Muscles In Trouble

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Established: 2024-03-03

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  • Squash match
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Where Bodybuilders and Muscleboys get Worked Over
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A Tree the Axe won't Forget (Part 2)

... Continued from Part 1... 

     You concede defeat and I stop pummeling and choking you. I push you down to your knees and tuck my trunks under my nuts. My cock looms before your mouth as the bell rings... "Show me how completely you are mine Jay. Show everyone..."

     You push me to my knees and pull your trunks down so that they really show off your big cock and Bull balls. I look up at you. 
      There’s not even a hint of mercy. I lick your balls, taking each one into my mouth, and then lick and suck the head of your impressive meat. Wrapping my arms around your thick thighs, I plunge my mouth onto you, gagging lightly as I take you into my throat.

     You start to suck on my cock... Your hands grip my powerful thighs as you gag a bit but quickly establish a sensual rhythm...
     I moan "Ooohhh fughhhhh Jay. FFFUUUUCCK"

     I continue to suck you. Literally trying my damndest to take your entire self down my throat! I can feel you responding, and so go back to teasing your head. At the same time, I’m pushing against your left thigh, trying to get you to spread your stance. Once you’ve obeyed, I duck between your gargantuan thighs to lick that special spot under your balls. Teasing your taint, I lick from your hole all the way to your balls. And, then I go back to teasing your head again…

     You start to suck my dick with vigor, then you switch tactics and start to lick particularly sensitive spots before returning to sucking. Your tongue expertly arouses those areas and I can't help but moan with pleasure. When you return to sucking, my cock leaks a bit of precum. It twitches a bit as you show your skills.
     "Oooohhh FFFUUUUCCK"
     I seem to have forgotten that there is a crowd watching so intense is the pleasure I'm feeling right now.
     The crowd silently watches as I moan and grunt with pleasure...

      I relax slightly as I hear you moaning above me. And, then, I taste your pre. A little salty, and very thick. Much like you. 
      Your big organ twitching in my mouth.
     You’re moaning and grunting, and I know it’s time to switch things up again. 
      Letting go of your big cock, I crawl between your titanic thighs again, slowly licking the big, tight balls and going back behind them. 
      I groan a little as I adjust my position under you, feeling the aches from my beating and confident of the upcoming bruises.
     I spread the cheeks of your boulder butt, whimpering as I anxiously extend my tongue to lick away the sweat from your spectacular ass. 
  Teasing your hole. Running my tongue all along your taint to your balls and back slowly to your hole.
     Slowly licking back to your balls and crawling back underneath you to take your big head into my eager mouth. Looking up at you as I extend two fingers into your hole.

     You keep laying on your back,  your tongue roving across my nuts my shaft and under my balls. Your fingers moving around inside my ass. All of this has me moaning and grunting like the proverbial Bull I'm playing.
     The crowd can barely believe how, despite having lost the match, you have definitely taken a degree of control of the stakes. Pleasing me on your terms. Showing me you're fabulous skills and oral proficiency.

     Even through my residual pain, I’m enjoying pleasuring you. The truth is you’re so amazingly sexual, it’s something that I just want to do. 
     Pleasuring you, even through my aches and pains, simply accentuates my own pleasure.
     Spreading my knees somewhat, in order to balance a bit better, I continue sucking and gobbling on your big cock head. 
      One hand bracing myself on your granite thigh, and the other with two fingers pushing and probing your ass. 
      I know I’m on my knees on a mat in a ring with an AUDIENCE, but my focus is somehow totally on you.
     Pulling back on your cock, I start to tongue the tender underside of your head. The pre is continuing to flow. And, my fingers have reached that little button inside your ass…

      You seem to get lost in the moment. Forgetting the crowd entirely. It's just you and me now. You display incredible oral skills you never showed in our previous encounter.
     Despite the pain from the fight you quickly have asserted a degree of control of me. Expertly keeping me aroused with your tongue and the fingers in my ass. Finding my sensitive spots and forcing involuntary moans from me.
     I grab a handful of hair and with surprisingly gentle passion I run a hand along your jaw
      "Oooohhh FFFUUUUCCK Jay. Oooohhh FFFUUUUCCK"
     The crowd has now, as one, pressed against the ring to get a closer view of the action. 
  . Chris and Tommy have entered the ring and stand in one corner, playing with each other as they drop their pants and watch us. 
     Tommy whispers "Fuck Jay. I never seen anyone get Mark going like that... So fuckin Hot". They stroke each other's cocks.
     I barely register Tommy's comment as I'm lost in the pleasure you are giving me.
      "Ooooooh FUUUUHHCK"

     I’m lost in our mutual pleasure, trying just to be aware of you and your needs. I’m pretty sure that if you just got a quick bj and then I roll over and played dead, you’d politely say hello next time we meet, but there wouldn’t be any more quality time with you and Big C. And, even with the pain attached, I want that.
     When your big hand grabs me by my hair, there’s an involuntary whimper that escapes. 
      I know you were holding back, but I couldn’t be in a much more vulnerable position for whatever you want to do.
     To my surprise and pleasure, your other big, rugged hand gently runs along my jawline and I feel myself naturally leaning into it.
     I hear someone say no one’s ever gotten you going like this. I find it hard to believe, but definitely appreciate the encouragement. 
      Wrapping my lips tightly around your big cock, I change from sucking to vacuuming, as though I’m trying to pull the cum right out of you. Keeping that up for a bit, I stop before I feel that it might have gone too far. 
      You won this exercise, and you need to be pleasured for that winning.
     Pulling my fingers out of you, I steady myself on your granite thighs before kissing your feet and moving underneath you and sliding my face along your sweaty crack, my beard teasing you. And, then my tongue slides in to explore.
     At some level, I know I saw more big feet and legs than there should have been from just us. I wonder if all of your friends are as big as you are - I’m certainly the smallest of whom I’ve met, unless I count your sweet puppy. 
      But, before those thoughts go anywhere, I’m enjoying the scent and taste of your musky ass. And, the feeling of your iron legs starting to quiver.

     From the moment I met you I just knew there was something special about you. You always act so shy and insecure and I could never quite figure out why. But that's just my mentality that I don't understand insecurity. But this this is what I felt instinctually the first time I met you...
     You've taken control of this situation... not so much to exert your dominance but to enhance my pleasure. Your goal seems to be maximizing my pleasure. Acting like that selfless lover I've been looking for.
     When you begin to make a meal out of my ass I start to lose control. Your skills are amazing, my body twitches involuntarily. My legs quiver and shake as you continue to stimulate me beyond anything I was expecting from you
     You are no longer asking for permission to do things to me. You are merely doing them. That turns me on just as much as your oral skills are.
    You're not trying to be the alpha here. All you seem to want is to maximize my enjoyment of this moment. That in and of itself arouses me to no end.
     My cock is hard as a rock and leaking precum once again.  Drip,  drip dripping onto the canvas.
     "Ooohhh fughhhhh Jay. "
     As you start eating my ass Tommy and Chris come behind you and start gently running their hands across your back and biceps. Exploring every nook and crevice created by your muscles. 
     "Fuck this little guy has some damn skills..."

     "Look at Mark getting into it. Don't see The Bull squirm like that very often. ". I slide around and as you continue to eat Mark's asshole, I  go to my knees and starts giving Mark a blowjob.

     I’m on my knees enjoying the tremendous pleasures your fantastic ass offers. I’ve never particularly been an ass man, but you and yours are really spectacular. Reaching around your waist, I take a strong grip of your big, hard cock.
     As I’m eating you and stroking you, I realize your granite thighs are actually shaking. Can I really be having that sort of an effect on YOU? 
      I can feel your big cock leaking, and hear your moaning. And, something else…
     It takes me a minute to understand, but Tommy and Chris are here, as well. I take my hand off of your meat as I feel them begin to run their big hands over me. Almost reinforcing me, giving me some of their strength. I actually blush in your butt when I hear their complement.
     They talk about how you’re getting into it, and I’m again amazed that someone might think that I’m actually having an effect like that on you.
    I can feel one of the guys go around to your front, and I know fully well what’s happening.
     Pulling back a little, I take a deep breath and spread your ass cheeks before going back in full tilt! That’s when I take my right hand and start teasing your big bull balls.
     I can hear sounds coming from above me and circle my tongue, pushing into you as deeply as I can. I’M nearly beside myself. 
      That’s when I pull back and climb to my feet, leaning against your broad back. Without any real struggle, I slide my very hard cock into your moist hole. 
     Reaching around your thick chest, I pinch your nipples in my fingers. 
     “I hope you’re enjoying this as much as the pleasure you’re giving me…” I growl into your ear. This is when I start pumping in and out of you.

     I start enjoy Chris' blowjob almost as much as I'm enjoying your incredible attention to my ass. I grab a handful of Chris's hair and moan with pleasure as I'm no longer capable of doing anything but going along for this sensual ride...
     Tommy worships your biceps as you play with my balls making me groan in ecstasy 
     "ooooh Fuuuuhhck."
     Tommy licks your ear and whispers "I ain't never seen anyone control the Bull like you've been doing Little Guy. Fuck. I wanna see you ride the Bull like it's a damn rodeo...". He nibbles on your neck as my moans echo around the room.
     You suddenly slide your cock into my tight ass. You meet with very little resistance as I'm completely under your control.
     I gasp at the initial entry, but almost immediately you hit my prostate and my body stiffens. As he continues to suck my throbbing cock, Chris pushes me so that your cock goes even deeper inside me. 
     "Oooooohhrr Jezus Fuuuuhhck. Jay.... That .. feels... So ... good". I shout/stutter as you pound away at me, encouraged by my friends... Their words and actions driving you on.
     Seemingly forgetting your normal, slightly nervous, behavior around me. Relishing your ability to get me squirming and moaning.

     I’m not sure what’s going on up front, but while I’m enjoying the surprising attention from Tommy, you suddenly push back against me. I feel so incredibly good inside of you, and then you push back and I somehow get even deeper into you! Except, I don’t think I’m deeper, I’m simply smashing into your prostate!
     More than that, Tommy is towering over me behind me, while your broad back is filling my vision in front of me, and I’m squeezed between you two in one of the most erotic ways I can imagine.
     Letting go of your nipples, I start stroking and feeling your thick, heavy pecs, rubbing and moaning. 
      Pulling back almost completely out of you, I slam back into you and start the jackhammering that I think we both want.
     Tommy leans into my ear, telling me to ride you. “Do it Jay. Give the Bull exactly what you wanted him to do to you. Don’t hold back, little guy.”
     I almost step back, but his enormous body is up against me. Instead, I grab your meaty pecs in my hands like a reign and begin pounding your ass!
     Leaning against you, I hug myself tight against your sweaty back, and wrap my arms around you. I’m not big enough to give you a bearhug around your titanic chest, but too tall to hug your waist in this position. But, your body feels so GOOD. I just continue slamming into you! 
      “Gawds, Mark… you’re… so… incredibly… fantastic…”. 
     At the same time, Tommy is encouraging me and Chris must be vacuuming you like a champ! Fuck! How have you been able to hold off?

     I'm so lost in the deluge of things that are being done to me by you and by Chris I can barely think. I can't do anything except moan and grunt with pleasure. I've been lost In This moment this ecstasy that's being inflicted upon me.
     Your relentless pounding of my ass is hitting sweet spots so often that my eyes continuously roll in the back of my head as I howl with pleasure. 
     The noise of my wailing reverberates off of the walls. The Queen's watching are gasping and ooooing and ahhing as they watch a spectacle they did not expect to see. 
     After my dominant victory in the wrestling match they expected to see me dominate you sexually as well. They definitely weren't expecting to see this... The Big Bodybuilder Bull being fucked by the loser while two other muscle heads add to the pleasure that keeps me on the edge of ecstasy. 
      Out of control and loving it.
     You grab my big meaty pecs in each of your hands and begin to roughly use them to continue driving deeper and deeper into me with jackhammer like thrusts. 
     Combined with Chris's amazing oral skills my body begins to tense up. All my muscles flex involuntarily and my skin becomes noticeably warmer to your touch.
     Suddenly I can't hold back anymore and my legs quiver and I shoot reams of cum into Chris's mouth. Almost screaming "Oooohhh FFFUUUUCCK. Ooooooh FUUUUHHCK" as I release this load.
     The Bull blows his load in my mouth. I swallow some of it but let a healthy amount remains in my mouth. I pop up and press The Bull's exhausted body between Jay and I as I look over Mark's powerful shoulder. 
      I grab a handful of Jay's beard and make him look up at me. I mumble, trying not to spit out too much of Mark's cum
      "Here taste some of that Bull juice Jay". Then I kiss you passionately transferring the remnants of Mark's cum into your mouth. I keep pushing mark into your thrusts even as he's become little more than an unresisting mass of exhausted muscles...

 Tommy : 
     as I see Chris kiss you I nibble on your neck and play with your nipples while my other hand keeps stroking your bicep appreciatively... I whisper
     "Fuck yeah Jay. Ride the fuckin Bull. Pound that ass. He's fucking putty on your cock now, Little Guy. Enjoy it.". 
     Then I slowly lick and kiss the back of your neck while my cock throbs against your leg. Leaking precum.
     "This is your fuckin show Jay. Enjoy the damn spotlight."

      I listen to your deep, gutteral moaning and grunting. Your self control is truly incredible to me. And, then, you howl! You literally and honestly HOWL!!! I start to think maybe I should pull back, but Tommy is up against me and I know I’m not going anywhere.
     I feel your body tensing, and getting oddly warmer. I hug hard against you as I feel your ass start spasming. 
      I’d love to get worked over and smashed down by you, but, honestly, being able to give this to you is somehow even better!
     You must have shot a pretty impressive load into Chris’ mouth. Suddenly, he’s standing up, pressing you between us, and grinning down at me. 
      He reaches down and grabs my beard, forcing me to look up at his handsome face. And, then he leans down and kisses me! Some sort of horny loving cup as he shares your cum with me. He’s pushing you into me, making absolutely certain that I’m giving you every bit of passion available.
    Then, while Chris is sharing Marks cum, Tommy reaches up and starts teasing me, nibbling on my neck and playing with my nips. All while stroking my arm with his big, other hand. 
      And, then Tommy encourages me to keep on pounding you! 
      “Seriously?” I ask. But, even as the words come out of my mouth, I’m redoubling my thrusts into you. I start playing with your huge chest again. 
      “You taste good Mark…”
     Chris is still standing in front of you, keeping your brawny body between us. 
      I pull almost completely out of you and slam back in. Over and over! Until I know I’m not going to be able to hold off. I start squeezing your meaty pecs, pulling them back as I cry out while shooting my load.  
     “FUCK MARK!!!” I’m nearly out of breath as I add “thank you guys…”

     The post orgasm lethargy takes hold. I'm only standing because Chris is pressing me against your body and into your piston like fuck rhythm. 
      I'm so exhausted, I barely even have the energy to moan as you continue to fuck me. Keeping me in this helpless stupor as you drive deeper than ever before. 
     You have me so aroused that I almost immediately become hard again. My head lolls on my Chris' chest and I drool a bit.

      using our bulk Tommy and I steer the 4 of us towards the corner. Once we are in the corner I get up so I'm standing on the 2nd ropes. I pull Mark's unresisting head up and quickly shove my cock into his mouth as I use a handful of his hair to drive his face onto my cock .. Mark gags a bit ... I nod to Tommy...

Tommy : 
     I see Chris' signal and bite your earlobe as I whisper... "Keep riding the Bull, Jay. You're incredible.".
     Then I slide down and get on my knees in front of Mark and start sucking his cock.
      "C'mon Jay let's milk this Bull dry huh?". I reach forward between Mark's legs and start massaging your balls.
     "Fuck this Beast until he is completely spent Jay"

     I've got no resistance to any of this. Chris face fucking me... Tommy sucking my dick... You driving in and out of my ass as you play with my sensitive nipples... 
     My body is undergoing almost constant muscle spasms as I weakly moan. My thick legs quivering and unable to hold me up under my own power.
     I whisper "oh God Jay.... oooohhh FFFUUUUCCK". 
     I turn my head back to look at you sideways and seem to invite you to kiss me...

     No sooner had I blasted my load and thanked Chris and Tommy than they started moving the four of us backwards.
     Again, I feel like a toy with the three of you. 
     Briefly I wonder if you even know any other normal sized guys, or are all of your buddies big muscle titans?
     We get to a corner and Chris gets up on the second rope, and he pulls Marks head close enough to shove his hard cock in Mark's mouth! 
      There's no resistance from Mark, and he even gags a little. Then, Tommy is biting my ear again, telling me to keep riding you.
     Amazingly, even after I’d just shot my load up your butt, I’m hard again. Maybe I never even went soft? There’s so much eroticism happening…
     Tommy is on your cock now, but not before saying he wants us to milk you dry. That’s seeming like a good idea…
      Then, I feel his big hand between your legs and squeezing my balls! He’s massaging them in his big, rough hands and it feels so good…
     All I can do, all I WANT to do, is keep fucking you. I’m plowing in and out, rubbing your meaty pecs, playing with your nips, and listening to the sounds coming out of you.
     I can FEEL your column like legs actually quivering as your ass spasms on my tender cock. Incredibly, I’m getting close. Again.
     Somehow, you lose Chris’ cock and turn to look at me. “Oh, god, Jay… oooohhh FFFUUUUCCK.”
     My hands let go of your chest, my right hand taking the back of your thick neck, and my left steadying myself on your hip as I reach up to push my eager tongue into your mouth. 
      And, despite all logic, keep pistoning in and out of you as I melt into the kiss.

     You start to kiss me and suddenly you know why Chris let me go.

 Chris : 
     I feel my load coming and I pull out of Mark . He is focused on Jay and they begin to kiss.
     I stroke my cock a few more times as the Little Guy keeps pounding away at the Bull's asshole. Then I shoot ribbons of cum onto both of their faces... 
     "FFFUUUUCCK Jay. I can't believe you are actually pulling this off.. " I huff and puff as my cock finishes spitting on both of you.

     My body once again tenses up and spasms uncontrollably as cum coats our faces while we kiss. I can't hold back and I blow another load. Tommy takes it all and spits it on his hand .

Tommy : 
     after I spit Mark's load into my hand I stand up and pull Mark's head away from the kiss. I feed him his own cum. Getting him to luck it off my hand. Then I wink at Jay as I lock Mark up in a front sleeper variant. My arms locked in around his neck, his face buried in my pecs, cutting off blood flow to his brain. 
      I smile at Jay "C'mon Little Guy.. fill that ass again before the Bull goes to Dreamland. You've done so good thus far, Jay... Bring it home."

      I LOVE kissing you. Even in the throes of exhaustion and lust, you’re a passionate kisser. It’s simply intensely pleasurable.
     Suddenly, Chris is shooting ropes of cum. On both of our faces! He says that he can’t believe I pulled this off. I know he means that he can’t believe WE pulled this off! I’ll have to bring that up later, though, because your ass is spasming around my tender meat again.
      I can’t help myself and begin groaning as your spasms bring me right to the brink. 
      Then, I watch as big Tommy stands up and pulls your head away from our kissing. 
      He does it so he can get you to lick your own cum FROM HIS HAND!!! 
     I watch as his big arms wrap around your thick neck in a sleeper. 
      Your tight ass spasms around me as you struggle, but you’re just so weak. 
      Tommy tells me to fill you up again before you go to Dreamland, calling me ‘little guy’ and that’s all the encouragement I need to start shooting up your ass again!
     “AAAhhhh, TOMMY…. MARK…. I can’t hold off… any longer!!!!!” 
      My hands are back to using your thick pecs like reigns as I begin to feel my cum running out of your ass.

     The last thing I remember before everything goes black is the warm gush of your semen once more filling my ass. My body goes completely limp and it's only your cock and Tommy's sleeper that keeps me on my feet.

      I smile as I see the Little Guy tense up and shoot another load into Mark's ass. I hoot with delight 
     "Yeah Tommy put the Bull to sleep."

Tommy : 
      I feel you twitching as you shoot your load again. I crank up the pressure of the sleeper as I start kissing Jay... As Mark goes completely limp I start to kiss Jay 
     "Fuck I didn't expect tonight to end like this Jay. I'm impressed.". 
     I release the sleeper and Mark's massively muscular body just crumples to the ground at your feet. I point to the pile of unconscious muscle at your feet 
     "He's all your's now Jay. You earned it"
 Chris: I embrace Tommy and we both leave the ring. The rest of the crowd looks on in shocked silence as the Big Bodybuilder Bull lays unconscious at your feet with your cum oozing from his ass...

     Your titanic body goes limp once I feel my cum dribbling from your glorious ass. 
      Tommy is keeping you on your feet simply by keeping you in the sleeper. Tommy and I are kissing and I wonder about Chris, but then Tommy pulls back saying he didn’t expect tonight to go like this!
     Tommy releases the sleeper and Mark's massive form simply crumples to the mat at our feet. He tells me that Mark is all mine and that I’ve earned it.
      With that, your gigantic muscle buddies hug and leave the ring. I look around, finally seeing the crowd again, but seeing them truly shocked.
     Grabbing you under your arms, I pull you to the nearest ring corner and sit with my back to the post. Pulling your handsome mug up onto my lap. 
      Then, with a grin, I move my legs out and bring them back in, resting on your broad shoulders. I wonder if you’d believe me if I said you went out in my head scissors earlier?
      Gently, I start rubbing and nudging your face, bending down to kiss your forehead. 

     You rouse me back to consciousness with caresses and a tender kiss on your forehead. I look at you with bleary unfocused eyes and stutter "Take me back to my place Jay.".
     I try to stand but I'm still a bit weak in the knees. I notice your cum running down my leg and I smile as I struggle to pull myself up using the ropes as support.
     I put out a hand to you for assistance "I'm definitely going to need some help getting out of here Jay"
      I indicate the bruises starting to really take shape on your chest and abs  "Thank you for doing this with me...."

     You come back to the land of the living and tell me to take you back to your place. Helping you up and trying to steady you as we climb through the ropes. 
      You’re leaning on me pretty good, and I get yet another very vivid idea of how really massive you are.
     We get back to the dressing rooms and I help wipe you clean. This is a new experience for me. Helping to wipe clean the cum dribbling from another man’s ass! 
      You’re recuperating quickly and I doubt you’ll need my help by the time we get outside, maybe not even when we leave the locker rooms.
     We walk out, your huge arm over my shoulder and around my neck. There’s a small group of guys, including Chris and Tommy, and they start applauding and whooping for us. 
      I’m embarrassed and shocked by the attention, but I stand on my tip toes and give you a big kiss. 
      Then, we climb into the SUV that arrived and head to your place. Big C is very happy to see you, tail wagging, and I now understand why you don’t have much down low. 
     She’s sniffing us both and leaning into you. “Go take your shower, big guy. I’ll get us a drink and we can get to know each other…”

Mark_Duke: Big C 
 hangs around with you, hungry for attention as I take a shower and wash away the sweat and cum from my body... Smiling with pleasure at how things turned out tonight. Enjoying how, even if this 'thing' we have never becomes a THING... Atleast we had tonight.
     As you come back from your shower I hand you a drink and smile "Come on, Princess, drink up. We’ve got a lot to talk about!”


Published: 2024-05-09, viewed 51 times.



Apollo Dante

2024-05-12 19:55

Well for a few reasons I am pleased I only just got around to read this CLIMAX to a brilliant erotic 2 part epic story between these 2 totally sexy musclestuds Mark and Jay…as Joey rightly said….given how part 1 ended this was indeed totally unexpected but it made the “read” even HOTTER……the details of what happened were so graphic and detailed. I can’t imagine anybody not turned on by the events in the after match action ..AMAZING stuff…so pleased you shared this! Hope we see more from you both!

Mark Duke

2024-05-12 20:03

(In reply to this)

Thanks for the kind review Apollo.
Definitely will be more. Jay is definitely highly recommended. He's got that sheepish vulnerability that draws you in then he lets loose with shit like he did here. He may enjoy taking a beating but he definitely knows how to give a good pounding in return.

Joey Duncan OMalley

2024-05-09 21:38

WOW. After Mark's victory in the match I definitely wasn't expecting THIS to happen. Sexy action from everyone involved.
This new recruit Jay (Jobber333) impressed me for sure.