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Operation Server Scrub - The Silver Soldier Meets The AsianAssassin: Part 3


Location: Primary Server Relay Hub, "Voidwall", 21 minutes after contact

Silver Soldier

"AWWW Fuucucckkk" I let out, my heroic composure shredded, gulps and gasps, my cock shooting still, starting to slow...I groan as my head is pulled out from the crater in the wall, and I feel your massive cock journey out of my ass, your fingers keeping my balls tucked inside, the massive gourds enlarged and staying in as my ass pulls tight around them. You lift me up and my body flops wide open, only to drop into the floor in a loud splat of my own cum. My scrotum filled ass lifts into the air as I slowly pull my face up , looking at you. "Pleaseeee...nnoo.." But your gaze is serious. It's an order...with my eyes locked on yours, my tongue quakes as it stretches to the floor and I slurp up my own seed. The sudden crack in my psyche twists agonizingly across my face and I start to lap it up, faster and faster, all while tears sting my eyes..."Yess..*SLURP...siirrrr *SLURRP" starting to clean the floor of the biggest load I've ever spewed.

I lick and lick, looking up to you for worse...praise, hoping to server my alpha.


You see me waiting in the circle with some kind of leash in hand. No need to hide it, especially when you've been put in your place. "You missed a spot I point a final cumpool on the floor. " Then I motion for you to come to me. Crawl, cry, drag your pretty little body if you must but order are orders. As you try to do so, I start the questions... half interrogation, half brainwash through repetition. "Who is your alpha, soldier boy?" "Did you like cumming while being fucked like a bitch, soldier boy?" "Who is your alpha, soldier boy?" "Did you like eating your own bitch cum, soldier boy?" "Who is your alpha, soldier boy?" "Are you still the hero Silver Solider, or just a another soldier boy?" "WHO. IS. YOUR. ALPHA, SOLDIER BOY?" The questions do not cease until you reach me, pain and agony on your face. Once you do reach me.. for however long that takes, I leash you... caging your cock tip and wrapping the straps along that cum gutters of your hips.

Silver Soldier

I've disappointed the alpha. I quickly drop to the spot of cum I missed and lick it up. You give me a dismissve wave of your hand as I bring my arms up and hold myself, trying to crawl towards you. My damaged body aching, arms trembling as my thick triceps bulge. "Y-you areee siirr" "Nnngh... Nggh... Noo...ohhh...siirr.." "Ohh you aree ssirrr, my alphaaa siirr.." My arms suddenly give out, ass again in the air. I eye the leash and then look back up at your powerful built body, a stark contrast from my crawling form. "Noo..oohh buh...yeesss siirrr..." "SIRRR YOU ARE MY ALPHA!" I say, crawling again, my eyes suddenly transfixed on your hero splitting cock. "NOOO SIRRR YOU FUCCKKEED THEEE HEROO OUTT OF MEEE BEAAAAAAAAT THAT SILVVERR BITCCHH SIIRR" "YOUU SIRR YOUU SIRR YOU AREE MY ALPHAAA MYY KINNGG OWNNERRR BETTERRRR DOMINAATORRR" I go on and on like this, even pushing my chest into the ground. As I get near your cock my own throbs again, harder than before, my hips buck for a moment as I fuck the empty air before getting to your feet. My cock caged up , you leash me.


I grab the scruff at your nape and make drag your pretty face up from your thighs... up to my dripping cock...forcing you to "Clean your beta ass juice from my alpha spear."


Then I slowly make you climb, licking my cum gutter v-tapers, up the ridges of my abs, then to my pecs... then letting your face rest in my pits. "Take a good lick..whiff...whatever you want, boy. It'll be your last." My other hand taps the cock cage and it beats a simple tune. A light goes on to say that is primed. "Years, the Syndicate tried to find a way to copy you... but everything they got close... it killed the subject." Another touch armed. "Then they realized it... instead of copying.. why not destroy it?" Only ONE person had Super Serum in him... remove him from the stage and the world will burn.


"Of course this wouldn't work remotely with that regeneration aspect.... we had to overload it that...mind and body." I then release you from my pits for a moment but to position you on top me. My cock suddenly RAMS all the way in. "Upon your next orgasm, this will directly inject the antiSS drug into you. And destroy everything the super soldier serum has ever enhanced in your body." "Everything."


"I'll admit though..." as I start to RAMROD your hole again, churning your prostate with your bull balls trapped inside... "I'd love to savor this moment, so don't cum too soon like a bitch, soldier boy." The penultimate order. "Endure."


Silver Soldier

I go down the length of your cock on command, but it's difficult, using my heroic fortitude, I push through, only wanting to please my alpha, taking my lips across the wide cock, feeling the veins on my lips and tongue as I travel down, looking up at your impressive abs and into your huge pecs, your face grinning down at me with villainy. I slurp it all up only for you to pull your hot cock from my mouth with an audible POPing noise, pulled up your abs, licking, stuffing my face into your pecs and finally into your pits. My cock is on fire, it's bouncing wildly now... I lick and then hear you..."What...whatt LICK sluurrrp, meannn siirr??" I feel a thrumming on my cock head and another moan leaps from my lips...pre cum already drooling into the device.. You lift up my big body and thrust into me again, "OOOHHHH AAAAAAGHH" Again my cock turning red in desire, my balls again pummeled by your cock. My overgrown beta cock is desperately begging for release, even as I try to follow orders to endure. "OOH PLEASEE NOOO PLEASEE SIIRR I'LL SERVVEE YOUU ANYYTHINNGG I'LL ANNYTHINNGG PLEASEE NO NOTT THISSS PLEASEE" I feel a sense of impending doom, my cock is so on edge and your drilling is working me, pushing me, ruining me. Tears fall down my face as I'm fucked, my cock entrapped, you pulsing inside of me, owning and commanding me.

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I look up and see that the ceiling, apart from the camera, had a reflective surface and the sight of you on top of me getting fucked and broken drives any mercy and pity out of me. I jackhammer your muscle cunt harder than the first time I claimed you, all because I know that your hungry hole and prostate can only respond to pleasure and pain of a certain intensity. The boon and bane of your serum-gained powers.


"Your time is over, boy." I whisper into your ear. The most venom-laced honey that you've ever heard. If there was actual sincerity in those words, no one will ever know. I pick up the pace savoring the hottest soldier I've broken YET.... and I resist the urge to breed you as much as I can... seconds...minutes... lengths of time your broken psyche cannot comprehend pass. "You've failed, Silver Soldier." I name you properly this time... perhaps the final time. "You're no one's hero now. You're just a my bitch boy... and who am I? I grin.

Silver Soldier

You thrust so hard and deep into me that my moans go up an octave, my deep voice suddenly punctuated with squealing gasps and yawping moans, betraying my once powerful muscled body, that now jiggles on the whims of your power fucking. Between these pitiful noises I still try to bargain, breathlessly releasing government secrets, passcodes, and hidden locations, "I'LL JUSTTT SERVEE YOU AAAAAAAWW " You whisper in my ear my time is over, the most renowned hero and idol to billions is being fucked into oblivion. You plow me even faster, rapid pace now as your ridged dick slides along my prostate, punching it repeatedly. I gasp and gasp trying to keep it in, my cock is nearly purple from the feeling. You tell me who I am, and then ask me who you are...I bite my lip, knowing this answer could break me....I whisper..."Asiannn Assassssinnnn..." then gasp as you fuck me harder, "betterrr....myy soverreiggnn...myy conqueerorrr.... DESTROYYERR OF SILLVERR SOLLDIIERRR " my balls boil, "MYY ALPHAAAAAAA MYY ALLPHAAAA!" My nuts squeeze and my ass clenches and then it begins to shoot over and over and over '' MYY ALPHHAAA ALLPHAAA ALLPHAAAA!" Slamming my hole down your cock over and over in defeat, my hands go to wrench the device from my cock, but your power fucks and the overwhelming orgasm are to much as I begin to twitch in pleasure, eyes rolling into the back of my head.



Even as you try to wrest the device away, as soon as I detected that orgasm the trigger fires and shoots the antiSS Serum into your cock tip, in an almost electrifying accompaniment you orgasm, it heightens the sensation in orders of magnitude. The sweetest possible doom for you. But I am not done. It will take a while for the serum to finish you off, which means I get to have some fun first. A drone appears with a small portable videocam that begins to LIVESTREAM your final moments. "THIS was Silver Soldier, and now he has been erased by the Syndicate. Be warned." As the drone buzzes around making sure to capture your destroyed face, your moaning, your pleas, your declaration of me being the alpha. Muscles flexing and undulating as to the world, their hero has just been beaten... demolished... and is being raped before their very eyes.


"Tell them again, what I am to you, Silver Slut." As I look at the camera. My hands forcing your pretty face to look as my cock breaks your hole more and more... my pace increasing... reaching its final frantic pace.. my grunts and groans filling the air but your sweet, broken squealing on top of it all. "Say it! WHAT AM I TO YOU, BOY?"

Silver Soldier

My body curls and shivers, the serum unleashed into my cock. Suddenly heightening my bitched orgasm to levels unfathomable to my mind, drool drains from my mouth and my hands contract and twist. My neck twitches as my face spasms. Muscled body mimicking the same type of movements, arching my back, by big pecs push up like round bitched tits. Your cock continues to plunder me. "myy myy alphaaaa..." I watch as your cock plunders me over and over, amazed by your stamina as I've been fucked and sucked your cock and haven't witnessed your load. You've bitched me. You start to fuck me ravenously and then as I squeal in delight, the serum still amplifying my pleasure senses - nerves tingling...''AA REALL MANN THEE ALPHAAAAA THEEE ALPHAAAA MYY ALPHAAAA MY CAPTAIN OF MYYY CUNTT ALPHAAAA STUDDD FUCCKINNGG MY SILVVERR SLITTT!"


As you spiral into pure ravenous bitchhood, that fall from hero to whore, my hands suddenly grip your pecs like they tits they were meant to be, and just that sweet sound of your squealing fills the air as my hips THRUST DEEP inside you and my massive load starts to FLOOD your insides! YOU feel the flood come in waves... THREE SPURTS.... FIVE... NINE... MORE! MORE! MORE! I grunt...growl... I howl like a crazed animal in victory after a definitive match up. The rest of the video release will show just how out-classed the Silver Sodomite was but in this moment where I had the personal pleasure of making you mine, the sweet alpha seed that floods you binds you totally to me...for however long you have left. My seed contains the catalyst enzyme that should complete the serum destruction process. On its own it is inert, and nothing if you were at full potency.

The final act done, I discard your muscled meat off my body... and grab your hair to force you to kneel before me. "Give up, soldier." The final command. Dark, gritty, and filled with dastardly glee. "Time to die."


Silver Soldier

You unleash your load deep inside of me and I'm drowned in your cum internally, hot thick splats of man milk paint my insides, claiming your territory. I let out louder moans as it hits me, fills me, "ooOOohh ALPHAA SEEEED" I cry out. You push my limp body off of you, laying in a heap of humiliating defeat, ass up and leaking until you grab my by the hair, putting me on my kneess...Telling me to give up...I nod, fear in my eyes...My station lowered to the depths as I blurt it out, recognizing how godlike you truly are - "You ruuinnedd mee...I wasss no matcchh...outclasseddd - everywheerrrrree..." A sting suddenly shoots through my nipples, and then my cock... "AAAGGHH OHHH ITT HURRTTS!!!" I start to shake. I stretch my hands out to you with wide eyesss.. "MErRRCYY HELLPP!"



It is a damn shame to have broken you and not to keep you but contracts are contracts... and what is a hero but just another bitch down the corner, hoping to be a bright light... while I exist snuff these glimmers out. "You're done, hero." I smile as your final destruction happens. Suddenly the faces of all my compatriots that fell to you flash before my eyes. "And good riddance." Despite your thrashing I begin to see just how ordinary you really wore, serum or no. Just another pretty soldier playing his part, another wannabe alpha with puffed up pecs but no real grit. You squealing confirms it. "You ruined yourself." As your body thrashes more. *Maybe the Syndicate can clone you... as my plaything.* I think to myself. A fair price considering I exceeded all their expectations. "Mercy is for the weak, boy. Are you?" A wide shit eating grin forms on my face, waiting for your last breaths.

Silver Soldier

The pain continues to grow, as harshly as the beating you gave me, but in every cell. I look in horror at my own body as everything starts to burn in pain. "AAGGHH NNGGH YOUUU FUCKEEDD MEEE TOO DEATTHH" I start to claw at my body, my neck, I feel my cock, shamefully still hard start to send sharp pains in every sensitve cell, my ass, balls...I begin to thrash and then my back arches..."I'MM WEAAAAKKK AAGGHH WEAAAAKK" I HUFF , PUFF, scratching at the air as my lungs struggle and my heart pounds. I don't pass out, the serum won't let me, instead the pain just grows, and will until my mind gives eyes flicking from the exit to the floor to you, whimpering cries from my mouth.



"Yet, your cock is still ROCK SOLID, Silver Slut." I mock. Despite your thrashing and cries you barely resist when I FORCE you to stand and get behind you. My legs snaking under and over your arms as I LIFT AND LOCK you into a the Final Nelson of your life! My cock serves as the final key, impaling you in place for the camera drone to capture your final pathetic gasps and whimpers, a far cry from the shining hero to billions...

Silver Soldier

I whimper as your cock slams back into me, stretching me, and all of the former signs of pleasure are now alarms of pain. My brain is being overwhelmed by the sensations and I'm weeping. As your cock drives into me the pleasurable throbbing of my cock instead sends waves of agony, my bitch button explodes into shockwaves of torture, "AAAWGHH OOH AAAGGH NOTT THIISSS" I cry out in fear of another orgasm , on my tiptoes , and then thrashing in your hold weakly.


The agony of the Silver Soldier will be told time and time again as the turn of the tide for the Syndicate. To me, it was just another weekend fling. Especially as I fling you on my cock and bounce you prettily, the terror of my assassination clear to see.


With your body and muscles rendered in lost in a feedback loop of pain-pleasure, you are powerless to stop as I lift you in the nelson pose to Bully fuck any remaining cum inside you! "That's it boy, why don't you cum while being fucked? Maybe that'll spare you some pain..." I taunt, at this point full invested in ending the job after your screams of agony fill the air. In fact I cockily release one arm hold of the nelson to hammer your hole with such ferocity your swear appears to mist off your body.


I make the camera drone flip its screen... making you watch yourself get fucked... screaming in pain yet cock still fully erect and leaking. "Even until the end, your hero IS. A. BITCH!" I tell the despairing audience.

"How does it feel, hero, to learn, TOO LATE that you were always meant to be some else's errand boy and cum dump?" Even then with every thurst your cock leaks precum, despite all your noises... you WANT THIS.

I feel your body convulsing even more, knowing the end is near. "Take a good look," I say. Whether to you or the audience in doesn't matter.. as I reach down and stabilize your cock... and I command again. "CUM." And as the obedient bitch you are, you SHOOT A MASSIVE STREAM of juice right up and into your face mouth. A direct hit that the video stream captures... it even has enough AI to know a money shot when it sees it and slow the video down to emphasize the beta buckshot you release!

And still of course you scream, squeal... like a man that's lost everything and never knew he was on the path to losing and never knew it was coming... until you did. You a bitch. You choke on your own cum, some say. The shock killed you and broke your heart, others say. It was the Syndicate poison others believe. It was all that and more... you were never the hero you thought you were.


Published: 2023-08-02, viewed 169 times.




2023-08-07 05:09

Wow broke again Jobber Soldier


2023-08-03 00:01

Damn what a climax times 10xxx shit so much cum it ran over the studs the assassin is a force to be reckoned


2023-08-03 10:37

(In reply to this)

awwww glad you liked it stud! high praise for the stud destroyer himself!!!! :D thanks loads bro!


2023-08-02 23:44

Ain't called "Assassin" for nothing. Poor broken soldier.


2023-08-03 10:37

(In reply to this)

just another unfortunate soldier boy that needed to be broken. ;-)

Rob Hunter-Kane

2023-08-02 23:04

Well fuck. I’ve been patiently waiting for the story to reach its climax. I wasn’t disappointed. Excellent writing and storytelling. Expected nothing less. And that fuck scene… 🥵


2023-08-03 10:38

(In reply to this)

thanks Rob! Always appreciate your time and your praise!! humble thanks!!! (and yes, Silver Soldier is SUCH a hot fuck!)

Silver Soldier

2023-08-03 01:27

(In reply to this)

Thanks Hunter! It was a joy to battle with AA.


2023-08-03 10:39

(In reply to this)

likewise, SS! you're a hot stud and irresistible (to break!)