Authentic Grappling

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Established: 2021-01-19

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Group for guys with authentic grappling & fight skills. Send training experience with application.
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The Factory Presents: Andre Meets Rory


02:41 Andre_Jordan:

02:41 Andre_Jordan: The Factory Presents: Andre Meets Rory

02:41 Andre_Jordan: When I was about ten years old an Irish family moved into my neighborhood in Fort Greene, Brooklyn and they had a boy my age called Rory. The neighborhood was largely black and Dominican so suffice to say the McGregor family was a curiosity. One day little Rory broke the ice by knocking on our door. When I answered he said, “Hi, my name is Rory. Do you wanna wrestle with me?” I said “Okay” and we went into the backyard on a nice summer’s day and wrestled. We were ten years old so wrestling was little more than rolling around until we were locked up in a neutral clinch and we stayed there for what seemed like timeless summer hours. We didn’t say a word. We just listened to each other breathing locked up together in the grass. At some point my Moms called out the backdoor “Dre, dinner!” Rory and I rolled apart and stood up looking at each other. “Can we wrestle again tomorrow?” he asked. I said “Okay” and the next day we wrestled again. From that day on we were inseparable.

02:47 Rory_McGregor: I remember moving into this new home with my parents, in this strange new place called Brooklyn N.Y. My 10-year-old mind found the place strange; like it was a new toy or new bike. I couldn't wait to venture out and see what I could find. See if I could find a new friend or two to take the place of those I had left behind in Ireland. I had always loved wrestling around with my friends and cousins. Maybe I could find a wrestling friend or two here. One day on my way home from school, I noticed a boy about my size and age, going into the house next door to ours. I wondered if he might also like wrestling around. And I asked my dad, if I could go next door and introduce myself. He thought about it and said OK, “...but mind your manners.” I went over and knocked on the door. I was nervous, wondering what I'd say. When the young boy opened the door, I didn't wait for him to say anything. I said, "I'm Rory I live next door now. Saw you and, wondering if you'd like to wrestle with me?" He said OK and we went out back into his yard and we wrestled around like two young pups. I was happy for my first wrestling friend here. It wasn't until I heard his mom call out “Dre!” that I knew his name. From that day, we became regular wrestling buddies. Rory: Dre and I began wrestling and rolling around in his backyard every day. Just two boys having fun. But one day my circle of friends expanded when 4 of his friends, Treyvon, Jose, Deshawn and Carlos, came to his house looking for him and found us wrestling in the backyard. Dre asked them to join us. They looked at me, with curious eyes. But after Dre told them I was cool, Deshawn jumped into the fun and that brought Carlos and Jose into the mix. Treyvon sat down on a lawn chair. I sensed that he was a loner, who just wanted to watch. But it seemed, looking back that Dre and Jose were not having any of that. As they went and grabbed his arms and started telling him to loosen up and have some fun with us bros. After some resistance and Carlos adding his encouragement, Trevon gave in and joined us. Now just 6 boys having fun. I now really felt welcomed to the community. Every day ended with Dre and I being alone and wrestling. Day by day, I felt closer and closer to Dre. I felt I had to be around my buddy. We didn't have a care in the world it seemed. Until one of our parents would call for one of us. We would get up, shake hands and tell each other we'd meet back there again the next day, along with our other buddies. Brooklyn was not strange and lonely any more for sure now.

02:54 Andre_Jordan: My backyard became a wrestling scene for the rest of that summer and the guys all started to think of Rory as one of the gang. As the season changed and it got too cold out to wrestle outdoors, Rory and I started to spend the night at each other’s houses so we could keep wrestling. We would have all night basement matches that never ended because neither of us could pin the other, but we didn’t care. We would wrestle until we were so tired we would fall asleep cuddled up like tiger cubs on the sleeping bag wrestling mat. Our parents got so used to hosting us that they started to think of us as extensions of the family, brothers really. So much so that when they would see us in the morning curled up together they never questioned the nature of our attachment. By the following summer our wrestling had improved enough that we were easily beating Jose and Treyvon, and making Carlos and Deshawn have to work hard to keep up with us.

02:58 Rory_McGregor: Rory: The days passed I realized that I had indeed been welcomed into the community of friends. I loved the feeling. And my connection to Dre grew stronger. As winter came on we took our wrestling from the backyard to our basements. We took turns sleeping overnight at each other’s houses so we could wrestle. Our families grew close in the process. More and more I felt I had to have my brother with me every day and Andre seemed to feel the same way. Through wrestling I noticed that my scrawny little body was starting to look more like those of the older boys in town. Dre’s body was changing too. We both were slowly building muscle and this drove us to wrestle harder. And we would always fall asleep wrestling, waking up curled around each other. Our connection as brothers in spirit went unquestioned, as our parents seemingly took the daily sight of us, as brotherly bonding. I loved my time with Dre big time.

02:58 Andre_Jordan: We both turned 13 years old the summer before we started 7th grade and our bodies had changed so much just from our wrestling. Our legs, asses and backs filled out and our arms and shoulders tightened up too. Our fathers were hanging out in the backyard drinking beers and watching us wrestle. They noticed how our bodies were changing and wanted to encourage us, so they set up a weight bench and some free weights in the garage to go with our practice mat. “You boys want to get big chest and wide shoulders, do as many pushups as you can do once a day,” they told us and we did just that. We did pushups and ab crunches, we did pull ups and bicep curls all summer long. We really didn’t know what we were doing, but in just 3 months our bodies changed even more. What we didn’t see coming was puberty. It also changed our bodies as we started to grow pubes and armpit hair. We were so close we shared how awkward it made us feel, but puberty also brought raging erections and the first time we rubbed boners in a wrestling clinch we were thunderstruck at how good it felt.

03:00 Rory_McGregor: The teen years, time of changing, and finding out more about ourselves. Seeking out what infinite possibilities were yet to be found. I was glad to be sharing this journey with my buddy Dre. And as we went along we were packing on more and more muscles, with our dad's help. It seemed to me that they were living out their unfulfilled childhood fantasies of wrestling through us. They even set up an exercise regimen for us to follow.. They kept pushing us to do more. And as we did Dre and I got closer through our wrestling bond. Our bodies kept going through major changes. And one thing particularly rocked us to the core. One day as we were going at it, with our cocks throbbing and hard. They rubbed together while we were in a clinch. I almost came in my tight shorts. As my body jerked away from Dre, landing on my ass. Shaking my head. It felt like an electric charge going through me. "WOW, what the heck, that was wild man"! I moaned. Looking at Dre.

03:00 Andre_Jordan: One minute we were wrestling, then suddenly we got caught up in a clinch and our dicks got so hard we started involuntarily humping each other. Man, it felt so good we let go of our wrestling grips and just grabbed on to each other as we moaned in each other’s ears. Then just as suddenly Rory jerked away from me, looking at me with wild eyes of lust and confusion. I know he said something to me but my dick was throbbing so hard I couldn’t think straight. Rory was sitting on his ass in front of me looking freaked out. I crawled towards him and nuzzled my head next to his as I slowly pushed him backwards and laid on top of him, letting the bulges in our shorts slowly rub again. Neither of us said a word. As Rory started to feel that amazing feeling again he wrapped his arms around me and rolled us to our sides and we just silently humped each other. It was not unlike that first day he invited me to wrestle when we were 10 years old and we just silently wrestled in the grass and found our passion. This day we found a new passion, as innocently as we found our first passion.

03:01 Rory_McGregor: I sat there staring at Dre! My eyes raced back and forth between his eyes and his bulging crotch. My heart is trying to bust out of my chest. Finally, I calm down to take in his full body before locking eyes. Sensations and thoughts flooding through me. Things that I can never share with anyone, except hopefully with him. When we embraced all inhibitions vanished as we humped against each other. We lightly rolled back and forth. What a feeling; better than good, it was great. We rolled apart at one point, giving each other a wide grinning smile. Knowing we would be back at it privately many more times in the days ahead.

03:01 Andre_Jordan: It was just a few weeks before we started 7th grade with excitement about joining the wrestling team that Rory and I discovered our emerging sexual attraction. We still wrestled every day as hard as we could because we wanted to prepare for joining the wrestling team, but we ended each session lost in this new, overpowering feeling of humping our gym short bulges. We quickly started grinding raw named boners and that felt even more amazing. When we were lost in the moment we could grind our young dicks for what seemed like hours and it felt like the most natural thing in the world. After our horny wrestling practice, however, we would just know it had to be kept a secret and worried about getting boners when wrestling others on the team. Still, we had developed a very close friendship since that first day Rory knocked on my door, and now with this new sexual connection we were close than ever.

03:03 Rory_McGregor: Summer was almost over and we'd be starting Junior High. With the added motivation of joining the wrestling team. Dre and I became closer. Our wrestling practices grew more intense. So much so that at some point it seemed that this feeling would come over both of us and we'd just spend a long time, humping our boners together. We often reminded each other in a whisper; "No one, can ever know about this!"And our night sleep overs, humping each other was the name of the game. We two boys couldn't stop from humping each other when the feeling hit us. One night, as we humped, with me on top; I moved my mouth to his and I gave him a quick kiss. I backed off surprised at my perhaps unwanted choice of action. Would he forgive me? What was going on between Dre and I, besides wrestling and feeling great"? I wish I knew. All I know is that I had never felt this way for anyone else before.

03:03 Andre_Jordan: All it took was one kiss from Rory and it felt so right that we couldn’t stop. I don’t think I would have been brave enough to do it, but once Rory went there with me, the taste of his warm mouth, playing with each other’s tongues, well it just closed the circuit for as we rubbed our young boners. Soon all we did at every opportunity was wrestle and then make out and grind dicks. We didn’t make time for any of our friends from the hood, and our parents often wondered where we were and why we were so uncharacteristically quiet, but we were lost in the sway of this intense pressure we discovered. Then as we started 7th grade and were impatient for wrestling season to start, out of nowhere our fathers hired us a college wrestler named Jake to work with us after school to teach us some real wrestling skills: Basic takedowns, the Refs position, break downs and escapes, and our favorite, basic types of pins. At first, we were uptight about getting boners with this college guy, he was so much older than us, but we soon discovered that when things turned to serious training, we didn’t get hard. This was important information! And we learned a lot from Jake.

03:04 Rory_McGregor: No words were said about the kiss. None were needed. As if some spell had been broken. Kissing, humping and making out after wrestling, became purely natural things to do. I had gone with an urge and now Dre and I were inseparable. I could never wait for our times alone. He was my life. In public we maintained just enough distance between us to not attract attention. Then, this guy named Jake came into our lives. He trained us in the nuts and bolts of wrestling. Our practicing focused our minds and bodies on wrestling and not on our boners. This was good for sure. We fought off the occasional distraction of his rugged hard muscled body, because we knew we had to focus on our wrestling! Our fathers watched on admiringly.

03:04 Andre_Jordan: Our wrestling season started and as we tried out for the team in 7th grade. It quickly became clear that all our wrestling as kids, and especially the training with Jake, had helped us immensely and we were soon considered two of the best on the new team. We loved wrestling practice and meeting our teammates, most who shared our same passion for the sport and most of them soon held us in high esteem as great wrestlers. When we managed to pin them we soon found out who on the team got hard boners like we did, but we held back not wanting to out ourselves until we knew better the lay of the land. Coach Curtis had his eyes on us and often chose one of us to demonstrate new technique on, in front of the team. This was a joyful time when wrestling was still an intramural sport and we were all young enough that it still felt like play. And, practice made us so damn horny that we rushed home to make out and grind dicks alone in our garage.

03:06 Rory_McGregor: Practicing had not been in vain. Our Dads were especially proud of us. Coach Curtis considered us two of the best. And teammates seemed to usually agree. We bonded well. We were always looking forward to practice. While practicing we came to know who got turned on by wrestling like we did. But we kept their little secrets. And for being about our dad's age, the Coach was a cool dude. We liked when he used us to demonstrate holds and moves to the team. The Coach always reminded us not to slack on our school work. Saying he never wanted to risk having to kick us off the team. We followed his advice. After practices, we always had to have our private play time to make out and hump dicks. What more could a boy want! We had our wrestling and we had each other’s company.

03:06 Andre_Jordan: Our time on the middle school wrestling team matched pace with the maturational changes happening to our bodies. Between puberty and us starting to lift weights for real, testosterone built up a steady presence in our bodies. Hair grew fast in our armpits, on our legs and in our groins and we seemed to be non-stop horny all the damn time. By 14 years old we were comparing cocks and jerking off several times a day. It didn’t help that we were both equally well endowed; it only made us more cock proud and horny which led to cock play games. Who could shoot the farthest and cum the most. By 15 years old we were just having full on sex after every practice. We could suck each other’s cocks for hours and flip fuck all night long. When our parents were off traveling for work we were wild animals in empty king size beds. This led to fucking games like who could pound the other’s ass the hardest and longest. How could we have known at the time that we had already started basic training as sex fighters.

03:07 Rory_McGregor: The wonder years were upon us. Our bodies changed and no one could deny the muscle build up on both of us. Which seemed to drive up our workout and wrestling intensity. Which in turn only intensified this thing between Dre and I. We had to be having at each other in hot new ways all the time. As for me, by 15 I could admit to myself and he alone that I was sexually attracted to him. And we didn't do it in words, so much as in actions. Our cocky comparisons and cock games, soon turned to sex games and fucking. It was great! I wanted to put another term on our tightening relationship. But I wouldn't rush it, I knew I had some kind of intense feelings for him. And I knew in my young heart that I would have his back, no matter what came along in our journey.

03:07 Andre_Jordan: We were having the time of our lives, freely exploring each other sexually without feeling the need to label it, but also ripping up the competition in intramural tournaments with cross town schools. The summer wrestling camps helped keep us ahead of the competition and we were getting quite the reputations. Today we were just coming home from a tournament where we both dominantly pinned our opponents and were feeling great when we were met at my house by your parents. They sat me down and told me my father had a heart attack while on his business trip. My mother had rushed to the airport to be by his side and had phoned that the surgery had gone well, but that they would know more in the morning. I was stunned and in shock. They made us both dinner and I ate in silent agony. My father meant the world to me. I hear you telling them you would stay with me tonight as they left to go home and it wasn’t until we were alone that I broke down in tears. As you put your arm around my shaking shoulders I reach out to hold you tight and sob into your neck.

03:08 Rory_McGregor: We were having a lot of fun together focusing on wrestling and we were winning big time! We were happy, without a care in the world. But one day, coming home after a big tournament win, as we approached Dre’s house we noticed my parents outside looking noticeably upset. We went inside where my dad gave Dre the news of his father’s heart attack. Dre was rocked. The man that I had come to love as a second dad, had survived it thankfully. But what news would tomorrow bring? Tearing up; after a very silent dinner. I told my parents that I was not leaving Dre by himself. When they left, Dre lost it! Breaking down in sheer agony. Crying uncontrollably on my shoulder. I wrapped my arms around him tight! And whispered in his ear, "I'm here man.”

03:08 Andre_Jordan: I sob so hard I exhaust myself and barely remember us going to my bedroom where I instantly curl up with you and fall asleep. My sleep is restless but even unconscious I feel you holding me tightly. Sometime during the night, I wake up and find you looking straight into my eyes like you were watching me sleep. We just look at each other and feel our dicks getting hard together. “You’re my brother, I say to you unblinkingly. “You’re my brother,” you reply. We kiss each other tenderly, then pull apart, afraid to see what is in the other’s eyes, but we see only openness and longing. We can feel our dicks get harder still and then we kiss again, deeper and more passionately then we have ever before. We hold onto each other for dear life and just kiss and grind our dicks until we both are finally able to fall into a deep, more restful sleep.

03:09 Rory_McGregor: My crying finally subsided and I just let you cry it out! How and when we got to your bedroom I don't recall. All I remember is laying there in our embrace and every thought focused on you, knowing I could not really sleep until I knew you were calmed down from all the pain. That sleep never really came for me. At one point you woke up, finding me looking into your eyes. Our mutual arousals were acting up again, as we called each other brothers. We kissed, and I got this feeling we were afraid yet unafraid of what we were experiencing together. We were becoming more open with each other. Becoming more aroused, we kissed and embraced with more passion than ever. Almost as if we were becoming one, with my longing for you increasing, if that was possible. With our cocks slowly grinding together, we finally both drifted off to a restful sleep. "How was Dre's dad?" I asked myself as I sank deeper into sleep.

03:09 Andre_Jordan: Our parents had become good friends as they saw how close their boys were becoming. Our fathers bonded over their excitement that we were displaying not just a passion, but a real gift for wrestling; and our mothers bonded over both being social workers. I think they all knew Rory and I were becoming much more than best friends, but if there was any doubt it dissipated when your Mom rushed into my room with good news, finding us still zonked out and curled up like lovers. She quickly backed out and closed the door, saying, “Boys come out to the kitchen, I have good news.” Our eyes snapped open when we heard her burst excitedly through the door, looking at each other like “Oh Fuck,” but quickly pulled on shorts and t-shirts and went out to the kitchen. “Andre, my sweet boy, your mother just called. Your father came out of triple by-pass surgery well and woke up this morning in good spirits and an appetite. The doctors expect a full recovery.” She saw the tears welling up in my eyes and gathered me up in a big Mom hug and I could feel you hugging me from behind as well. “It’s so nice seeing you boys take such good care of each other,” she said and we got the message. I think our parents were surprised, but ultimately fine with our being “close.” My father’s heart attack made us all think about what was most important in life and soon Rory and I found they were making room for us to be with each other. We never actually had to come out to them, they just embraced us, and in turn it helped us understand that we were gay.

03:11 Rory_McGregor: Our sleeping had surely been restful. Proven by the fact that nothing had mattered until we were awakened by what I took as the slamming of the door to your room. And hearing my mom tell us to come to the kitchen, that she had good news. That good news part had not fully hit our minds yet. "OH FUCK, she found us like this?" I said looking at you. We got dressed and went to the kitchen. Instead of hearing a speech about what she obviously saw. She gave Dre and me the good news about Dre's dad. He was on the mend. I saw the tears building up in your eyes. As they were in mine as well. We hugged. And I kissed your neck as I left out a sigh of relief. I still wondered if she had something to say about what she had seen. But she said nothing except to say she was happy for how we took care of each other. If she felt this way, then because of how close our parents were, this must be their way of telling us that they accepted us being this close. Your dad's health scare had brought us all closer.

03:11 Andre_Jordan: After his surgery my pops looked healthier than ever and we became closer. He would not stop telling me, and his honorary son Rory, how proud he was with us. Rory’s Pops was right there besides mine cheering us on in wrestling and loving us for who we were. Of course, we made it easier for them being masculine, successful athletes with good grades. We didn’t exactly test any stereotypes, but they didn’t just accept our gayness, they recognized the maturity of our bond and supported its growth. In our Junior year of high school, they cleared out one of the garages and turned it into an apartment/small work out studio. Our 10 x 10 practice mat and weights were still there, but they bought us a king-sized bed and insulated the place. They installed a simple locker room style open shower (luckily there was a drain in the garage already), an enclosed toilet, and let us cover the walls in wrestling posters.

03:12 Andre_Jordan: Our fathers may have built our new room, but it was our Social Worker Moms who sat us all down for a family meeting to acknowledge a change in the family. They told us we were growing into young men and required more space. They said it looked like we were both pursuing our dreams and excelling, that they believed our relationship was part of the reason we were maturing earlier than our peers and that needed to be loved and supported too. “So, you can choose to live in the new room together as young men who still live in our households,” Rory’s Moms emphasized, “but in all other ways you will be responsible only to yourselves and you will always be welcome at family meals.” Of course, we said yes immediately, told them how much we loved them, then after dinner we moved our stuff into our new room. It was already sort of equally spread out in each other’s rooms and we had long since forgotten whose underwear was whose, so our sports gear and clothes in general had already become communal property. We spent our first night together wrapped up and looking at each other with new eyes. Our parents' love and support has deepened our self-acceptance and in turn our love for each other. Being together just felt like the most natural feeling in the world. Right before Rory fell asleep I whispered in his ear “but I’m still gonna pin your ass tomorrow.”

03:14 Rory_McGregor: Our fathers had gone and built "us" our very own space! We took a very quick glance at it. "Wow, thanks!” we both said to them, before rushing off for a sit down with our moms. When that went down, they clearly stated in no uncertain terms their continued love and acceptance of our relationship. And that we could live in the room together. We hugged them and assured them of our continued love. And we went right about moving in. And when we came back with the first boxes of our literally shared belongings, we noticed something we had missed before.

03:14 Rory_McGregor: Our parents had left us a few "housewarming” gifts. They were on this shelf set up, complete with electric outlets on the wall in one corner. It was a Ninja Blender and a supply of different Protein Supplements and Shake mixes. We looked at each other smiling, assuredly knowing this was our dad's ideas.

03:15 Rory_McGregor: There was a little note taped to the blender, that we noticed just then. All you need is the fruit, veggies and some juices to go along here maybe. Love you two! Well, our lives had pretty much blended together over time. Now, we had a different kind of blending to do, this one for our health and fitness. We finished moving in. And stood looking around at our new little world, within our main world. Then we embraced each other. I said "Welcome Home Love!". And laid a passionate kiss on Dre's lips. Our body's slow grinding together. After a while, we laid down, naked in our own lover's embrace. And as I was beginning to fall into the most peaceful sleep I've had in weeks. I thought I heard my man whisper a horny taunt in my ear. Had he really said what I thought I heard? I'd have to wait, as I felt myself going completely relaxed into dream land.

03:15 Andre_Jordan: With the family acknowledgement and support there was a shift in our dynamic. We went from non-stop competing at everything to cooperating in our fitness training; pushing each other in calisthenics like pushups, pull ups, planks, ab crunches and burpees. We also started hitting the weights, lifting heavier and bulking up. We still spar at competitive levels we don’t see happen in practice, but more and more we’re starting to want to lift the same and have similar physiques. We work out the same way so we end up shaping ourselves with similar muscularity and shape. The stark contrasts in our skin tones is getting attention. In Junior High School at 16 yo the other kids all knew we were a couple, and with our reps as champion wrestlers we got a lot of both male and female attention. The positive attention feels good but we pour it back into each knowing we are living some of the best days of our lives.

03:15 Andre_Jordan: We wake up, bang out some pushups and crunches side by side, then eat, shower and take our morning piss together. We work hard on our studies. We trade eye rolls as we know our Moms don’t play about grades. And then our real day begins. We hit the locker rooms and make our way through the wrestling team, strapping on singlets and looking to see who has a boner. Those who want to find each other in practice and afterwards Rory and I swap stories about how it felt to pin a team member and make him cum at the same moment. We take that ridiculous cocktail of aggression and lust and bring it to our room in the garage where we wrestle for another two hours. We take kissing and cock grinding breaks because the friction is too much for us. We often have to shoot a load so we can continue training. Sometimes I think we wrestle to utter exhaustion just so we can enjoy the muscle cuddle afterwards, feeling each other’s overheated, sweaty body, grinding our dicks and making out. We crave each other. Then we see if we have missed dinner with our peeps, shower, do some homework and then curl up with each other, naked and staring into each other’s eyes.

03:18 Rory_McGregor: With our relationship now clearly defined and accepted by those that meant the most to us. We poured ourselves into our fitness training and into our workouts with our team mates. We were no longer just competitors, we were now cooperative partners. Always working to spur each other on to the next levels of fitness and wrestling. We discovered we had this chemistry going on between us. We could both sense when the other wasn't giving his 100% effort. We'd edge each other on till we both knew that we had done our best. And in the process, we saw our physiques were starting to match up. We were no longer the punks at school.
03:19 Rory_McGregor: We had somehow transformed into celebrities you could say. Many guys and even girls wanted our friendships or attention. Very few were turned off by knowing about our relationship. In different ways and situations, we loved pumping up each other’s self-confidence. And without fail, through everything we did we always reminded each other when it was study time. Remembering Coach Clark’s and our mothers insistence of keeping our grade point averages up.

03:19 Rory_McGregor: We loved our workouts with our team mates. But we couldn't wait to get home to our private place, where we'd go at it hard for another 2 or so hours. Sharing more of our aggression and lust that we couldn't share with our team mates. Often wearing each other out to the point that we'd be lying there in each other’s arms; feeling and smelling each other’s hard, pulsing and sweaty bodies. We usually managed to have dinner with our parents. If we missed it; we'd have a large protein shake. Then we'd get naked and do our homework. And end the day staring into each other’s eyes, wrapping our arms around each other and drifting off to sleep.

03:19 Andre_Jordan: One day at our jiu jitsu school we hear about this strength test called a kneeling knuckle lock (KKL) and its association with the underground sex fighting circuit. This is the first time we hear about being able to make money if you can overpower your opponent and grind his load from him. We literally do this kind of horny jock shit all the time. Now suddenly it’s a thing. We go home immediately to try this KKL in our private space in the garage. We didn’t think about how sexy the contest was going to be so we just kissed to get hard for this muscle battle. Kissing always makes us both hard as fuck. We get on our knees and lock up fingers, pressing our big chests together, but once our hips power together by the flexing power of our muscled asses and we start grinding, we just start making out and humping each other like dogs. Soon we are both blowing our ball loads. Feeling each other’s strength being so equally matched is an especially hot turn on for us.

03:19 Andre_Jordan: We know this is going to be all the rage very soon and we want to be dominate within our peer group on the wrestling team at school, at jiu jitsu and amongst our grappling friends, so we try to lock down our loads and just focus on the power and learn how to hold our mud, focusing more on the strategy than on pure brute force to win. We can feel ourselves sharpening each other, working the muscles in each other’s broad backs, necks and traps, shoulders, lats, hips and arms. We both laugh and just blow when the other one suddenly cums, but after a while we get good at holding our mud. And, if we can do it with each other we can do it with most others. We had some anxiety about certain especially hot jiu jitsu guys we knew, but in the end, we get a reputation for being studs in both wrestling and this kneeling knuckle lock tests of strength. Once it’s established no one can put us down, though some come closer, suddenly there is pressure on us. Who was the strongest between us?

03:21 Rory_McGregor: "Hey, wow! They're joking right, Dre? We can really make some money doing something we already are natural at!? We have most of this pinned down. Just a little adjustment in tactic and focus! Then start making money!" I look at you amazed and lustful. "What say we get home and get into working this out on each other. You more than know that I got to get the feel going with you right about now! Read me babe? And without any more words, we were out the door, headed for our private place. We got home and wasted no time in stripping out our work out clothes. Going straight down on our knees and making them connect. Eyes locked on each other. Lifted our arms out and locked our fingers together. Slamming our chests and hips into each other. And began muscling against each other. Getting jacked up and hard, from the get go. Humping against each other, like the young bucks we were.

03:21 Rory_McGregor: We shoot our loads. Our eyes locked still. We instinctively knew what the other was thinking. No need for words. Evenly matched up as we were, we could handle this stuff. We could become among the best in this fight style. A style we both have a natural calling for. I go to my ass and bend my legs at the knee and put my feet together. I look at you and say, "Just have to strengthen our pelvic muscles" as I put my right hand on my bulging manhood. "To help us delay the ejaculation reflexes, when we feel the urges coming on. You seemed to agree. And every day from that day, you drove us forward in workouts to strengthen our upper bodies and our hand grips. Focusing us on our muscle strength. In a relatively short period of time, we had gotten our cores strengthened, so that we were delaying our climax s. Certain now, that this was the thing for us. And soon enough, we were showing up, as they say and not backing down from any kind of fight challenge.

03:23 Rory_McGregor: A few guys really tested us and pushed us really well. Forcing us to up our game. But we ended up coming out on top. So much so, that it came down to us being our own best rivals. But no matter what came of this kind of rivalry, one thing I knew for sure, was that You were the best thing for me. If I had to, as they say; take a back seat to you now and then, I would be cool with it! "But not going to let you know that!" I often whispered out loud in my sleep.
03:23 Andre_Jordan: Living together and training together in our private space matured our relationship. We were more intimate in every way. We communicated more about everything. We were much more naturally affectionate when we were free to be ourselves. We had bonded so young and become so close that we were a team of two, working to better each other and ourselves always. We spared and trained everything; wrestling, jiu jitsu, tests of strength and we never sweated a loss to each other. We were so equal it just didn’t mean anything. And dudes asking us if we were tops or bottoms made no sense to us at all. We had always just fucked each other’s brains out. Plus, Rory was a great kisser and kissing always made us hard as hell, so sometimes all we did was kiss and grind dicks in bed for hours.

03:23 Andre_Jordan:

03:23 Andre_Jordan: It’s a Saturday on a summer’s day before our senior year in high school and we wake up, as always, with huge boners and wrapped up in each other’s arms and legs. “Morning Bro,” we exchange as we stretch out our arms and then roll in tight with each other again, kissing and grinding to start the day. We talked about our day and decided to train some calisthenics and then do a kneeling knuckle lock, though no one had beaten us in a while. I think we like training it cus it always makes us so fucking horny on the back end. We get up and shower together, soaping each other up, drying each other off, then we eat and start training, never feeling the need to put any clothes on.

03:23 Andre_Jordan: Like soldiers we get down side by side and start pumping out the pushups, hitting 100 quickly before we start to sweat. Our dicks never stop being fully hard because we basically want to fuck each other all the time. Our big triceps rub together as we keep repping out the pushups and start to smell each other’s familiar stink. This just makes us horny as fuck and we pump out the pushups even harder to control our sexual appetite. We piston out the pushups this whole time fully in sync, but feel it getting harder, and letting that natural competition make us work our hardest. We stop when it starts to get hard and we hold position. “Fuck Rory my dick is so hard.” “I know man, mine too!” “I know I’m going to do more pushups than you today.” “You say that every day.” “And every day I mean it,’ I laugh. “I really want to fuck you.” “I really want to fuck you.” “Damn, more pushups?” “More pushups.” And we start pumping them out some more, our hard dicks wagging under us.

03:25 Rory_McGregor: Neither of us could ever really outclass the other. We were that equal! But we never stopped imagining ways to get each other. Today we were going to put each other to the test again in a test of pushups. We were at home, on the floor and in position. Winked at each other. 1,2,3 GO! And we were off to pumping out these pushups. In fact, we were so already into loving it that we'd shove ourselves far enough off the floor we would clap our hands. And we had to concentrate harder at times when our boners would hit the mat at the right spot, sending these mixed sensations of pain and pleasure through us. When we felt our arms starting to tire some, we'd stop, keep the position and start eying each other and taunting each other. With stuff like "Not going to outdo me, Bro!" Always edging each other on. And soon we felt ready to get back to pumping it out. "More pushups Bro!" And we were back up and pumping!

03:25 Andre_Jordan: People at school notice that we are always together. We way be hanging out with our wrestling teammates during lunch, or training with them at practice, but they all know at some level we are doing all of it together. They ask, “Don’t you guys ever get sick of each other?” We look at each other and shrug. Even as we train pushups this Saturday afternoon, we are really in tight side by side. Our big thighs rub as do our elbows and triceps. We can hear each other’s breathing grow harder as we strain to rep out each pushup now. We can hear the low grunts we growl out as we push ourselves with all-out effort. Each rep is now a slow grinding struggle to get all the way up. Sweat is running from our pits and down our backs and we can smell each other’s musk pungent in our room. We pause as we drop for another one and look at each other. Our eye contact says “fight harder” and so start to push up again on trembling arms.

03:26 Rory_McGregor: We had been going at it hot and heavy, non-stop! But these last 30 pumps or so, really had us near the breaking point. I could see and hear you grunting and groaning, through clenched teeth. And sweating buckets. As I was doing likewise. Our bodies were leaning into each other, as inch by inch we forced ourselves back up to pump out 1 more! I was just about to give up, when I heard you groan out; "3 more bro, suck it up, 3 more!" I looked at you; "REALLY?" "YES!" you answered. Don't ask how we did it; but we made it! Collapsing into our shared pool of sweat. I managed to put my shaking left arm across your heaving muscled back. Both of us were sucking up air and exhausted like never before. "You got us here bro, we made it!", I said; with the little energy I could muster up. Somehow, you had just enough energy to roll over, put your right arm across my back. Our mutual connection, still going strong.

03:26 Andre_Jordan: We roll together and hug our sweaty chests together, then like dogs, we lap at the sweat on each other’s necks and faces with our tongues. Our dicks are starting to want to hump, so we roll to our backs to really open our lungs and take in deep breaths. “That was a great set bro, fuck we are like animals when we train together.” I’m thinking about how hard my dick feels and I say, “Yo, we should try out the new pull up bars we installed that allows us to do facing pull ups. See if we can hold our mud when exhaustion sets in and our arching for those last reps shoves our hips and cocks together. If you cum we can’t have full loads for the kneeling knuckle lock afterward bro!” I say. You nod your excitement at the idea and we pop to our feet, looking up to our matching set of bars, grin at each other and then jump up and grab wide hand grips facing each other. Our arm pits open at each other and our thick boners poke as we start doing slow, in sync wide arm pull ups and go eye to eye the whole time.

03:28 Rory_McGregor: We had regrouped our energy. And we were soon up on those pull up bars. Eyes locked on each other. I started with a palm out wide grip. As I muscled up and down. Thrusting my crotch as far forward as I could; rubbing mine against yours, as you did in return. We went on and on in this fashion. At one point, I switched to palm in grips, which allowed me to arch out closer to you. Our cocks slam into each other constantly. I didn't know about you, but as the tension was maxing up in my body, more and more, I had to tighten my pelvic muscles to control the cum reflexes. As our cores kept smashing against each other. I was grinding my teeth like mad. As I put more drive behind my thrusting out. My energy is sapped. As I felt my grip slowly loosening on the bar. I looked deeper into your eyes and winked. Sucked up a lung of air and got out one more pull up and thrust out, before my grip gave way and I fell to my ass. Aching as fuck all over. Feeling good, I had been able to hold off on blow my load.

03:28 Andre_Jordan: Our shoulders, lats and biceps get pumped as we repped out as many facing pull ups as we could, grinding our boners with every rep. You drop one set before I eke out one last sloppy pull up then drop too, laying once again side by side on our backs, feeling our muscles burn and taking in air, our big rib cages flex out as we breathe in, then relax as we breathe out. Our thick cocks lay pulsating hard on our abs, but at least we save our loads for the Kneeling Knuckle Lock (KKL). “Another hot set, bro. Damn, WE a team of two bro!” We could work out all day; we love the way it makes our growing muscles feel, but now we prepare for the KKL. We both get to a wide knee stance facing each other on the wrestling mat, our thick cocks hard and pointing at each other. We take a moment to just look at each other. It’s like looking in a mirror. Same big frames, wide shoulders and thick backs all standing on strong legs and a big muscled ass. Then we start locking into each other. We push our kneecaps together wide, thrust our hips forwards, smashing our thick cocks between our ab walls as our chests lock in pecs vs pecs and our hands interlaces and power up, feeling our shoulders, necks and traps activating along with our big arms. Lastly, we slide our chins over each other’s shoulders and feel each other’s hot, sweaty bodies radiating heat into each other. Fuck we love this.

03:29 Rory_McGregor: Yeah! We were hot as hell laying here on our backs on this sweaty mat. Sweating like mad, sucking in lungs of air and letting it out and regaining our energy. We could feel the erotic heat between us, but we knew in our minds, that we had to calm down and focus on what was coming up! Our sweating was subsiding. We stared into each other's eyes, and then twisted toward each other, and took one hand each and started to caress each other's torsos and thighs. We were about ready to get it on, in the Kneeling Knuckle Lock part of our mutual test. We were in position, jacked up and locked in with full body contact on the mat here. With legs spread wide, with our knees touching solidly.
03:30 Rory_McGregor: Staring more intensely into each other's eyes. Our bodies slowly grind against each from the waist up. We loved this and we loved taunting each other, SO, "You ready Bro?" I asked you. "To take you down! You know it, Bro!" you answered back. We somehow read each other's minds, it seemed, as we said at the same moment. "Let's get it on!"

03:30 Andre_Jordan: So far today we have only competed at calisthenics to push each other. Now that we are growling “Let’s get it on” into the other’s ear there is a different focus and a silence that falls between us. This is man vs man now and we are going to slowly put our hearts and souls into the effort. We both love the initial power up through our knee stances so we can start pushing our torsos together from hips to pecs and smash our hard cocks against each other, pinned between two walls of rock hard, undulated ab walls. We love that slow power build between us, feeling it in our muscle fibers as we slowly reach the point of full power. We are fresh so it just feels like intense pressure, but sweat starts to flow immediately due to the massive power exchange. It drips from our armpits, down our lats and into our pelvises where it mats our pubes and lubes up our cocks. Now we also get a powerful smell of each other’s musk and we turn the lust into aggression and shoot it into each other’s chests.

03:32 Rory_McGregor: your left shoulder. I Feel my usual lust for you taking a temporary backseat to my new urge; topping your hot ass. We mutually pick up the intensity of our muscling and grinding into each other, neither of us backing down. "You’re going down today, stud!" I moan out as I dig my chin into backing off in our efforts to get and take the advantage. Brick walled bod against Brick walled bod. Both of us flex our glutes as they power our cocks into gyrating against each other. Our rib cages are locked together. As we are testing out each other's arm and upper body strength. Grunting and groaning. Sweat pouring more. Just when I gain an inch or two on you, you muscle right back and take back your loss
03:33 Rory_McGregor: and force me to do likewise, when you take an inch or two on me. Then we are back to neutral as I muscle back. Our cocks now aligned and throbbing between our brick walled abs. "Not going to be easy, but he's going down!" I tell myself

03:33 Andre_Jordan: I feel you surge into me and our muscles go to war. Our arms have their separate battle but our torsos connect at the hip and chests; like two big blocks of muscle they lock in and crush together. Our asses muscle flex out non-stop cock fucking and we growl moans and groans into each other’s ears. Our body temperatures spike and we radiate the fusion heat we create through the releasing of energy and the crazy next-level friction grinding between our muscles and dicks. Sweat runs down our backs, through our ass cracks, and onto the mat below us. I feel the roar of your alpha nature as it slams into mine. We can feel the aggression and lust mixing in our power struggle as we both nurture dreams of winning; defying the logic of countless ties or sexual submissions. “I am going to put you down today brother, going to pin you, chest and cock.”

03:34 Rory_McGregor: Through our intense moaning and groaning I hear your last taunt and can feel our cocks throb between us. We go higher up on our knees. As we shove our foreheads together. Glaring into each other's eyes. Leaning and muscling into each other. Every muscle bulging and feeling the burn. I feel you move your hips back slightly, then you power back into me. I grunt out, blowing a gasp of air into your face. I quickly suck up a lung of air. I flex my glutes as I squat down a few inches and power my way back up and into you and recover my lost ground. Our bodies are battling it out. I lean my chin on your left shoulder. And thru grinding teeth I say in your ear; "Don't fuckin roll over for me Bro. Don't you dare!" Our Power Struggle keeps building steam, as we drive into each other. I feel your power surging through your cock as well as your chest. "Going Down Bro! So, you better bring on the firepower" I grunt out.

03:34 Andre_Jordan: As in all things training or grappling, we always go 100% intensity. As soon as we powered up we went balls to the wall, surging and counter surging, rocking each other back a couple inches, then getting rocked back ourselves. We growled and grunted like two bulls, burning up our energy and strength as we ground it out full tilt for as long as we could sustain it. As time passes our struggle evolves into a war of attrition. We shift into a lower burn, non-stop, tactical muscle battle as we work to take any advantage to work the other down. I hear all your cocky talk. It makes my cock throb and my balls want to churn, but I refocus and slip my head next to yours, chin over your shoulder but now cheek to cheek with you. Then I flex my thick neck and big trap muscles and shove your head sideways with mine, pouring on the torque as I feel your body twist just enough due to the pressure on your neck. That slight twist in your body takes your power center again directly into you. My chest power smashes yours and I take you slowly, but firmly, back two inches and hold you there. I feel you trying to power back up but I still have your neck at a disadvantage and the straightest path to power into you. “Aww bro, you feel that? That’s all me baby.”

03:38 Rory_McGregor: We had been going at it like wild horses. Now the power struggle had shifted into a slow, methodical test of will and exploration for what it would take to get and keep an advantage over the other!" And at one point; "AAHH FFUUUCCKK" I groaned out, after you had shoved your muscled neck into mine, forcing me to twist in reaction, just enough for you to surge into me. I twisted and shoved my left shoulder into you, distracting you just enough to hold off any further surge. I managed to roll my head away and back. I squatted down some and using my quads, hips and torso, to thrust back up into you. Sucking up 2 lungs of air. The sweat was pouring bad. Our rib cages were relocked, but I felt something else coming on. I tried to block it out of my mind. I found my calves were starting to spasm, from all the stress, I was putting on them. I'm hoping you can't sense my predicament here. "OH, I'm feeling you! You feeling me baby?" As I flexed my glutes and thrust my cock into yours.

03:40 Rory_McGregor: Eyes locked on each other. I rise up as much as I can on my knees and lean my chest into you. Muscles bulging against yours. My cock starting to throb harder. I force myself to focus on our muscle battle and not on my cock.

03:40 Andre_Jordan: Hell Yeah. Feeling my boy Rory fight back from a tough surge, but my cock rises along with my pride and I must control my balls from churning. I am always turned on by Rory’s strength and tenacity, and the feeling of his raw, veined, meaty shaft grinding against mine so fiercely. His renewed vigor brings my Alpha will romping back into the fight, as we muscle up and surge into each other at the same time. The blocks of muscle that are our torsos, from hips to pecs, lock in and fight on. I am looking for another pressure point to exploit, same as you, then I power up through my wide knee stance, up through my hips and strong core and let my power channel through my chest into yours. Slowly you just start to incrementally move backwards. We can both feel it happening before the naked eye could see proof of it, my wall of sweat soaked muscle moving your wall of sweat soaked muscle ever so slowly backwards. Our muscle fiber feels like it is melding together in our body heat and hot sweat. Neither one of us ever thinks of not fighting this all the way to its conclusion and our dicks grind horny from the pure power struggle.

03:43 Rory_McGregor: Even if he picks up on my predicament, as it seems he hasn't. I wouldn't expect anything less, than him keeping to his goal of taking me down. Even in this less intensified power struggle every muscle fiber is feeling the burn. I admit even now that I love my bros iron will in everything he does, as our bodies muscle against each other in full out contact. The sweat poured out of each other like faucets. At some point it dawned on me that in the heat of this give and take you had been slowly driving me backwards to the mat. "OOHH DDAAMMNN!" I growl out. I try to get myself back up into you, but your surge is becoming insurmountable. I fight back as hard as I can against your focus on the end result. My spasming calf muscles are giving out on me. And I feel my shoulder and chest muscles also giving out on me. The heat, sweat and your musky man scent combined with your overpowering position, are eroding my will. I keep trying to fight back.

03:44 Rory_McGregor: But finally, it came, the inevitable ending of my body's ability to fight on. As I was driven by you, fully onto my back. Sucking up as much air as I could. Shaking my head. Realizing that the best bro had won this one.
03:44 Andre_Jordan: I can feel you have a muscle spasm, most likely in your leg, that hobbles your ability to stand against me and I slam you down chest to chest on the mat. We hate wins by muscle spasms cus we both get them, so instead of pinning you I scoop my big arms down around your thick body and roll you up in my arms, then open my mouth to yours and we make out like crazy. Kissing makes us both hard as hell and we start grinding with a purpose, my ass flexing with each thrust. “Fuck, I love kissing you man. You gonna cum for me?” I ask as I really start to grind my knotted cock base up your thick, meaty shaft and into your sensitive glans.

03:47 Rory_McGregor: You’ve rolled me up and you're revving up my erotic senses that had dwindled mere moments ago. But here you were doing what you do with me, all too well. I couldn't move much under your control. You started out with that kissing! "Damn, bro!" I moaned out. The thing that you fully well knew was like the Golden Key to Firing Me Up: taunting and passionate words to drive me hornier in this captive like state. And then you started to drive your rigid, throbbing shaft up and down against the underside of mine. Clenching my fists as my whole-body tensed up, trying to fight off the inevitable. I Arch up my body as best I can, but quickly gave up doing it as it only drained me of energy in doing so. You were forcing me to the edge, as my glans were being ravaged. Groaning wildly as I was grinding my teeth. With each thrust up along my shaft and through my hot glans. I was being forced closer and closer to the edge.

03:47 Rory_McGregor: One of your thrusts really drove in, followed by another one that sent electric like impulses through my body. You apparently had hit the right nerve, the one that broke my body's resistance. As I left out an almost primal yell; "AAAHH FFUUUCCKKK CUUMMMMIIINNNGGG!" as I felt the cum, almost roaring out of me. I dropped my shoulders onto the mat. Looking up into your eyes. The fire for fighting still raged in both our eyes. Tonguing my upper lip. Gasping and coughing for air. Sweat pouring out of me and out of you onto me. I wanted to lick up all our shared sweat, at the end of this battle.

03:47 Andre_Jordan: I feel the warm gush of your cum spread out all over my groin, cock and abs. I feel my balls start to churn. I love having my bro’s sticky spunk on me. I press a wide mouthed kiss on you and as soon as our tongues start to wrestle my balls boil over, shooting thick ropes of cum up between us as well. We moan like animals into each other’s mouths. I roll us to our sides where we can both wrap our big arms around each other and make out while we milk each other’s cocks, going from competing in a KKL back into enjoying our equal alpha brotherhood bond. We make out like crazy, so turned on by each other’s power and strength, the muscle friction, the cock grinding and the amazing kissing. Eventually we slow down and roll slightly apart, giving us room to reach down and scoop fingers full of our mutual cum and sweat from our abs and feed it to each other. We grin watching each other enjoy our cum, then kiss again passionately.

Published: 2022-06-11, viewed 162 times.



Dominick Wright

2022-06-12 05:24

Awesome story Andre and Rory. Intense, detailed and erotic as hell. Two boys couldn’t possibly have a closer relationship growing up than what you described here. Loved every second of the read. Especially the kkl which is always incredibly hot. I hope you guys continue this story line.

Rory congrats on making it into the factory!

Rory McGregor

2022-06-12 11:51

(In reply to this)

Thanks Dom! I loved the time and patience it took, especially on Dres part to get us through. It was a great time with a great bro.

Dominick Wright

2022-06-12 13:02

(In reply to this)

Well the story was well written and insanely hot so the fun you had together definitely shined through

Andre Jordan

2022-06-12 07:17

(In reply to this)

Hello Dominic. Are you perhaps a potential Factory role player?

Dominick Wright

2022-06-12 13:00

(In reply to this)

Read my stories then hit me up for a romp on the mats and let’s see

Rory McGregor

2022-06-11 19:59

Thanks, Maddy! It was intense dealing with FEELINGS! And not just the wham bam thank you man sort of thing. And in the process of the story formulation, I came to be helped in my IRL relationship and finally having the strength and courage, to ask a few important questions that have too long been put off being asked. I Thank Dre for his brotherhood and patience through the journey of getting this story out here. He helped me slow down and "FEEL" where I was and was going.

Madison Jones

2022-06-11 17:23

Oh, I see that Rory joined The Factory. I've been considering it myself...

Good match you two. Enjoyed it.

Andre Jordan

2022-06-11 21:07

(In reply to this)

Thanks Madison! I am impressed with your writing. I will send you some information about the Factory!