me know which part is your favorite. And maybe your favorite beast who did their best in the match. Thanks for the comment and like ;)