Authentic Grappling

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Established: 2021-01-19

  • Grappling
  • Freestyle wrestling
  • Judo
  • Brazilian jiu-jitsu
Group for guys with authentic grappling & fight skills. Send training experience with application.
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Moonlight Desires

Scorp (deleted member)

22:20 Liam_Jock: Scorp and I have been long time grappling and mma sparring partners. We came up together wrestling in school and then got into fighting. We love that we are the same basic height and weight because it gives us great structural chemistry as we spar. And we two horny mother fuckers that go camping once a month during the full moon to have a private, animalistic sex fight. We have both won and fucked the other and we have shared cum submissions. We drive upstate on a hot summer day and find a field by a lake to set up camp. We are already shirtless just wearing shorts and checking each other out. “Think I’m going to take you down tonight bro, then have my way with you.” yt

22:21 Liam_Jock:

22:45 Scorp: Sitting in the car besides you with James young in the background singing infinity on the radio… I look outside to see the pine trees moving at a fast pace and the road long and straight in front of us…with our car moving at top speed the air throwing our hair upwards I turn to look at my closest and best friend and fierce rival sitting right next to me driving his car I smile thinking of our school days sparing and training sessions and now that we have grown matured in age and bodies each a top class fighter in their own rights..I can’t help but smile softly at your face, shaking my head, I bite my lips and rub my finger over ur gear hand softly teasing u and then grinning I let u drive not disturbing you further…upon reaching out spot I get out of the car and get all our equipment out and prepare for our ritualistic private fighting session which starts at midnight when the moon is full and high up in the sky…

22:46 Scorp: Looking at you I take in ur sensual body glistening with sweat under the sunlight looking sexy as hell against the backdrop of nature, mountains and the lake I let out a soft moan and smile…in my own jeans shirtless I continue to help u out with the set up and food preparation as we both prepare for the full moon Yt

23:04 Liam_Jock: After we set up camp we are feeling the heat. I kick off my shoes and strip out of my jeans into black square cut briefs. I watch you do the same in your own squares and we cool off by walking into the lake water up to our waists, both of us fully boning as our muscles get wet and glisten in the sunset. We can feel the pent up lust and aggression vibe between us as we grab each other’s shoulders and shove into each other playfully. Wanting to wait for the moon to fight but already finding it hard to resist letting our primal aggressive and sexual desires go free and hard at each other. “Fuck bro, My dick is so hard to kick your ass tonight Scorp, hell yeah I am feeling it!” yt

23:18 Scorp: Seeing you strip down to your red squares I let out a small gasp and smiling I too strip down to my own black squares, body sweaty and heated up we decide to cool down by taking a dip in the lake, I move in quickly leaping into the waters feeling the cold wash over my skin and raise up only to feel your arms wrapped around me and I turn to the side seeing your wet face and then u lift me up and suplex me into the waters playfully and coming up shaking my head I grab ur body in a bear hug feeling ur hard cock over mine I lift u up and splash u on the water laughing we both tussle at each other until we whiten down looking into each other’s night and hearing you say those words I smirk “well bro even my cock is hard against yours and eagerly waiting to kick ur ass tonight Liam…feel me” I say flexing my cock next to yours smiling with excitement as the sun sets in the horizon behind you yt

23:32 Liam_Jock: As the moon starts to rise in the night sky full of stars it illuminates us as we wrap our big arms around each other tightly, Flexing our biceps into each other’s lats. Our chests smash together grinding as we open our mouths wide on each other rough and deep. Our asses and hips flex as we grind our thick cocks through our squares and stand their kissing and cock fucking each other lost in each other’s taste and musky smell. We can feel how aggressive we feel towards each other and it makes our cocks throb even harder. This moment right before the moon reaches it’s apex we turn into primal sex warriors, snarling and growling at each other as our sexual desires fully integrate into our aggression. YT

23:41 Scorp: Snarling and growling at you my arms tightly wrapped around your body and yours tightly wrapped around mine my cock rock hard throbbing and flexing against urs I push my hips into urs and my right hand moves up clawing your back sensually over your spine and I grab a fist full of hair and pull ur neck back and dive into ur neck biting it and sucking on it moaning my eyes rolled back as I start our lust fight by fist giving you my love bite while my left hand claws down slowly towards ur ass and upon reaching down I grab those huge muscular globes and squeeze them kneading them like doughs pulling ur body into mine as I leave my mark on u yt

23:53 Liam_Jock: I plant my feet on the lake floor and square off against you as you come at me aggressively. I reach down with both arms, firmly grabbing hand fulls of your glutes and yanking you into me so you can feel my abs flex into yours taking up your space. My chest and rib cage engage with yours as my cock grinds roughly up your cum vein. I bury my face in your shoulders/traps and taste your salty sweat while leaving you marked as well, animals biting each other. Then suddenly I push way and walk towards the shore closer to the silty soft lake shore mud and look straight into your eyes. “Let’s fight here,” I deep growl rumbles in my chest as I raise my fists up into guard. YT

00:06 Scorp: Mmmmmm I moan as u bite into my shoulder leaving a mark of ur own and then as I am about to pull you in close to me wanting to fuck u there and then u walk to the shore and stand with your fists raised up into guard smiling I move out and stand in front of you with my own fists raised to my chin in my side pose left leg out and right bent behind grinning at you my cock already rock hard my shoulder marked and ur neck marked yt

00:16 Liam_Jock: I feel the silty mud under my toes as I surge at you, feigning a right cross, but instead grabbing your neck with my right hand, then from standing throw my huge jiu jitsu legs up around your waist and pull you down into my leg guard, pull your head down into my wet pecs as I side punch jabs into it before I use my big legs to wrench you down to your back. I roll you and end up in full guard over you, throwing fists bombs at your face as I growl and think about fucking you. YT

00:37 Scorp: Taken by surprise laying down flat on ur chest my face rubbing over urs I growl in lust as my hard cock is rested over ur ass in while in the leg guard, then suddenly turned to the side you get in full guard and go in for punches into my face, NNGGG NNGGGSS… as u slam punches into my face I take in two and then immediately raise my guard up blocking ur assault my face bruised a little while I bridge up, pushing my cock into ur ass, I grab your body and pull u down into mine wrapping my arms around you I try to flip you over trying to get on top of you in between your leg guard again, I raise up keeping my left hand on your chest trying to pin u down while with my right fist I try going in for punches into your face … rolling in the mud in primal lust grunting and growling each trying to dominate the other yt

01:01 Liam_Jock: I lock my ankles at your lower back and flex my big quads hard against your torso, wrenching you sideways again, but this time squeezing you like a machine vice between my huge thighs down into the soft slit mud as I throw more fists at your head, softening you up. As you push up onto your hands and knees in defense, I pop my hips upwards and grab you under the arm pits from behind, my chest hugging your back, as my legs open and snake around yours in a back full grapevine. My hips buck into yours pushing you deep into the sand as you feel my raging hard bulge press deep into your muscled ass. I I am sending in more jabs to the side of your face as you cover as best you can in defense. I wrench your legs wider and hear you growling about that new pain in your groin. yt

01:28 Scorp: Nnngggg nngggg….I feel your punches from above while a sweet sensual pain is raising in my groin growling in pain and lust I contract my strong thighs inwards trying to counter your grapevine while I get on my elbows and slam my head back into your nose in a reverse headbutt stunning you momentarily I grab a fist full of your hair and pull your head to the side locking my lips with yours while still countering your grapevine by pulling my legs in the opposite direction trying to wriggle myself out of it growling in the kiss yt

01:42 Liam_Jock: Ughhhh.... my head and neck slam backwards as you reverse head butt me in the chin, feel the tendons in my neck scream. Then feel your legs flex against mine fighting my grape. You grab my head and our mouths find each other and kiss rough and wildly as I feel you buck under me and I struggle to put you back down. I flex my big legs with my top leverage back out against yours, tightening them stretched out in a full grape, immobilizing your hips so you cock literally pounds sand. I push your head back down into the sand and snake my left under your neck and windpipe and it locks up with my right hand which cups the back of your head, squeezing on that air a full naked choke, my pelvis cupping your ass and my bulge just humping you, yt

02:01 Scorp: Eyes wide as you place me in a full naked choke while you stretch my legs in the grapevine humping my ass, I use my hands and grip the sand and feeling your hard cock humping into my ass, pushing my own literally into the ground grinding it, my body is trembling as u choke me out, I grab a fist full of sand and closing my eyes as I throw it into your eyes trying to get your vision out and using this opportunity to counter your grapevine really hard squeezing my legs inwards yt

02:06 Liam_Jock: I feel your strong grappler's legs squeeze back hard and our legs and asses go to war and mine edge yours out with the top leverage. I am controlling your hips again and humping you down hard. as you throw sand in my eyes, sting them. I just cling on tight to your neck and re-cinch the Rear Naked Choke and flex my bicep straight into your wind pipe. I kiss your salty bulging neck and whisper "Fuck Yeah alpha bro, your turn to tap out to me!" yt

02:38 Scorp: Uughhhh... the choke around my neck tightens, my legs spread in the back full grapevine there is no way to release myself from this, and my neck recoils in lust as the kiss to my neck makes me moan and smile, your muscular body on top of me contracting and relaxing, I feel your cock over my ass flexing hard and strong and while mine is grinding down on the sand...I let out a small gasp and tap out on your arm three times TAP TAP TAP signaling my submission to you yt

02:53 Liam_Jock: As soon as you tap out I unlock the rear naked choke and feel you taking in deep breathes to replenish your energy. I slowly loosen the grape on your legs as I kiss the back of your neck and then turning your head, force a wide mouthed kiss on you, sloppy and wet. Then I run my tongue down your spine and while down there I yank your squares and mine off our bodies getting us naked, then my tongue glides back up your spine and laying down on top of you I let my thick, raw cock slide in your sweaty ass crack as I kiss your neck and tease your hole. yt

03:00 Scorp: I gasp breathing in air as you release the chokehold, and I lay there huffing in air, as soon as you turn my face around and plant a wide mouth kiss on my mouth, I kiss you back passionately on your lips moaning and then after I break the kiss I rub my face over your cheeks, cooing and smiling satisfactorily as I do so as I feel your body weight on top of mine, huffing in air with me....then you move down and lick my spine running your tongue over the cleft of my eye flutter in lust and mouth opens up as the nerves over my entire spine are activated sending tingles all over my wide back as you lick me till my ass, then i let out a small gasp as you yank my trunks down exposing my ass to the cold air my cock digs into the sand, I moan as you lick my spine going up towards my neck again my body shudders and gripping the sand as u tease my ass with your cock head yt

03:06 Liam_Jock: I nudge your legs apart with my knees and push my cock head straight into your ass slowly, pushing all the way in and letting my wide head just nuzzle your prostate. My cock vibrates in your ass as I kiss you side ways again. I slowly start pumping your ass as my as undulate on your lower back and my chest spreads out on your wide back. I pickup speed as your hole opens to me and start to piston in and out faster with my hips never leaving your backside, humping fucking you by squeeze flexing my muscled ass with each thrust. yt

03:11 Scorp: I moan out loud as you fuck me slowly at first and then go in faster and faster, pushing my ass back into you I grab the sand firmly...rolling my eyes back my cock grinding down and rubbing on the coarse sand as my hips push down on the sand with each of your thrust, I squeez my ass hard rubbing my face over yours intertwining my fingers with legs rubbing over yours my body contracting and arching moaning and cooing, I pull your hand towards mine and kiss your hands.... turning back slightly I kiss your cheeks and pull u in for a nice kiss my tongue digging into yours moaning as u fuck me yt

03:18 Liam_Jock: Fuck yeah, now you fucking me so good, arching that big ass back into my hips, squeez in those glutes down on my cock for fucking friction, I growl and moan into your mouth as you kiss back, tongues swirling as we fuck like animals, fully giving into our passions. Sweat soaking us even in the wet sand, Then I pull you up by the hips off the sand and reposition to fuck you while reaching down and stroking your thick cock downwards between your thighs, loving how meaty and veined it is, "Fuck yeah alpha bro, give me your load!" yt

03:25 Scorp: Suddenly you change the position pulling me up by my hips you grab my thick cock, and start stroking it, I groan in pure pleasure as the soft sand and your hand is causing intense sexual pleasure all over my cock and my body trembles from the sensory overload, I let out a small gasp moaning the feeling only comparable to the hot pleasures given by the feel of the soft insides of your macular ass ... I turn my head to the side and grabbing your head I pull u in for a kiss letting you enjoy my body for now until the next time when we face each other again and I will try to make you mine again... Yt

03:29 Liam_Jock: I jerk your cock down slowly but firmly with each power hump thrust of my cock in your ass. Both of us moaning more than we growling as you slam that hot ass back into me and we fuck each other howling at the moon until my balls churn and explode with huge cum loads. I fill you up with my seed until the next full moon when we meet again and I will try to make you mine again. yt

03:44 Scorp: I moan in your arms as u jack my cock off roughly the soft sand acting as an intense sexual friction, sends me in an over drive...and I push my ass back into your hips moaning, due to all the prostate stimulation and soft sand friction I let out a wild and animalistic moan and my body trembles as I start to cum thick ropes ejecting from my cock out into the air as I groan and moan in your kiss and embrace as I feel you unload in my ass filling me to the brim this time...two men just moaning in lust and pleasure as we cum together yt

03:55 Liam_Jock: As we both cum we collapse in a heap of exhausted muscle in the soft sand with the lake water licking our feet. My cock still spitting cum inside you, warm and thick. Your sexy body sweaty and glued to mine. We kiss now like lovers, lips and tongues, as I turn you to your back and we embrace each other face to face, chest to chest and roll onto our sides making out and grinding our leaking dicks. We both know we will be soon fucking again as soon as our balls recharge, but for now we kiss and cuddle and stare into each other's eyes. YT

Published: 2022-02-22, viewed 162 times.



GK Gymnast

2022-06-12 23:21

Excellent action by two hot tough strong skilled athletes , fighters . Liam , ay your huge jiu jitsu legs locked on Scorps powerful body & it's rare to see him go down. Loved reading this - ' The Devil 😈 Boy ' Glenn

Liam Jock

2022-06-13 18:44

(In reply to this)

Thanks Glenn :-)


2022-03-02 13:47

Hey guys. Hot lake side story. Great wrestling action and hot sex. Congrats to both for a tough match. Congrats to Liam for the win

Liam Jock

2022-03-02 23:43

(In reply to this)

Thanks Sean. Love wrestling near water lol

Dominick Wright

2022-03-03 04:21

(In reply to this)

Lol I love wrestling anyplace Just love to wrestle! But yes agree. There is something super hot about wrestling outdoors in nature. Love it irl as well as cyber

Ondra Dvořák

2022-03-02 18:50

(In reply to this)

Thanks Sean. Scorpion us a great writing partner :-)


2022-03-02 19:21

(In reply to this)

Yes agreed. You both have chemistry which is awesome when you find that in a fellow wrestler

Scorp (deleted member)

2022-03-02 15:03

(In reply to this)

Thanks Sean

Trainee Jack

2022-03-02 12:57

A very nice story from very nice writers...

Liam Jock

2022-03-02 18:49

(In reply to this)

Thanks Jack!

Scorp (deleted member)

2022-03-02 12:58

(In reply to this)

Thanks Jack

Hassan Malik

2022-02-23 17:10

Sup LJ. Nice to meet you Scorp. Great chemistry between you guys. Great attention to detail and sexy af.

Liam Jock

2022-02-24 16:54

(In reply to this)

Hey Hassan, where you been bro>? we have missed you at jiu jitsu!

Scorp (deleted member)

2022-02-24 11:08

(In reply to this)

Nice to meet you too Hassan, thanks

SuperBoy Stevie (deleted member)

2022-02-23 10:53

Wow Very Sexy Times Guys

Liam Jock

2022-02-24 16:52

(In reply to this)

Thanks Stevie!!

Scorp (deleted member)

2022-02-24 11:10

(In reply to this)

Thanks Stevie

Andre Jordan

2022-02-23 02:55

Hey Liam. Nice to see you around bruh. William is hot af. Loved the action men!

Scorp (deleted member)

2022-02-23 09:57

(In reply to this)

Thanks Andre, it was great to hear from you

Robert Brown (deleted member)

2022-02-22 22:31

nice story, good job both of you

Scorp (deleted member)

2022-02-23 01:01

(In reply to this)

Thanks … ;-)

Liam Jock

2022-02-23 00:52

(In reply to this)

Thanks RB :-)