Authentic Grappling

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Established: 2021-01-19

  • Grappling
  • Freestyle wrestling
  • Judo
  • Brazilian jiu-jitsu
Group for guys with authentic grappling & fight skills. Send training experience with application.
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The Twins vs Hassan: Part Two - Sex Wrestling


08:46 Noah_Oliver: "The Twins vs Hassan: Part Two - Sex Wrestling "
08:46 Noah_Oliver: []


08:46 Hassan_Malik: Sleeping with the Twins after a day of training is amazing. I guess you figure they normally sleep wrapped up in each other’s arms, chest to chest, but now with you here you are the meat in their muscle sandwich. Instead, they fold you in with them and one spoons you while you spoon the other and throughout the night we reshuffle. The twins are highly active during the night grinding dicks with me, passionately kissing me, all while still while still asleep. Our dreams are wild and sexy, but somehow our bodies and minds finally calm down and we get that good deep sleep, waking up in the morning entwined with each other, warm skin rubbing, funky mingling of our male scents fills the air.

08:47 Jordan_Carter: Our cocks slowly wake all three of us up as we rub against each other in those final moments of unconsciousness. As we awaken we find I am spooning Hassan who is spooning Noah and we nuzzle each other. “Mmmmm fuck, Hassan, that ass of yours is brick hard, damn. “ I moan as I let my thick one slide up and down your crack and I kiss your neck. “I wanted to fuck you as soon as I watched you pin Noah. Damn, that was so hot.”

08:47 Noah_Oliver: “Felt fucking hot too,” I say and roll over to embrace my mat brother chest to chest and dick to dick, lining us up like we were stretched out sweaty and spent on the mat yesterday. I lean in and kiss Hassan. “Morning brother, how did you sleep sexy?”

08:47 Hassan_Malik: “I feel like we didn’t sleep all night but somehow I am still well rested. And waking up with you guys feels good.” I push my ass back into Jordan’s thick cock, then pull my hips forward and lock into Noah chest to chest and find his mouth and kiss him passionately. “I loved pinning you yesterday, brother. It was so close and you never gave up, your tenacity makes me so horny for you.”

08:47 Noah_Oliver: Hassan and I grind hard dicks for a moment and we wrap up and kiss passionately, yesterday's close battle has us feeling intensely connected. My blue eyes stare into your brown and we relive flashes of our muscle fight when our hard muscle skin rubs and we smell each other’s stink. “That tenacity will have me pinning you next time and I know you will fight me all the way to the end.”

08:47 Jordan_Carter: I kiss on Hassan’s neck and rub my thick, aching cock on his ass hard until I am able to lure him away from Noah. As Hassan turns to lock in with me our dicks go base to base and we lock eyes brown on brown. Noah nuzzles up behind Hassan and kisses his neck and humping his major hard on up and down Hassan's sexy hard ass crack. I Flex my chest to grind our pec plates and go in and give you a sexy morning kiss. “Noah and I love chest to chest fighting and pins, makes us hot as fuck. Maybe you and I can get chest to chest, see who gets pinned today in our 3 way sex wrestle.”

08:48 Hassan_Malik: Jordan is ridiculously beautiful to me. Open and friendly smile on his face. Well muscled, athletic grappler’s body. Beautiful dark skin and brown eyes. Big dick. I rub my brown meat with his black and let them grind hard as we kiss. I can feel Noah’s big pecs in my rhomboids and his cock sliding up my ass crack, hump pressure lightly applied. Now I am starting to feel like meat and it makes my dick very fucking hard. “I love grappling and fighting close, love the non-stop body contact. Pinning Noah was hot as fuck. Maybe I will get to pin you today?” I say with a cocky, playful smile. Then I let my excited eyes gleam into yours. “It will be sexy to have all of us in the action at the same time.”

08:48 Noah_Oliver: I squeeze Hassan from behind and hump my thick cock in his hard ass a few more times, then kiss his neck and roll out of bed and head to the showers. “C’mon brothers. We got some wrestling to do,” I say totally fucking excited for the day. I always love naked wrestling with Jordan but Hassan has captured our hearts and our balls. Off the mat he is genuinely sweet and good natured, on the mat he is an athlete on par with us and hot as fuck. I turn on the water in the old school locker room showers and run them very warm. I stand under it and turn around to let you guys watch me soaping my abs and big cock, trying to get you out of bed.

08:48 Jordan_Carter: We watch Noah get out of bed and leave us as we talk about naked wrestling. Our dicks are getting seriously hard, sending that pulsating horny vibe up through our nervous systems. Two brown boys with big dicks looking into each other as our attraction builds. We suddenly wrap our arms and legs around each other very tight, smash and hold our thick shafts together, and kiss wide mouths aggressively. We rile each other up so high we both squirt out some pre-cum and confess we really want to pin and fuck each other.

08:48 Hassan_Malik: We have our moment feeling wrapped up in each other like we will be on the mats later. We squeeze into each other muscle and cock and bond through kissing and cursing each other. We feel the pre-cum squirt and both pinch that shit down. We laugh and see Noah showing off for us, looking hot as fuck soaping his sexy pecs and abs for us and motivating us to roll out of bed and joins his ass.

08:48 Noah_Oliver: Watching my boys take a moment in bed was so hot and touching. I love when we connect to guys and they feel like our brother, like a member of my long lost tribe. I welcome their hot naked bodies in the shower with me, three big dicks poking at everything. “Say Jordan. I am feeling this Hassan guy. He’s athletic and sexy as fuck. He has skills and he is good people. I’m thinking we call him brother.”

08:48 Jordan_Carter: We both smile at Hassan and I say, “Of yeah, he is already our brother, you can just feel it. Should we tell him that means we also want to pin and fuck him?” I mock ask Noah as I soap up my torso and balls.
08:49 Hassan_Malik: “Only way I would agree to be brothers is if we all try to pin and fuck each other.” I say with my cock raging and soaping up my arm pits and lats, “but I like kissing and cuddling with you boys too,” I laugh.

08:49 Noah_Oliver: We all soap up and visually worship each other's bodies. Our deep packed, rippling abs. Our big shoulders and pecs. Our thick cocks. We can feel the agro-lust bubbling under the surface between us. The amount of horny energy we create is off the charts and we know it. This connection has heat and depth. We rinse and dry off together, feeling the anticipation building even higher.

08:49 Jordan_Carter: We take Hassan downstairs with us for a light breakfast, then lounge around digesting a moment and enjoy being naked together. Hassan asks if our sex wrestling has any rules and we talk bout it. The game is freestyle wrestling to pin, but you can also win a round through a cum submission. Hassan won the day in a sexy way yesterday so today he gets to start and chose his opponent. You can tag out to avoid defeat and you can call the third wrestler in to perform a sex act. You can attack your opponent with freestyle technique or sexually through cock stroking, sucking and fucking. The third wrestler can tag in when he wants. Shit talk is mandatory.

08:49 Hassan_Malik: I look at the two of you. Fucking sexy cus there is two of you. Well muscled and well mannered improbable twins. Two big swinging dicks with skills. “I've been all about jiu jitsu lately so my freestyle game might be a little rusty. If you kick my ass today I will just go train freestyle with Liam Jock and come back for a second go.”

08:50 Noah_Oliver: Jordan and I look at each other smirking then look at you, “We have been training freestyle with Liam. He was up here all last week.”

08:51 Jordan_Carter: “So maybe our freestyle game is more fresh?” I laugh. “Anyway, you had your day yesterday, maybe today you need to get pinned and fucked? I would love to sick my dick in you, brother.”

08:51 Hassan_Malik: We are sitting there shit talking and watching our big cocks grow completely hard. “Ok, this has to happen now. You two need to learn. Might be a little painful. Where are we gonna do this? In the mat room or the backyard?

08:52 Noah_Oliver: “Fuck yeah, Hassan; Outdoor Naked Sex Wrestling. You are definitely our brother,” I smile and stand up flexing up my big chest at you. You pop right off that couch and stick your chest right back into mine, our cocks crossing. I look in Hassan’s eyes and exchange zaps of agro-lust, then we turn and look at you. “Let's do this. Follow that beautiful black ass out the back to the patio and yard.

08:52 Jordan_Carter: I stand in the doorway with swagger. I flex my lats and V out my back while flexing my hind quarters so hard they like them they belong on a horse. Then wander out the door into the thick grassy yard. It feels cool and soft on my bare feet as I walk out aways to a spot half in the sun and half shaded by an old growth oak. I turn around and face both of you. My cock standing tall. “Let’s wrestle and fuck,” I say getting into my grappler’s stance. “You get to choose who to start with, Hassan.”

08:52 Hassan_Malik: “Fuck yeah, Pinned Noah yesterday so today I will pin you Jordan,” I smile. I lower my center of gravity into a crouching stance, pulling elbows in and arms out, then look at you determined. “I will start with you. Let’s wrestle and fuck,” I growl. Noah backs off slowly stroking himself but stays close as Jordan and I start to dance. We move into each other trying to snag wrists and elbows and slapping at hands. Our cocks bouncing between our thick thighs. I move to lock up.

08:53 Jordan_Carter: I fein to lock up with you and shoot into your waist, hips glide by your side for a double leg takedown, dropping you on your well muscled ass in the grass.

08:53 Hassan_Malik: I feel my knees tighten as you squeeze them and I fall back into the grass, but bounce up immediately working to get to my hands and knees.

08:53 Jordan_Carter: You are very fast. Before I can slide in on your chest, you're turning over to your base. I just slide in behind you, my hips cupping your near ass cheek, my hard cock on your thigh. My right arm goes tight around your waist as my left arm slams down at your near elbow joint, trying to take that pin away from you.

08:53 Hassan_Malik: I feel you slide in on me tough, tight-waisting me and trying to break me down so I Granby roll over my near shoulder, throwing my legs way out in front of your head, then pivoting back to face you on my knees.

08:54 Noah_Oliver: I watch my sexy brothers wrestle through a take down and an escape and pop up on their knees facing each other, their big root based cocks flexing at each other. They both look sweaty and delicious. I slam into the side of Hassan for pure revenge. He only sees me coming at the last second as I push him down on his back in the grass, snake my legs around his legs in a fresh double leg front grapevine. My big legs stretch his big legs wide and my feet catch his calves. My cock is throbbing on his upper abs as my hands go to his wrist to try and pin them down. “Fuck yeah, brother. I will pin you today.”

08:55 Noah_Oliver:

08:55 Hassan_Malik: You Fucker. Came out of nowhere. Trussed me up in a grapevine. I am staring you in the eyes and ripping my wrists out of your grips. Trying to buck up but you got the jump on me with fresh legs and leverage. I look up at you and say. “Jordan, eat Noah’s ass.”

08:55 Jordan_Carter: I drop my cock and rush in from the side. I straddle Noah’s legs, spread his ass cheeks and tongue his hole. I grab his meaty glutes again with strong fingers and spread them wide, diving my tongue up and down your crack. I can hear you moaning and fearing what is to cum cuz I know how to eat my boy’s ass. Sloppy, wet and ravenous.

08:56 Noah_Oliver: I grit my teeth and flex out my quads against yours, owning your legs with my cock thumping against your lower chest proudly, until my brother invades my ass. I try to flex out my quads to work Hassan’s groin, get him to submit, but J does a deep dive on all his tricks for my ass. My balls start to churn and I have to back out of this to save my mud. My legs relax against your legs, Hassan, as my cock quivers on your chest.

08:56 Hassan_Malik: As soon as I feel your legs relax I stretch my legs out on my loose hips and wrap them around your waist. I revert to jiu jitsu without thinking, squeezing my legs around your lower back and locking my ankles to control your upper body. My cock throbs hard on my abs as I reach up and grab your neck, yanking your head down into my sweaty chest.

08:56 Jordan_Carter: I tag out and back away from the action, leaning back in the grass stroking my cock. Happy to watch my brothers wrestle more today. The sun is beating down on us and we are now sweating profusely.

08:57 Noah_Oliver: I smile to myself as I feel you pull full leg guard and I know we have lost you to jiu jitsu. I reach up snatch your head and left arm in a triangle as my hips hump up against your upturned ass. I use my legs, ass and hips to pound against your ass to keep your leg guard weak and pressed inwards. My thick cock slides down your sweaty ass crack. “Fuck yeah, brother, I am pinning you and rubbing my dick on your ass and that shit feels good!”

08:57 Hassan_Malik: I am keeping my knees to my chest spring loaded with bursting quads to slam back into your waist and drag you all the way off me to your haunches between my legs. I smile at you and reach my hand out and tag Jordan.

08:58 Jordan_Carter: I slam into Noah as he sits between Hassan’s legs, knocking him backwards into the grass. I leap over Hassan and land chest to chest with Noah, snatching his wrists and pinning them above his head. I reach up and bend one of his arms at the elbow behind his head while my ankles scoop up his and hold him stretched out under me from head to toe. Our armpits leak together. Our hips lock into each other and hump out a machine like rhythm. “Aww yeah, brother, I have you caught and pinned and now I am gonna start to work on that cock. I know it feels like leaking.”

08:58 Noah_Oliver: We are stretched taut muscle vs muscle. I am caught in your full body tangle. You have me on lock down and are grinding on me with your entire body. I grind back aggressively, locking my cock horn with yours and flexing my ass and hips to hump back up to meet your every grind. We look straight into each other’s eyes and since I can’t move you I let you open my mouth to kiss me while you work my muscles and dick with your top leverage. I get lost for a moment in this action with my brother... Then I tag off to Hassan.

08:58 Hassan_Malik: Watching them locked up and grinding was freaking hot and almost made me burp up pre-cum. They look like one big sweaty muscle. I reach down and snake my arms around Jordan’s head in a rear naked choke. Bicep flexing against his windpipe. I pull Jordan backward and as his body lets go of Noah’s I pull him backwards down on top of me. I flex my pecs up into his back as my legs snake around his; getting my hooks in and stretching your lower torso downwards by the hips. Your windpipe is threatened and I have your body trussed up in a tight rear naked choke. Our bodies are sweat soaked and mashed together. “Noah, suck Jordan’s dick,” I say taking nothing for granted.

08:58 Noah_Oliver: As Jordan’s beautiful body is laid out on top of Hassan and ensnared in a tight rear naked choke his sweaty hard cock hard arches up from his groin. I grab it roughly and spit on it 2 sloppy times, then pop it into my mouth and suck my boy the way he likes. Even as his body succumbs to the RNC his dick stays hard and I never stop sucking.

08:58 Jordan_Carter: One moment I am totally dominating my brother in a sexy fucking pin, the next I am too late in tapping out to Hassan’s RNC and pass out for just a moment. Just long enough for him to roll me to my belly in the grass, re-cinch his hooks around my legs that control my hips and re-cinch his RNC tight enough for his cock to find my hole and start hump fucking me. Fuck yeah. My cock throbs hard in the grass under me as I come around.

08:59 Hassan_Malik: It’s all been a kind of grappling version of no holds barred as we slap killer holds on and enjoy dominating each other. The dynamic is so different 3-way. With two it’s a man on man struggle where you get what you fight for; with three it's free for all. I love choking Jordan out. I love closing off his windpipe just enough to put him safely to sleep, roll him to his belly, lock him down and start fucking his hot muscled ass. Jordan has got the kind of ass that pushes back into your hips instinctually and it will control your cock if you let it. I methodically just pump into him pounding his prostate and working to get a cum submission out of him. Then I hear Jordan growl, “Noah fuck Hassan.”

08:59 Noah_Oliver: Once Hassan turned J over I got back down to my spring loaded haunches in the grass and waited for the earliest opportunity. I laugh thinking no way Jordan would ever let Hassan get an RNC on him in a traditional match and now he is humping my boy the way we love. We climb on each other’s backs in bed and just hump each other forever. Hassan really is our long lost brother. Then I hear my boy command “Noah fuck Hassan” and I jump. I get in push up position with my hands planted besides Hassan just under his armpits and grind my thick cock up his sweaty, muscular ass crack until my wide head trips on his pink hole and shoves in. “Fuck brother, your ass is my dick’s new home; it feels so good!” I growl in your ear as I start flexing my ass and hips, putting a wave into my thrusts at your prostate as I put more of my body weight down on you. My chest flexes in your back. “Fuck yeah, new bro, give me your mud and submit to me!”

08:59 Jordan_Carter: Ughhhh mmmmmm Hassan fucks like an athlete. He works my ass methodically and with muscle flexing pressure. He loosens the rear naked choke and his hooks so I am trapped under him feeling his control while he fucks me. My cock wants to dig a hole in the ground and I am already leaking into the grass when Noah heeds my call. He adds his heavy muscle weight to the pile fucking Hassan while he fucks me. The killer is I hear Hassan’s moaning in my ear from my boy fucking him and the pride I feel has me shooting up a glob of pre-cum. Then I feel you boys get into a rhythm and fuck me in snyc and it really feels like being fucked by both of you. When I hear Noah’s growling fuck moan harmonize with Hassan’s my balls explode with horny fury. I unload my entire load like a shotgun into the ground. “Uuugghhh I submit, brother.”

08:59 Hassan_Malik: Ughhhhhhh fuck. I hear Jordan’s moans grow loud and turn into growling masculine ecstasy as he cums and submits to my muscle and cock. I almost explode into him right there. I am so horny for these guys. But I grit my teeth and pinch down with my pubococcygeus muscle to try and control my mud. Noah’s big hard pecs are pressing into my rhomboids and his rolling ab wall is undulating in my lower back. His cock plunges like a piston inside me slamming into my prostate over and over without ceasing. I can feel his mouth and hot breath on my neck and shoulders and his growling moans in my ear. I can feel my balls roiling and my cock starts to quiver. Fuuck.

08:59 Noah_Oliver: Fucking Hassan is freaking heaven. My thick cock pistons into his powerfully muscled ass that he clinches hard around me. I shove my cock in deeper and fuck you like a machine. J and I practice fucking each other like this, so our hips and ass muscles got game and muscle memory. I love the feel of my hips curved into your backside so tight they never have to leave when my dick thrusts into you. I am feeling confident until I hear all our moans mingle and then Jordan submit with a very sexy roar. My balls want to let loose at hearing him because they are trained to, but I pinch that fucker and keep fucking Hassan. I reach down around his neck with my right arm, flex my bicep into his windpipe, and keep humping him. My balls are on fire. “Submit to me brother.”

09:00 Hassan_Malik: Jordan’s ass is hard but now fully open to me as I keep fucking him, the friction on my cock making me crazy. I taste his salty shoulders and smell his rank man stink and my cock bulges. I was so close feeling in control of Jordan and now Noah is pounding away at me like a jackhammer and I am desperately trying to hold my mud. I am trapped between these Twins like the meat in their muscle sandwich. I grit my teeth and start trying to dislodge my dick from Jordan when you start to choke me with your right arm and ask me to submit. I feel our hips still fucking insync and remember a similar feeling yesterday when we grind dicks for so long in an extended pin. I explode into Jordan’s ass like a fire hose and hear him moan like a mother fucker. It feels like fucking heaven. “Fuuuuuuuuck. I submiiiiiit.”

09:01 Jordan_Carter: I am fully milked in the grass as Hassan continues to pound my ass. He and Noah are trying to out fuck each other and it’s all ending up more pressure in each pound per square inch on my prostate. I just writhe in ecstatic seizure, loving Hassan's sweaty muscle grind against me thinking bout my hot Noah fucking him. I can barely think straight.

09:01 Noah_Oliver: I feel your sexual submission as you explode into Jordan and moan along with him. I keep pinching on my pubococcygeus and fucking you, but now I am throwing in gyrating fucks, slamming into you from different angles, enjoying the alpha fuck. On top of the pile of brothers, fucking them both. Then I let loose. I let go of my choke on Hassan and just wrap my arms down around both of you and nuzzle you both, humping hard and kissing Hassan’s neck. My balls are swirling as I think about Hassan’s chest pinning Jordan’s curvaceous back and the dam breaks. I shoot ropes of thick cum deep into Hassan and keep fucking to push all my juice up inside his magic muscle ass.

09:01 Hassan_Malik: Noah cums like a geyser. He has his sticky cum up all inside me and leaking out my ass. Damn he knows how to fuck. My cock juices into Jordan until it is fully milked and yet I am still feeling the vibrations of the cum shot. J and I let Noah really enjoy his alpha cum moment until we are done with his heavy ass on top of us. I whisper in Jordan’s ear and we both push up at the same time, one tilting to the left, the other to the right. Noah is struggling in our slippery sweat to push up off of us but we both manage to roll in opposite ways out from under him just as he pushes up. We reach up and drag his ass down between us.

09:01 Jordan_Carter: We lay there sweaty as fuck in the hot sun and sticky from 3 cum shots in a slippery pile of muscle. Our dicks are getting hard again and we grind them against each other’s hips as we make out and wrestle playfully. We are so lucky to have met Hassan. His fighting and playing with us has forged a deep bond. We eventually head to the showers and worship each other with soapy groping. When hunger sets in we eat and lay around naked. Finally we all just look at each other with sheer muscle lust and we go to bed. No one gets any sleep.

09:02 Noah_Oliver: []

Published: 2021-12-04, viewed 120 times.



Daddy Kaden

2024-05-07 05:58

This is one of the best stories I have read on this site so far. The energy and passion between the three of you is so palpable. I was excited and aroused with every word I read. Well done guys. I hope to meet the three of you one day.

Hassan Malik

2024-05-07 16:32

(In reply to this)

Hey Kaden. Thanks for the props!

Read all the Factory stories at:

Or if you would like to join the Role Play:

Noah Oliver

2024-05-07 06:04

(In reply to this)

Thanks brother. You're looking fucking hot!

Daddy Kaden

2024-05-07 06:26

(In reply to this)

Thanks bro. Appreciate that comment, especially when it is coming from a sexy stud like yourself.

Yuki James

2021-12-05 04:17

Hot Match Men. Holla.

Shane Cassidy

2021-12-04 16:35

Great 3 way action boys! What a cumfest mmmm!