Authentic Grappling

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Established: 2021-01-19

  • Grappling
  • Freestyle wrestling
  • Judo
  • Brazilian jiu-jitsu
Group for guys with authentic grappling & fight skills. Send training experience with application.
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The Factory Presents: Christiano & Nate and The Lunar Spar - Part One


02:03 Nate_Rogers: "The Factory Presents: Christiano & Nate and The Lunar Spar - Part One "

02:03 Christiano_Braga:

02:03 Christiano_Braga: I met Andre Jordan [ ] and Remy Cooper [ ] years ago on my first trip to America. Renzo Gracie brought me and some other young jiu jitsu fighters from the streets of Sao Paulo to train with his best young fighters at his Academy in New York City. I know now that he was trying to show us there was more in the world for us than just the hustle trade in the streets of Sao Paulo, but at the time we just felt the awe of being not just in America, but in New York City. And it felt great to see the pride in professor Gracie’s eyes when he introduced us to his team. Being young fighters it was perhaps inevitable that we would go to war with his top two fighters, Andre and Remy, but we soon fought it out on the mats and became jiu jitsu brothers. They showed us all around the city and we returned the favor by hosting them in Brazil and showing them all around Rio and Sao Paulo. Now we are all champion jiu jitsu fighters in our separate worlds as well as among the top sex fighters in the world. Andre and Remy have opened up their elite training center called The Factory where they have assembled some of the best fighters and sex fighters on the East Coast. While they have dominated in the under ground circuit there in North America, I have risen in the ranks in Latin America, Europe, Asian and the Middle East having won sex fighting championships in Rio, Ibiza, Mykonos, Busan and Abu Dabi. Now I live in a small coastal town in Brazil called Barra da Lagoa and stay in championship shape by bringing new talent to me and training with them one at a time for a full month. I am very choosy with whom I train as they need to bring as much to the table as I do so that the training is mutually beneficial. All my training partners have gone in to become champions in their own right. Having largely chosen talent from the jiu jitsu schools of Brazil, the martial arts academies of Korea, Japan and Hong Kong and the freestyle wrestling mat rooms of Eastern Europe and Turkey, I now reach back out to my friends in New York where Mixed Martial Arts have grown and thrived. Remy was once my training partner and so I trust him as my brother and he chose his top protege Nate Rogers to send to me. This was all I needed, but he sent Nate’s video resume of his top fights and, upon watching it, I was even more eager to train within him.

02:04 Nate_Rogers: When Sean took a sabbatical from the Factory to look after our friend Eddie’s gym in the Bronx, I tried to busy myself making sex fight videos with Sean [ ], Jake [ ] and Yuki [ ] to generate income for the Factory. And even though he was just across town, I got to missing my man. I guess Remy saw me moping around right about the time Christiano had contacted him looking for a new training partner. Remy worked it out with the guys and then came to me and said “How would you like to go on an adventure?” Next thing I know I was calling up Sean to tell him I was going to Brazil to train for a month with Christiano Braga, the European Sex Fighting Champion. It took two air flights and a boat to get to the small Brazilian coastal village Barra da Lagoa where Braga lived largely in seclusion, and yet there he was waiting casually on the dock, barefoot in fight shorts and a jiu jitsu t-shirt. I see him first and feel him ooze that Brazilian chilled out vibe mixed with the confident masculinity of a well traveled jiu jitsu sex fighter. And damn he is fucking beautifully muscled. Big shoulders and traps stretch out his t-shirt and his big ass arms bulge outta his sleeves. And he has that classic grappler’s thick back, big ass and legs. I catch his eye and my dick gets hard in my jeans. Fuck Yeah.

02:05 Christiano_Braga:

02:05 Christiano_Braga: My eyes meet yours for the first time and we connect as grapplers do; feeling very aggressive towards each other and wanting to fuck each other. Your blue American eyes glow into my hazel brown ones and we both feel that this is true. I walk up to you, sniff your neck, look you in the eyes and feel my dick get instantly hard. This all American blue eyed boy fills out his all American blue jeans with all the right proportions and the engine that powers all great grapplers: Thick strong legs and a big muscled ass that undergirds a wide, very braid back. Even in his collared shirt I can tell his big arms and chest are as well built and strong as mine. Fuck Yeah.

02:05 Christiano_Braga:

02:05 Christiano_Braga: I take your duffle and sling it over my shoulder and ask you to follow. We take a small motor boat down the shore and around into a sandy cove where we let the boat just glide up onto the sand. “Leave your clothes and duffle in the boat, we gotta wash that travel smell off you in the ocean.” I jump onto the beach, turn around to look at you, pull my shirt off over my head, then jab my thumbs into my shorts and slide them off my big ass, throwing them up on the beach, then turning and running naked into the ocean.

02:06 Nate_Rogers: “I’m in fucking paradise,” I think to myself as I take in the scene. Tropical weather, sandy beach and ocean. It is a very private, beautiful spot tucked away behind a cove, and a naked well-muscle Brazilian jiu jitsu sex warrior is playing in the surf. I scramble outta my jeans, shirt and briefs, feel the hot, moist air on my naked body, and run in after you. You turn and face me waist deep in a wave and look to lock horns with me already with a playful yet serious look on your face. I walk steadily into the water and crouch some to lock up with you, our thick cocks are stiff as fuck and slap at each other as we place right hands on the back of each other’s neck and our left hands grab our big triceps. A wave comes and we bump chests, feel that smash of dicks, then we part laughing, trying to dunk each other’s heads. We slowly stop jostling each other and just move in on each other, chests rubbing slippery in the water.

02:06 Christiano_Braga: We take in each other’s bodies, take their measure, feel each other’s huge energy and bulk as we stand so close together. I am so happy about my connection with you grappler wise, physically and sexually. Remy was right to send me this beautiful boy with blue eyes, big muscles and a thick cock. I wrap my arm around your shoulder and we square out side by side to walk back up the beach and up to show you the house, picking up our clothes and your duffle as we go. I throw all your stuff in a wooden locker and we walk through the small kitchen and bathroom to the simple main room. It is an open aired 25 x 25 space filled with matting on the floor and thicker mats on the side for sleep. Shelving with water bottles, food and fruit, and a small fridge to store meat. Behind the matting is an elaborate back patio with a big piece of grass, an outdoor shower, some hammocks and a grill.

02:06 Nate_Rogers: Remy prepared me for the way you train by recalling his month with you. He told me the two of you immersed yourselves in your primal animal desires of aggression and lust through jiu jitsu sex fighting without breaks for a full lunar cycle. I don't know exactly what’s going to happen, but I decide right there and then that I am all in with you as I follow you into your house and look around with excitement.

02:06 Christiano_Braga: I get to the center of the randori matted area and turn to face you. “Welcome to my home Nate. It is my wish that it will feel like your home too as we train together.” I nod and motion you to follow me as we get first to our knees and then sit on our haunches as we both have done countless times watching great professors demonstrate their techniques. We are naked, well muscled jiu jitsu sex fighters sitting across from each other on brand new matting I had made for us. “I have invited you here to train with me for a whole month in a tradition I call “Luta Lunar.” We will spend most of our time together naked on this very mat. We will grapple jiu jitsu together. We will both win and both lose until we discover that these outcomes are meaningless to us. We will fuck each other. We will be violent towards each other and we will be loving towards each other. We will push each other harder than anyone has ever pushed us before. We will become animals by allowing our primal masculine energies of aggression and lust to be unleashed upon each other in their fullest expression. The Luta Lunar will be the crucible upon which we forge our bond as equal brothers who become “dois como um (two as one).” Will you agree to all of this whole heartedly and do me the honor of being my brother in this endeavor?”

02:07 Nate_Rogers: I listen to you and grow more aroused in all my senses and throughout my entire body. As you describe the month we are about to experience together our eyes stay locked, drawing us both into a deeper intimacy almost immediately. Our thick flaccid cocks slowly become rock hard once again. We continue to stare into each other as I reply, “I understand and embrace all that you have said to me and wholeheartedly desire to be your brother in the Luta Lunar.” A smile spreads across your face as you reach out and grab my shoulders and pull on mine, urging me to grab yours in return. We press our foreheads and look even deeper into each other eye to eye and remain that way for a timeless moment. Our cocks grow harder still and throb. Our muscles flinch and flex as we remain transfixed in each other’s gaze.

02:07 Christiano_Braga: “I could stare into your bright blue eyes forever and in them see your wild loving heart that longs to embrace your brother and your savage beast with the will to dominate your brother. We will love and hate each other during the Luta Lunar and then learn that is our bond as jiu jitsu brothers, full of passionate lust and aggression. I welcome you into my home and heart,” I say to you all the while staring into your soul as you stare into mine. And then I stand up and break the spell, offering you my hand.

02:08 Nate_Rogers: I take your hand and feel you lace your fingers with mine in a gentle way and then lead me down off the matted platform room and into your back garden area where I see for the first time platters of food laid out for us on a long table low to the ground in front of square mats. The sun has gone down and our feast is lit by torch light. You lead me to sit next to you, shoulder to shoulder and tell me that you have younger men from the village of Barra da Lagoa whom you train in jiu jitsu in exchange for them being our silent caretakers during the Luta Lunar. They will lay food for us twice a day and see to it that we have plenty of water.

02:08 Christiano_Braga: “Let us eat together and tell our stories this night, “ I say and we eat grilled chicken and shrimp on skewers, fresh champagne oranges, Guava, passion fruit, cashew apple, guaraná and cagaita. We gorge ourselves on this food and each other’s stories from childhood. We learn about each other’s sex fight adventures. I especially love to hear about the Factory and my old brothers Remy and Andre, about your New York brotherhood. I also love to hear about your boyfriend Sean and how you green up together not seeing race but each other’s hearts. I tell you Sean is always welcome here and that I can also send him a Luta Lunar brother who was once my lover of many years and a champion jiu jitsu sex fighter as well. You laugh at this notion but I just smile and make a mental note to send one of my trainees to ask if Giovanni [ ] is free for an adventure in New York.

02:09 Nate_Rogers: I gorge on all the Brazilian fruit and eat plenty of shrimp and chicken while you tell me about growing up in San Paulo, about how the Gracie family raised and trained you and how you eventually became a world champion sex fighter. You make me laugh out loud at your sexual antics in Ibiza and Mykonos as you and Giovanna would oil each other up and perform ritualistic sex fights for the wealthy elites. I felt where you came from when you said “Gio and I would fuck for them, display our enormous passions for them and they would give us their money wishing they could be us.” We had that in common. We would be successful but we would never be rich and they would covet us and yet still look down on us. As the evening wears on we become more soulful in our storytelling, more open and intimate about our deepest feelings and loves. We start to feel a very strong draw towards each other and slowly move closer to each other so that our shoulders and legs touch warmly skin on skin.

02:09 Christiano_Braga: And then with full bellies we sat and looked into each other’s eyes. “May I kiss you?” I ask. As you nod your agreement I nod mine and we smile at each other and begin to taste each other’s lips and mouths. Our eyes close to feel more deeply into each other as we kiss and then open again to stare into each other again. While our cocks grow hard, we do not become sexual. For this night we remain in the realm of sensual experiencing. We kiss lightly, nibbling on lips, then allow our flirtation tongues to play while our hands roam each other's chests and play with each other’s nipples. We turn towards each other still sitting square legged and kiss more deeply. Tongues dive deep swirling together, wrestling playfully in our mouths. Our fingers rub each other’s rippling abs and play with each other's nipples, rubbing them between nimble fingers as we kiss ourselves into a trance. Finally I pull apart from you and ask you to spend the night with me. As you smile and nod your agreement, we stand and I grab your hand as we walk over to the hammocks. I pull the larger of the three open for you to roll into and once you are nestled in on your back comfortably, I roll in beside you. I reach back and up to the gear works and pull a lever and the hammock slowly rises 10 feet into the air and pulls tighter, wrapping us up together as we wrap up into each other.

02:09 Nate_Rogers: The hammock holds us perfectly, swadling us like a baby blanket and it’s amazingly comfortable. The warmth of our naked bodies radiates into each other as our arms wrap around each other’s broad backs and our legs entwine. The hammock keeps us nestled together as our chests and nipples rub. Our abs undulate together while our cocks lay side by side between them and pulsate their veined shafts together. And we kiss for what feels like hours, letting our cocks ebb and flow as our heart beats sync up.That raw musk of yours that drove me crazy now forever stays intermingled with mine to create a new masculine musk that intoxicates us both. We don’t even remember falling asleep. We only remember a never ending kiss.

02:10 Christiano_Braga: We sleep deeply with each other like two babies in a crib whose presence calms each other. In our dreams we kiss and wrestle as if they were the same thing and throughout the night our cocks grow hard and rub deliciously and then soften back and snuggle. Our bodies fit perfectly together and during the night our bond grows deeper, our connection more intimate, our nascent brotherhood beginning to grow into something strong and enduring. We sleep late into the morning. We are already kissing and rubbing our sweaty bodies in our sleep when we finally start to rise slowly out of unconsciousness. We open our eyes staring into each other with foreheads pressing. “Good morning brother,” I say and hear you repeat these words back to me and we both smile broadly and kiss some more, not wanting to leave this nest where we lay perfectly calm and sensually together. And then I say to you with excitement in my eyes. “Today we will have our first randori of the Luta Lunar.”

02:10 Christiano_Braga: “I will submit and fuck you, brother.”

02:10 Nate_Rogers: “I will submit and fuck you, brother.”

02:10 Nate_Rogers: We smile deeply at each other as if we just had said “I am really starting to fall for you, my brother.” It all amounts to the same for us. All we want in life is a good fight and a good fuck, so it excites us both that we share our battle intentions. Cris reaches back and pulls a different lever and our hammock is slowly lowered to waist high off the ground. He rolls out first like an expert and holds the hammock solid so I can lift my big body out of the thing somewhat gracefully. He grabs my hand and leads me to the outdoor shower where we soap each other up and dry each other off, before sitting down for a light breakfast of fruit and water and some bread.

02:11 Christiano_Braga: I grab your hand again and lead you up onto our matted platform where we will be until we need to eat again. Time here is measured not in hours, but in physiological needs and desires. I ring a small bell that hangs in the corner of this open air platform and then we sit across from each other in Padmasana lotus position to meditate. At first we only hear the ocean as it’s waves crash up onto the beach, but within a few minutes we hear tribal drums start to pound out a low rhythmic hum that centers us and we sit there for a full 30 minutes until they stop. The drums are a Brazilian jiu jitsu tradition. They play to transfix us and they play to remind us we are primal warriors. I hire the boys I train to play them as well, once during morning meditation and then again during our evening randori and as we fuck.

02:11 Nate_Rogers: We then move to full body stretching, taking our time to sketch out our joints and large muscle groups as well as the smaller ones and their ligaments. We do partner stretches where we can again enjoy our hands touching each other’s smooth, hard muscles. And then we do forward and sideways splits for 5 minutes each right next to each other, still naked like the day we were born. Our flaccid cocks lay thick and heavy on the mats. Finally we are ready to start our first spar and we stand to position ourselves in the grappler's position in the middle of the large platform across from each other.

02:11 Christiano_Braga: “Randori.”

02:12 Nate_Rogers: “Randori.”

02:12 Christiano_Braga: We start out with a slow, deliberate jiu jitsu pace as we let each other catch submissions and teach each other our games. I am impressed with Nate’s jiu jitsu. Clearly he has technique in his arsenal garnered from many American tacticians that differ from the great Brazilian Professors from the families Gracie and Machado that were passed down to me. And Nate catches me in a submission as often as I catch him, though often neither of us gets one. We are so equally matched that we both want there to be no secrets between us even when it comes to fight technique. Sometimes we stop and laugh at how something catches us off guard and then play with it on each other. Other times we catch holds and just let it go and keep rolling. The afternoon passes so quickly even though we spend hours and many bottles of water learning about each other, enjoying each other's muscle and what it can do, and getting soaked in each other’s sweat and scent. Our cocks have gotten hard and soft all day long without us paying much attention. We have become carefree boys playing in the jungle.

02:12 Nate_Rogers: Our bodies roll very well together and we both remark on how great it feels. “We swim together like dolphins,” Cris says and we smile at each other knowingly. We might stop to examine a hold or sweep more closely, playing around with it like technicians. But there were also long stretches of silent randori where we got lost in each other and just grappled without stopping. There were long moments where we both closed our eyes and let our bodies just flow together naturally. We both had incredible endurance and cardio staying power as well as endless limb strength and explosiveness, but we were saving our full on action for this evening. This afternoon we introduced each other to our multiple aged selves. We met each other’s boys as we laughed and played. We met each other’s teenagers as we pissed off the platform and crossed streams. And we met each other's fully emerged mature masculine selves while sensing each other’s full jiu jitsu and sexual potential.

02:13 Christiano_Braga: Finally we roll into a half-guard stalemate, each with one right leg locking down the other’s left, bringing our crotches tightly together. In our exhaustion from hours of rolling all afternoon in the midday heat, we shift to our hips and just lay on our sides, letting our thick cocks grow hard and pulsate together while we kiss awhile. We share how much we enjoyed our day together and how we feel closer than ever. Finally we roll apart out of hunger and dehydration and walk holding hands to the outdoors shower where we wash off the day’s sweat. We both laugh when I say I only want to wash off the sweat, but would want to keep your scent and wear it as part of me. Nate laughs, loving the idea and sniffs me as we dry off. “Well, at least I always know where I can get it rubbed onto me,” and smiles.

02:13 Nate_Rogers: Cris grabs my hand once again and it’s starting to feel like we are having a dream date in paradise. He leads us back over to the table where food had been laid out for us again and we eat and drink ravenously while sitting very close to each other. We are starting to just want to be connected at the hip. We talk about the day and how lucky we are to not only have each as training partners but that we have a whole month to deepen and expand our jiu jitsu games and our brotherhood bond. We eat a bit too much, given we have a night of randori together, so we slip off to the hammock and take a nap together. When we awake the sun has gone down and torches have been lit for us. We roll out of the hammock and walk down to the ocean for a swim to fully wake us up, then walk back to the matted fight platform to begin our evening session. As soon as we set foot on the mats and get into our grappling stances across from each other the ritual combat drumming begins again, far off in the hills so we can hear it waft into our space, but we remain alone, transfixed by the sound of the drums and the sight of each other naked, hard muscled with our cocks hard and pointing at each other, man vs man.

02:14 Nate_Rogers:

02:14 Christiano_Braga: “Randori.”

02:14 Nate_Rogers: “Randori.”

02:14 Christiano_Braga: We circle each other in the torch light on the matted platform for our evening live sparring randori, both fighters crouching low with elbows tight and hands reaching out, looking for opportunities. I raise and lower my center of gravity to keep you off balance and to look for ways to angle into you. Our cocks bounce as we move around each other, but we only have eyes for each other’s hands and hips. I dart in for an elbow and you snatch it away. You dart in for my neck and I pike up and shuffle to the side.

02:14 Nate_Rogers: Adrenaline and excitement sizzle through my body keeping me sharp, yet calm as I take my time to choose my moment. We stalk each other like prey as we keep eyes focused on hips and angles. I raise and lower my center of gravity as well, keeping you on your toes. I step in for an arm drag, but lose your wrist. With my right leg staggered forward you immediately dive in for a toe pick, but I switch my foot backwards to rejoin it’s brother. As you rise from your takedown attempt, I step into you, reach in and wrap my arms under your armpits and around your back, but you pop your head up and counter with the same under arm grip on my back and we tighten our mutual grips and wrench each other roughly from side to side, taking long foot shuffles to make the wrenching back and forth even more dramatic.

02:15 Christiano_Braga: Sweat is already rolling down our broad backs as we wrangle each other’s huge muscled frames back and forth, trying to get them to trip as we shuffle aggressively back and forth, but we are both too capable on our feet, so I shove you away from me and we start to circle again. Our cocks are now throbbing from the more intense action tonight. We slowly approach each other, struggle with even getting a take down on each other and just start pushing in each other's heads. I try to push your head down so you will overreact and leave yourself open, but you just slap my arm away and swat at my head, trying to shove it sideways. We smile as we play rough with each other and feel our dicks just throbbing away between our big thighs. Finally I manage to grab your head and push it down again and as you fight back by pushing your head back up I slide into your legs for a double leg takedown attempt.

02:15 Nate_Rogers: I smirk at your use of a freestyle take down and immediately underhook your pits again to stall you out and control your shoulders while sprawling my legs back out of reach of your arms and putting all my body weight on your head with my heavy chest. I sprawl my legs down even more by pumping my hips down which helps me drag your head and upper torso down to the mat, where I quickly lose the underhooks and pivot with my chest on your sweaty back around behind you, wrap my arms around your head from behind and pull you backwards as I yank you up and back by sitting on my ass. We land with me sitting behind you with both of our asses on the mats and my cock smashed against your lower back. I wrap my legs up and over yours to try to control them as my chest pushes into your well-muscled back and my chin cups your trap.

02:15 Christiano_Braga: Feel Nate expertly gains my back and I waste no time in pulling at his hand grip to free my head, but he locks in his leg hooks around my legs even tighter and I can feel his cock throbbing on my back. I plant my feet into the mat and use my strong legs to push powerfully back into you, pushing your torso backwards, but then you start trying to wrap your arms around my neck again looking for a rear naked choke. I yank your grip apart before it is locked and push my feet to the mat again, this time to power slam back into you. I can feel you go all the way to your back with me on top and your leg hooks are loose now. I sit up just long enough to yank your feet off my legs, then plant my feet again to bridge up very high, planting my head on the mat just next to your shoulder. I kick my legs up and over and land on my feet behind your head. I shimmy backwards so I can wrap my arms around your head and shoulders in a North/South choke with your body stretched out in front of me on your back, cock jutting up onto your rippling abs as I try to sink this choke.

02:16 Nate_Rogers: The action is getting more intense and our slow methodical jiu jitsu is picking up speed as you execute a beautiful bridge flip and ensnare my head and arm in a North/South choke attempt. I know you are humping the mat underneath you as you go for this devastating choke, but I quickly roll to my side to protect my windpipe and to create space to yank my arm free and roll to my knees. My head is still in your arms, but I am popping up my head and upper torso to make a surge towards your legs.

02:16 Christiano_Braga: I feel you free your head from my choke quickly enough, but as you try to complete your escape and work to reverse, I reach up and wrap a guillotine choke around your head/neck as I sit back on my ass and yank you on top of me until your head is caught in my sweaty armpit and I throw up my legs around your waist, locking them by the ankles at your lower back in a full leg guard. I work my legs tough around you to yank your hips back so you sink deeper into my guilly choke as my our cocks grind for the first time this spar between us causing us both intense pleasure while I give you some choke pain to go with it.

02:16 Nate_Rogers: “Damn, he keeps the chokes coming.” I think to myself but still quickly respond by getting my fingers into his hand to wrist grip for the Guilly choke and yank it apart, freeing my head from his fragrant pit and arching my torso upwards still in his leg guard. Neither has a submission at the moment and so we eye each other playfully but craftily, our dicks throbbing out their pleasure from our fight and their moment of grinding. Our hands reach out and grab each others’, foiling each other’s attempts to use them for better purposes, and I think we linger here because we love being locked up with each other, but I resume the action and work to pass your leg guard. I shove my forearm sideways into your lower abs for leverage and push myself backwards into your legs. I then reach up and lace my hands behind your neck and yank your chin to your chest. I then pop one leg up at a time until I am on my feet and I yank your head even harder to your chest and it chokes you while your leg guard collapses around me. Then I sit back, grab your ankle sticking it under my armpit and trap your other leg to keep you from defending.Then I pass that leg over the one trapped under my pit and step over it, locking it in so I can fall back and cinch up a brutal ankle lock.

02:17 Christiano_Braga: Fuck! I feel that ankle lock cutting into me and I roll side to side wildly in our 50/50 position, trying to worm my way out of it. The pain is intense but I don’t yell out. My hard cock goes soft though as pain saps my will and I have no choice but to tap out. “I submit, brother.”

02:18 Nate_Rogers: I immediately untangle the ankle lock and free our legs, then kneel beside you as you hold your ankle for a moment with your head to your knee. I am a little concerned and put my hand gently on your back as I sit on my ass beside you.You straighten out your leg and let it lay there as you look up at me and smile magnanimously. I lean in and kiss you sweetly, playing with your tongue very gently in our mouths to try and distract you as the pain subsides. My dick pulsates for you as you move up to your ass and kiss me back more fully, feeling you eagerly tasting my mouth now just for a moment and then you pull back.

02:18 Christiano_Braga: “Beautiful submission, Nate. I forget you New York boys really train those muscle cutting leg holds. I haven't tapped out to anyone in a long time, you sexy fucker! I will have a war wound in the morning, but now that the pain is gone the thought of fighting with you some more makes my dick hard as you as thinking about you fucking me. You want to take this ass my brother, or do you wanna fight with me some more?” I ask, knowing you see how hard my dick has grown and I play with my sweaty abs.

02:18 Nate_Rogers: My dick is pounding hard at the thought of submitting you and then fucking you, but my heart wants to keep fighting. I smile hungrily back at you and say, “Let’s fight some more, Christiano!” I reach down and push your cock to the mat, then let it spring back up and I get to my feet and into a grappler’s stance, laughing. I see you spring to your feet and face me in a grappler's stance. We grin widely at each other and reach out to slap shake, and then wade right back into each other's sweaty, rippling muscled bodies.

02:18 Christiano_Braga: We don’t fuck around with take downs right now, we go straight to locking up elbow and collar, heads smashed cheek to cheek as we clinch our grips down on each other hard, then slow muscle push each other around, digging our feet into the mat, letting each other feel our strength, watching our thick cocks wag between us. Then I pull guard, loving to fight from my back. I lean my weight back and drop my center of gravity, yank you by the neck down into my legs as they fly up around your waist in full leg guard, ankles locking up at your lower back. I pull your head down to me by your neck, my biceps bulging as I do, and force a wet, rough kiss on you, then shove your head into my sweaty chest as I squeeze your lower waist and lats hard, wrapping my arms around your neck.

02:19 Nate_Rogers: I move my knees up to your ass and when you yank me down into a kiss I know exactly where we are, so I expect to taste the salty sweat on your chest. I push my fore arm up slowly into your neck, threatening your windpipe. You push me up and we grab each other’s arms and shoulders and just wrestle while your legs crush on me. I finally sit up on my haunches, my dick sliding in your upturned ass crack, grinning at you that my dick is this close to fucking you. I push down on your knees at my sides as hard as I can and flex my thick back hard into your locked ankles. I cannot break their tight lock, so I pop to my feet, standing up in your leg guard, grab your calves with my arms and step back two lunges to drag you. Your sweaty ass leaves a smear trail on the matting. I then rip your ankles apart, throw them to one side and slide down the other side of your body into a side mount as my knees jab into your hip and armpit. My chest slams down and spreads out on your sexy chest, then slides across it to your far arm, locking in a fig-4 grip on your elbow, cranking on that joint for a side mount arm bar attempt.

02:20 Christiano_Braga: My brother transitions immediately into another submission attempt and my dick throbs at his great technique. My cock throbs when I am dominating and when I am being dominated. It’s all a fight to me. That’s why I crave Nate’s domination and being fucked by him as much as I do dominating and fucking him. But I am feeling my alpha nature and commit myself even more fully into submitting you and fucking you. I see that arm bar coming and though you grabbed my arm, I reached out to lock my free hand with the trapped arm’s hand and use their combined power to fight back against your fig-4 grip. I grunt loud and in our slippery sweat, defeat it, then snatch your near leg in mine and yank on it, bringing our hips now more aligned. As you try to slide your upper torso around to chase me with that big chest I reach across you with my right arm and grab your left elbow and wrist, then put my left foot on your knee and right foot up under your armpit and angling upwards behind you as I pivot on my back and slide my leg into your armpit while I roll up and jack your forearm, elbow to wrist at a square wrong angle, starting to put pressure on that shoulder with an Omoplata.

02:21 Nate_Rogers: I see that fucking brutal Oma coming at me cus Yuki and I trained the fuck out of it at the Factory. I have never been so happy that Yuki kicked my ass in afternoon jiu jitsu training. I have muscle memory that says just roll in to him as he rolls into me. And as he tries to snare my left shoulder in his legs and wrench my fore arm backwards at a right angle we come out the other side of the roll with my having an Omoplata on him! I have your ass pointing straight up into the air and your shoulder brutally plastered at a rough angle to the mat with my leg torquing over the shoulder. I slap your hard muscle ass cus it’s grade A prime jiu jitsu muscled ass meat, cus it’s powerful and impressive as hell, and I get something because I win, but I still decline that ass cus I wanna fight with my brother all night long.

02:21 Christiano_Braga: Fuuck me. I am tapping out again to my blue eyed jiu jitsu brother and my dick is quivering with hard arousal. I always find a way to fall for my luta lunar partners but never on day one like I am feeling for Nate as he declines my ass for more fighting. I love that he loves to fight me, but it also feels a bit cocky tapping me out twice and wanting a third. I roll out of the Omo and rise to my feet rubbing my shoulder, my dick hard and pointing at you. I step into you, letting our thick cocks cross. Then press my sweaty chest into yours and shove my hips slowly into yours so our cocks smash between our rolling walls of undulating abs. Without words we grab each other's asses, yanking our hips together tight and start gyrating our cocks base to base, shaft to shaft. And we kiss like primal creatures lost in each other’s mouths as we grind our manhood so deliciously. Then I pull back still grinding my dick into yours and say “Fuck yeah, let’s keep fighting but it’s my turn to submit you my sexy American brother. I am going to bring some San Paulo street jiu jitsu into this mix.” I hump my dick into yours one more time and step back into the grappler's stance.

02:21 Nate_Rogers: I grin horny as fuck to fight you and get into my grappler’s stance and lock up with my sweat soaked, slippery brother, his skin so wet and warm and his muscle so blood pumped. We dig our feet hard into the mat and surge straight into each other like we bulls fighting over alpha in the middle of the mat platform with warrior drumming still floating across the air from the hills. I love testing out the power of our big legs and asses, toros, shoulders and arms as we just muscle straight into each other. I can feel our cocks throbbing between our big thighs and once again I decide to fight from my back and pull you down into my full leg guard only to follow my street instincts and hip up into you and big man sweeping you to your back, then scramble up your body and lock in a fig-g hand to wrist grip under your right arms elbow as I stretch it straight out above your head. My cock humps your upper abs as I work the straight arm bar on you as hard as I can.

02:22 Christiano_Braga: I love testing out the power of our big legs and asses, toros, shoulders and arms as we just muscle straight into each other. I can feel our cocks throbbing between our big thighs and once again I decide to fight from my back and pull you down into my full leg guard only to follow my street instincts and hip up into you and big man sweeping you to your back, then scramble up your body and lock in a fig-g hand to wrist grip under your right arms elbow as I stretch it straight out above your head. My cock humps your upper abs as I work the straight arm bar on you as hard as I can.

02:22 Nate_Rogers: I feel you going after that arm lighting fast after you pulled guard and switched gears to big man me to my back. I immediately reach up to lock hands with that cough arm while snaking my foot around your calf and scissor sweep you to your back, but you guard up again. This time I get all kinds of snug up against your back side with my hips and my cock slides up and down your sweaty ass crack as I try to lean down, put my right elbow on the right side of your head and shove it left into my armpit so you can smell my American stink, wrapping my arms around your head/neck for a guillotine choke attempt.

02:23 Christiano_Braga: I feel that guilly snatch soon as I am tasting your pit sweat and pop my head out of that as I climb my legs up your thick back and slide one leg sideways behind your head and throwing the leg other over the foot and hooking it behind my knee, holding your arm between my legs and locking down a Triangle Choke. I lock it down tough and hump my hips up into your face, pressing my throbbing shaft on your handsome face.

02:23 Nate_Rogers: Fucker, I so want to just suck his cock, but maybe we get a 69 break one day. Feeling my windpipe and air being threatened I frantically reach down and cup both his meaty glutes with my strong hands and lift his sexy ass off the mat using my legs to hoist him high as I can then slam him back down, cracking his triangle open. I surge over his ass avoiding his legs and slide into a side head and arm triangle, his face in my dripping pits.

02:23 Christiano_Braga: I snake my leg around yours, pull your hips into mine in a tight half guard, shafts smashing between our abs, until I hook your foot and half guard sweep you over onto your back and pull my head out of your head choke. I reach up and spread against you chest to chest, our bodies hovering at 45 % angle as we lock up. I wrap a straight neck choke on you, wrapping my arms around your arm and head and under your windpipe, locking in tight as I can. Our crotches are so tight our dicks are grinding against each other.

02:23 Nate_Rogers: I lock down your other leg making our half guard lock up even tighter, crotches shoved together and cocks smashed between fighting walls of abs. I reach up and slide my own arms around your head and neck as tight as I can. You have the inside hand so your head lock will be tighter than mine but I got an angle on you too. I fight back against you flexing my big pecs into yours, feeling our sweaty muscles smashing together.

02:24 Christiano_Braga: We are in an intensely fought half guard with mutual head and shoulder locks, slowly choking each other as we grind cocks, bony wrists pressing into each other’s wind pipes slowly and aggressively. We don’t even ask the other to tap out. We know he will not. We play the end game out mercilessly and autoerotictally, locked into each other so tightly there is no escaping, grinding our thick hard cocks furiously. We know exactly how to grind up the other’s cum vein with our knotted cock bases, how to rub each other’s sensitive glans with our wide cock heads, and how to cock punch each other’s balls, but to no avail as we end up so tightly bound by each others choke holds and half guard leg clinch that our cocks just smash now and pulse together.

02:24 Nate_Rogers: We go eye to eye as we cock fuck, slowly choking each other out. The less air getting to our brains the harder our cocks get, and the more they flex and pulsate their veined shafts together. I whisper “Go to sleep” as I look in your eyes and squeeze your head and neck as hard as I can, hump fucking you cock vs cock and feeling our hips repeatedly snapping into each others. The drums beat their steady hum in our ears and our eyes stay deep and intimate, lost in the music, the rhythm and the friction we grind between our sweaty muscles. We are both struggling less because we are both rapidly losing air, but somehow our cocks are harder than ever and sawing out crazy friction pleasure.

02:24 Christiano_Braga: I look you in the eyes, hazel to blue and whisper “Go to sleep,” right back at you. My eyes never flinch as I catch the inside head and arm triangle on you and yet it looks like we are both going out. My gaze gets blurry as I eye fuck you while our cocks pulsate and smash in our pre-cum and sweat. I think I am going out and then feel your body go limp and your choke loosen dramatically. I get more air and need less sooner than you do. It fills my lungs and brings my strength back online. As you lay unconscious I roll you to your belly and lay my chest across your back, still needing to fill my lungs. I prepare to lock your body down and fuck you, but making sure you are slowly awakening and breathing well.

02:24 Nate_Rogers: The most intensely sexual event of the day happens and I am on the way out. My cock was gonna explode until your wrist dug into my windpipe and took my air before my forearm took yours. It’s not bad at all. It’s like being high on muscle lust until you zonk out for just a minute. I wake up feeling you kissing my shoulders and neck and your thick cock sliding in my ass crack. As I get more air and come alive I can feel your legs locking around mine from on top of my back and your body starts to press down into me as soon as I get enough air in my lungs. I feel your arm around my throat and windpipe loosely and your legs spreading mine but not intensely yet.

02:25 Christiano_Braga: “Welcome back my sexy fucking brother.,” I whisper in your ear, feeling your ass buck up against the weight of my muscle and my dick digging around in your sweaty crack. I squeeze your throat. Damn Nate, you tapped me out twice. That felt amazing. I Tapped you out twice, but I was the last one on top,” I say, chewing on your earlobe and kissing your sweaty neck, loving your musk and your salty taste. Fucking love the feeling of our hard muscle and warm, sweaty skin blending together, the sexual frottage of mere touch with you makes me crazy.”

02:25 Nate_Rogers: I start to wake up more and smell your scent all over me, feel your lips kissing my neck and shoulders. When I feel your arm around my throat I smile and tap your arm, “I submit to Christiano Braga.” I throw my head back to nuzzle with yours, arch my back and lift off the mat enough to get on my forearms, feeling your cock sliding down my ass crack fiercely and I push my ass and hips back into it. “Fuck me Cris, Fuck me hard brother.”

02:25 Christiano_Braga: I slowly slide my thick cock inside your tight ass inch by inch and stay floating above you until I can slowly press into you chest to back, hips to ass and my dick humps into you deeper. I let it stay just pulsating thickly inside you, buried all the way in you and say, “Hold onto your mud Nate; hold onto that nut. When I start fucking you squeeze that ass tight around my cock. It’s just you and me brother, there is no top or bottom between us, we are “does como um” and your ass is attacking my cock trying to milk it as much as my cock tries to attack your prostate and get you to cum.” I slowly start to fuck you and and feel you pushing back into me in every way.

02:25 Nate_Rogers: Your cock fills me up perfectly. It taps on my prostate as you hump into me and my cock just throbs and throbs under me against the matting. I am on the palms of my hands pushing up into you. My back flexing back up into your big chest. My back flattens out and my ass is squared off, one huge pair of hind quarters. I meet your body exactly where it is coming for me and tackle your nine inches like the sex fighter I am. I listen to your desires and squeeze my glute muscle around your big cock, stopping your thrusting dead in its tracks. “I’ll hold my mud as long as you do brother!” I raise up higher on my knees and let you enter me straight on with your hands grabbing my hips. I push back into you until my ass envelopes your cock, then I start to fuck your cock with my ass, bouncing my glutes off your lower abs and hips as your cock digs around inside me.

02:25 Christiano_Braga: I reach up and grab your shoulders as your back slopes up. Your ass is slamming back into my hips as I hump into you. I pull you up by the shoulders until your back nuzzles into my chest and I turn your head so I can kiss you. Wet and sexy. We love to kiss and we both get freaking hard when we kiss so hot, slowing down and speeding up until I push your head down and start pounding away at your backside again.

02:26 Nate_Rogers: Fuuuck. Love the battering your hips and cock are giving my backside. I hold my mud as ordered and don’t even leak, but this causes an intense explosion of sexual energy and I moan aloud. “Fuuck me Cris. Fuck yeah, Oh yeah, fuuck me bro. Shit!” A low growling rumbling starts within my core and bellows out of me in a steady stream now as you push me down and lay all over me, humping a steady rhythm in my ass and turning my head sideways to give me more sexy kisses. I plant my palms and just hold my ass into your hips as you pump inside me, mmmmmm grrrrrrrrr fuuuuuuuucckkkkkk.

02:26 Christiano_Braga: Fuck, holding my mud too but fucking this blue eyed jiu jitsu man is making it hard. I stop my thrusts and just push in and hold my dick there against your prostate, dig around some, then start back with a slower pump. “Fuck your ass feels so good brother.” I say then stop and sneak back and put my face in your sweaty asss, lapping up your crack sweat as I spread your cheeks and run my tongue up and down your ass and down the length of your cock. “Fuck you taste so fucking good, Nathaniel.” I turn you over and let you lean back on your elbows so you can watch me start sucking on your thick 9 with abandon, spitting down on it 3-4 times, getting it very wet and going down on it, forcing it down my throat until my eyes tear, then back off and suck your sweet cock.

02:26 Nate_Rogers: Fuck, my dick is raging hard as you suck me off with aggressive horny abandon. Then you sit up and lay back on your own elbows so I reposition and take your cock in my mouth. Without using my hands I push your throbbing dick down my throat, tightening my lips around it’s shaft and sliding on and off it. I pick up speed and lubrication as I massage your balls and lick up and down your shaft, flicking my tongue against your piss slit and then swallowing it again to just suck my brother's hot dick with equal abandon. I pull off your cock and slap it against my face, looking you in the eyes as I do, showing you how much I love the taste of your manhood.

02:26 Christiano_Braga: I reach down and pull you from my cock and up to my mouth and lips, kissing you passionately and thinking about our amazing full day of jiu jitsu. The playful afternoon of sexy athleticism. The tough fight of tap outs. The growing sense of brotherhood and the intimacy it brings with it. And the physical and sexual chemistry that we have and love. I have never felt this powerfully with another Luta Lunar partner for years, not since Giovanni when we were kids and Remy Cooper, my first American. I lay back and pull you kissing down onto me, throwing up my jiu jitsu guard around your waist so my ass is at the perfect level for you to fuck me. “Fuck me Nate. I want to feel you inside me and be “does como um” with you.

02:27 Nate_Rogers: I stuff my knees at the side of your ass, bend the back of your legs down with my wide shoulders and big chest, slide my 9 er slowly inside you a little at a time, never taking my eyes off yours as we watch each other feel my cock in your ass for the first time. I lean down and scoop my hands under your back as you reach your strong arms and huge biceps around my back, holding me down tight against you, chest to chest, our nips rubbing deliciously. I Kiss you wide mouthed and rough, and chew on your lips as I plunge my cock into you with steady repetition. Sliding in and out of you with thickness and impact I love the moans coming from your gut. We both fuck each other as athletically as we fight jiu jitsu with grace and skill and passion. I can feel you squeezing your ass muscles down on my cock and it causing insane friction on my shaft and yet still I hold my mud just as you do.I could fuck you for hours but I finally pull out of you and roll to my back on the matting besides you.

02:27 Christiano_Braga: We lay on the mat platform together enjoying the warm taste of each other in our mouths and the feeling of our well trained cocks still hard as fuck and throbbing on our abs. We lay quietly listening to the hum of the drums and feeling how fully spent we are now. We gave it all to each other on day one and we both ponder what the rest of our time together will be like. Finally I stand up and offer you my hand and as you stand too we walk together to the shower and wash the days mat grime and sweat from our bodies. Then we find our way back to our hammock and roll into it. I reach back for that lever and once again it raises us up ten feet in the air and stretches tighter, wrapping us up in it as we wrap up with each other.

02:27 Nate_Rogers: Freshly clean and feeling the warmth of each other’s muscles, we settle into each other grinding our dicks sensually and playfully kissing, finding new ways to make our dicks throb with our tongue techniques. We fall asleep at some point, but kissing and rubbing our cocks together never really stops as our bodies and dream states take over our passion and attraction for each other. Some time during the night we are awakened by an enormous explosion of cum as our balls finally give up their defense and let loose long streams of cum that get trapped between our crotches and abs as we remain “does como um” in our hammock in the sky.

Published: 2021-11-20, viewed 154 times.




2022-01-07 14:48

That is just the way men should train - naked and hard - an awesome story guys ! Thank you so much for posting it.


2022-01-07 14:47

That was an awesome story - exactly how men should train together ! Thanks so much for posting it.

Steve Novotny

2021-11-24 21:18

Hot Fuckers.

Sean Williams

2021-11-21 05:19

Hey Rem and Dre. Sup Nate. Super sexy story. wanna place with both you boys! Welcome to the Factory!

Remy Cooper

2021-11-20 06:03

Fuck yeah boys.

Andre Jordan

2021-11-20 04:43

Was hard all the way through on this one you sexy fuckers. Come roll through and bring your jiu jitsu :-)