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The Only Road Home: Part 4 - The Gray Fury

The Dark General (deleted member)
The Monster (deleted member)
Chadwick The-Stinger (deleted member)
Yeti of the Blue Mountain (deleted member)


The Only Road Home: Part 4 - The Gray Fury


Chad has burned through life and relationships like a raging forest fire. Some sex was good. Some was the stuff of horror and legend. It all trails back to Bedlam. Now the demon fucked him and drowned his guts with a putrid seed, growing. Gestating. Feeding on pain leaving scars deep. Such invasions can become something or make inroads for other things. The seed of Bedlam that flowed through Chad has allowed an ancient dark force, a monster, to infest into Chad from a place of exiled darkness. Why? for the monster’s own dark purposes. The dark truth is this, Chad is now possessed. After Chad, being possessed by the monster ruined the Minotaur, he sought out a friend, Lloyd, who helped him in a dark vision to release his only hope was the mighty Rawul_Saturnus/Rawul,the wolf has drawn out the beast within the boy…now a fight greater than any could imagine has emerged and consumes the Blue Mountains…the Monster seeks the upper hand but can the might warriors of righteous put an end the beast before all is lost. His lover, Jarvin the Ice Wolf, lost his life in the vain hopes of saving him from the plots of Gregory Payne. Taken from death by the strange shapes of fortune, he finds himself remade in the Pagan Wood of Dahvin the Defiant, God of Forests, the Hunt, and the Rut. With his new lifeforce he emerges as Jarvin the Ice Storm, able to shift through the magical worlds, uncertain of his new powers, but charged to save his Chadwick once again. The Battle is Joined! It now continues!

Read the full Part 1: The Wolf of The Only Way Home by clicking here.
Read the full Part 2: The Power Struggle of The Only Way Home by clicking here.
Read the full Part 3: Machine Gun Alley of The Only Way Home by clicking here.

And We Conclude Our Story…

11:32 The Monster
I cry out in pain as the bullets from this MORTAL’s weapon riddle into my thick body. I roar out…as I try to hold my position. The bullets penetrate and rip into my flesh. My dark black blood splatters out and sprays like acid sizzling on the ground. First this fucking man cuts off my mental link to the boy and now he attacks my flesh - NO MORE. I roar with deep universal cry that rocks the very foundation of this land - I am the ancient one - full of rage and power - no one will subdue me - NO ONE!!

In an explosion from the boy's broken body which is my physical root, a flood of tentacles launches out fast and hard slamming into this mortal warrior's frame. Instantly his well muscled arms are coiled and tied. His weapons stripped from him…and a twisting hurricane of tree trunk tentacles clamps onto his torso as I bury his abs and chest in my grip. His body slammed to the ground next to the wolf…who is still captured in my pythonic embrace…as I continue to feed off his power through the siphon up his very cock. The warrior struggles but it is futile…he too is in my eternal grip…as all will be. I give an immense crushing surge on him to make his frame creak so that he knows he, like the wolf, is now mine.

Smaller tentacles snake on the ground now…towards the warrior and my infiltration happens…up into muscled ass…one tentacle goes…opening up that crack and manhole. Mortals are so easily worked. I grin with pleasure as his body fights and accepts my intimate touch. Then my tentacles breach his pants and one lassos his balls as the other grips his might cock….with am micro sized tentacle finding that piss slite and then OOOOOOOH I go in…shuttering the warrior in my total gripping power and crushing might. He is mine. I look to the wolf…tied…I look to the warrior captured….the battle is won. I then SQUEEEEEEZE them both.


11:25 Chadwick_The_Stinger
Jarvin and me - together again…keep my focus…he is the dawn…eyes on him. Those words ring in my mind…I feel him…I see him. Then he pulls away…and a dim light surrounds me – I see Jarvin, armed with weapons…then reality HITS me - the monster - the monster is COMING OUT OF ME - FUCK..my chest all open with masses of tentacles…then PAIN - AHHHHHHHHH FUUUUUUUUCKKKKKK, MY BODY IS SHATTERED….my pelvis cracked open — I can’t feel my legs…my chest is split in two…how the fuck am I alive - - - - - the monster…what will happen!!! I begin to lose focus…the pain…the horrors…I see Jarvin fighting then he is covered by the monster's tentacles…I can see and hear Rawul…what have I done!!!


11:41 Rawul_Saturnus
And then I realize we have nothing left but options of great risk… powerful magics are being unleashed here again and again, threatening to stain the peak forever with the echoes of this battle… the Dome, the Grey Fury coming, and now this. MY FREE HAND reaches to the darkening sky and VENUS GATE!


The sky erupts with a dropping shaft of purple light that sharpens with white edges into a red beam STRIKING CHAD!... Yes, evil will be gone with destruction… and also be gone with great healing. The Primal force of love and healing tapped RAW from the engine of planets around a star - a great windmill of power so huge, immediately around us, few even see it to be the force it truly is. Chad’s body bathed in a wash that unmakes mutations and shreds tentacles… warring with the dome, warring with the Monster’s evil, warring with the life-forces of the Blue Mountain and all under the coming Grey Fury!

I was warned by masters of drowning a place in magics. Like turning dirt to glass, like a lake bleached with glacier runoff… life can be twisted too much to support anything. I hope this can be cleaned - this is the danger when great forces meet and I have nothing but great weapons in place. Moderation is not an option.

I have been gagged by the foul semen of the Monster. He’s harvested from me my own seed to power his rapid gestation! Boiling out of me his children die in my jaws! Another spawn tries crawling to get away from me… I BITE down gagging hard…. My Legs and waist and chest are still constricted with brutal power roiling over my body, hands free slashing and fighting… You have never felt the muscle and power of the Dream Wolf and now as you monster try to crush me… you will know pain! One of my wolf brothers approaches and I hold up a hand warning him to stay back. He will be killed quickly by this horror birthing from me! Gagging I manage to scream to ward my brother away, No no no NO not my brother…. I see the face of the Monster coming out…. No!….

Then the storm comes…


The GREY FURYstrikes!
White frozen winds with talons of skin shredding ice tear over the Mountain top and flood the structure of the dome…nothing can hold under its might, the dark power of the monster shakes and cracks, tumbling shreds drop hard to the ground and dissolve under the incredible winds. …the shrieks of the monster echo out into the universe, so that even his love, the infamous Achyles can hear his cry. His tentacles whiten and crack… his weaponized tendrils turn frozen back to ash and erode. Chad’s mortal form screams from the pain as the monstrous mutations are burned from his body as the rays of the Gate of Venus try to heal the damage as it happens.

The monster's face shreds in the tearing wind as rage fills the monster's eyes… The Dark General and the Yeti are swallowed by the Fury, deepening their mortal wounds on each other.

And Jarvin the Ice Storm finds his fate.

12:01 The Monster
The fucking wolf and his beasts attack my offspring! I see the winds carrying knives of ice by the millions, an edge sparkling in the remaining light and consumed in darkness. This battle is lost and maybe could never have succeeded. I will not be able to use Saturnus as my Puppet. The wolf is powerful here… then that primal storm arrives…I know…my time here is over…but I will not be exterminated…only pushed aside for a time. No one scores victory here, yet that brings little relief as I am serrated by the storm!

I scream in anger and rage…barely audible over the GREY FURY that shattered my dark dome…eradicates my mist cloud, and burns me from the external control of the boy.

“YOUR storm will NOT DESTROY ME… PATHETIC .WOLF!! YOUR SOUL WILL BE MINE…… AIIIIIIIHHHHHHHHHHHHH,” I scream out in rage, as my final act is to empower the two remaining dark spawn, my generals, with access to the dark portal so that they may flee to another realm to spawn and prepare for my return.

I hiss again…then I am silenced…gone…locked away in a dark prison…deep in the boy's mind…my power diminished…I must sleep…the mission was a success… away from detection…lost to the void of the boy's unconscious mind. But I will ruin the wolf…I will. I WILL!!

12:07 Chadwick_The_Stinger
Shards of steel ripping my skin would feel better! The storm hits my body… OH GOD it burns! I feel it burning me… it’s burning ME! JARVIN HELP PLEASE! As if hell’s fire licks my flesh. I hear the monster screaming, it hurts my mind…I scream too….I can hear my voice coming from my mouth, I feel my body reshaped but burning…. I am on fucking FIRE….I call out for my wolf….”JARRRRRRRVIIIIINNNNNNNNNN……RAAAAWWWWUUUULLLLLL AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH.” I can not bear the pain…it is too much. Was this the only road home? I am left with one hope and that’s faith in my teacher and my lover… My mind again goes dark…but this is my darkness… I do not hear the monster. I go limp…whole…wounded from the wolf’s lashing before the monster appeared, my body shattered in a horrific way…and now burned by the storm, and my mind shattered…everything goes dark… but I am free from the Monster…. finally…

12:13 Rawul_Saturnus
The Grey Fury strikes! I have never been in the jaws of that force, wisely leagues away all other times before. I see my brother coming to my aid swept away by the first wind’s blast. The tentacles on me shatter, either from the healing or the Fury… but I breathe finally, my guy bruised and I cough up bile and horrors that freeze instantly on the ground!

The dome comes down in parts… some ghostly black segments, some hits like tumbling concrete…I hear screams…my fellow creatures…the mighty warrior Jarvin calling out…the screams of my Chad…then all goes silent in the storm.

12:16 Jarvin_The_Ice_Ghost
My weapon hitches and the flowing rage of tentacles hits me, pulling my arms wide open and the crushing pressure is pain over pain! Thrashing to get my arm free, my legs captured and a spray of flowering spear tipped mouths hit my chest and throat! I twist, my knife still in my fist, ripping my right arm free and slashing in a wind of metal and death, keeping the mouths off my face!

Something huge approaches, like a living salvo of earthly fury! I would normally fear this, but I am now the Ice Storm! My blood sings and sings as the winds scream and tear the dome asunder!

I hear Chad’s screams. It’s hard to know if his mind broke and he’s unable to keep the monster from controlling him. Or was it the Monster’s control came with a balm of numbness that blocked the pain of a split pelvis and mutated and ruptured rib cage?

I am SICKENED by forces hurting my man and I AM DONE!

I do not know how… as I said, I am a soldier, not a wizard. I just know that my first touch of the coming storm makes me feel incredible strength! Something rudely slithers through my clothing, invading my pants and tactical vest. Spearing tendrils lance into my armpits and one aims for my ass. The knife cuts and cuts but little by little I would be overwhelmed. But I am the storm and this is something merely trying to survive by stealing my heat! AND THERE IS NONE TO STEAL.

Then I finally see the wall of bleak weather coming for us like a gray avalanche. I TEAR MY ATTACKER FROM MY BODY WITH INCREDIBLE STRENGTH! The first casualty of the coming wave of ice is the flesh and tendrils of the Monster itself. Shattering oblivion comes for the beast and I see the wisdom of the old Wolf in choosing this path. He had no idea I would be this!

The winds tear everything on the ground apart. The Dome comes apart in smoke, mist, and heavy landing debris.



The Grey Fury tears trees and grass from the ground…ruining EVERYTHING in its path..this primal power brings total destruction…the Blue Mountains covered by the epic storm, which can be seen for miles from realm to realm. The battle won…but at what cost.

Swallowed by storm, Rawul tears free from his attacker. The Yeti and his mortal enemy are swallowed by the scouring grey storm. Knives of glassy snow rip skin, tentacle, fur, and earth!

The sky receives Jarvin, its new warrior-child of ice and fury taking flight on the stone shattering winds! A blue-eyed face of unspeakable joy swallowed into the scouring tsunami of ice and wind, knife, spear, and gun go with him.

From the valley, there is sun. Life is good and Spring brings its healing grace. The blue Mountain is capped by screaming winds and near black clouds, seemingly without end.

The Temple Astrum is hidden, maybe gone. Its seer, Rawul Saturnus is silent.

This concludes our story because all stories must end. but the fate of Jarvin and Chadwick, Rawul Saturnus the Seer, and the temple Astrum is still shrouded under the Mystery and Fury of the storm on Blue Mountain.


See Part 1
and Part 2 and Part 3

Published: 2022-03-08, viewed 64 times.



Madison Jones

2022-03-08 18:36

Seeing the Blue Peaks from the Pagan Forest, the Grey Fury overtaking it, I sit there and watch powerless. I don't know the outcome of the battle, but I have a duty to this land. I know there are Dark Generals here, and I will hunt them down with the tenacity of a wolf stalking its prey.

Until then, I will hope that my friends are good. Rawul the Seer and Chadwick the Stinger. Now I must reach out to Achyles, for even the Goddess of Mourning may need a act of kindness in times like these.