ClawMaster Federation

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Established: 2021-07-06

This federation is for heels , bodybuilders, and jobbers to go at it in matches step on in the ring and get it on!
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Roid Irongut runs into the ClawMaster

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08:18 ClawMaster
OH I will Roid?

08:18 Roid Irongut
Yes you are…for your good be a good boy

08:19 ClawMaster
I have yet to break my fingers on them yet

08:19 Roid Irongut
Oh trally

08:19 Roid Irongut

08:19 ClawMaster

08:20 Roid Irongut
Prove it!

08:26 ClawMaster
as I walk up to you and go around take my steel like fingers and dig them into your shoulders. As I legtrip you out on the ring feel my steel like fingers dig deeper grrrrrrrrrrrrrr

08:27 Roid Irongut
Raaaaar….you call that claws? My dead great grandma claw harder than that! I spit your face

08:28 ClawMaster
I say you cannot spit in my face Roid ya down

08:28 Roid Irongut
(Ah sorry missed the part)

08:29 Roid Irongut
Grrrr….I grab your wrist trying to force your hands off

08:31 ClawMaster
as I dig fkn deeper into your shoulders into your nerves and say ya granny cwas not not the clawmaster! as i you grab my wrists and force em off, I deliver a faceclaw digging into ya templed hard The iron claw Roid !!

08:33 Roid Irongut
Arrrrg! Fuck you cheap dirty rat! I hold your wrist with one hand trying to hold it at bay, and strike your ribs with my other fist

08:37 ClawMaster
Oh i take you down and digging deeper deeper harder ROID now ay getting out of it now as you try to strike my ribs ufff but My steel like fingers will tear you up you so called Roided bear hahai have ya down in pain

08:40 Roid Irongut
I build for strength and endurance. Those muscles can take a lot heavy punches but ever get clawed before. My head feels gonna explode. I kick my legs violently and roaring in great pain

08:43 ClawMaster
No you felt everything else and NOT that. I have you trapped!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and ya fk up as ya head will do that as i say kick ya legs ya big roided stud as I am going fk you up as ya face is now bleeding from the claw

08:45 Roid Irongut
“Grrrr…” blood runs into my eyes from forehead. “I will never surrender to a pussy. Real men fights with fist not nails.”

08:50 ClawMaster
Pussy, LOL your the BIG8ft2561lbs roided stud who is on his back. now ya blood in ya eyes you cannot see and the faceclaw tore ya temples and face up! I now go to your BIG slabs oof pecs and BANZAI sink the pecclaw and these will not come off as. My steel fingers digging into your pecs and thumbs thumb ya nips deeper making you moan!

08:52 Roid Irongut
Garrrr…I grit my teeth and close my blood stained eyes. I flex my shield sized pecs to block your steel sharp claws

08:54 ClawMaster
I sink my fingers deeper deeper harder trashing you ya 8ft Roided stud knee drops into ya abs and my big toe pokes ya belly button.

08:55 Roid Irongut
“Urrrg..:fuck not my navel.” My resistance grows weaker as you poke and dig my tender big round deep navel

08:56 ClawMaster
I grab a 200lbs weight drop it on your Right pec and say take that working ya Left pec clawing it thumbing ya nips even deeper deeper! yes ya navel as i poke it again knee ya abs

08:57 ClawMaster
i see you are tenting in ya gear

08:57 Roid Irongut
I lost my core control as you got my navel. Saliva drools down my bearded jaw as you pounding my pecs and abs

08:58 Roid Irongut
My fat cock gets hard in my black posing trunk

09:02 ClawMaster
i knee ya big abs nothing there now ya abs are mush as I stomp on it and say to you youare seeing who is stronger! as my fingers dig into ya pec and right hand my thumb thumbs ya navel!

09:04 Roid Irongut

09:05 Roid Irongut
my muscles spams a uncontrollablly. I hold your hand trying to stop you from claw my pecs and navel

09:07 ClawMaster
You spasm non stop as I strip ya gear and see your big tenting rod as I now stroke it so dam hard Roid ya in my hands now!

09:09 ClawMaster
Roid I take a finger and poke your navel again and deeper!

09:10 Roid Irongut
Uhhh…my massive body spasms and my throbbing cock leaking precum

09:11 ClawMaster
I see ya rod leaking precum as i twist both nips make ya rod blow!

09:12 Roid Irongut
Fuuuuuu—-I cum and cum until I wet all your face and body in white

09:13 ClawMaster
Roid you are destroyed by the ClawMaster!!!!!!! and I leave my mark CM on ya right pec now your laid out cum all over you.

09:16 Roid Irongut
My incredibly huge muscles body are left there unconscious. People gather around and mock my tortured body

09:18 ClawMaster
they mock your body as I say to you now are in my stable Roid Irongut

09:19 Roid Irongut
After I wake up I’m mad to know you claim me as a trophy

09:21 ClawMaster
dam right I have claimed a 8ft2 561 lbs stud which belongs in my stable for good

09:23 ClawMaster
Roid Iorngut now what do you say???????

09:24 Roid Irongut
Fuck you! I give you the finger

09:26 ClawMaster
tisk tisk not nice as I get on top rope and frogsplash on ya belly with a small weight

09:28 Roid Irongut
Ummmf! I flex and bounce you up

09:34 ClawMaster
As you do I am ready and apply the kiss of death You are screwed ROID ya going out!!!!!!!!!!!!

09:35 Roid Irongut
Once again I pass out with my tongue sticking out

09:35 Roid Irongut
My shield sized pecs and protruding muscle gut heaves weakly

09:37 ClawMaster
You are going out ya pecs which have been deflated 1 by a 200lbs weight other my claw!

09:38 Roid Irongut
I can’t feel anything but my body spasm uncontrollably

09:39 ClawMaster
No you cannot cause you entire body will be down and you will be out COLD!

09:42 ClawMaster

Published: 2021-08-02, viewed 0 times.

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